How to use the SimpleScrollBar component (AS3/Starling version)

The SimpleScrollBar component selects a numeric value in a specific range by dragging a thumb along an invisible track. A simple scroll bar may be displayed in either a horizontal or a vertical direction. This component is designed to be used with components that support scrolling, like ScrollContainer and List.

Additionally, Feathers offers a ScrollBar component. ScrollBar is a desktop-style scroll bar that offers a thumb, track, and two buttons for adjusting the value by a small step.

The Basics

You can use the SimpleScrollBar with a class like ScrollContainer or List by instantiating it in the horizontalScrollBarFactory or the verticalScrollBarFactory.

list.horizontalScrollBarFactory = function():IScrollBar
    return new SimpleScrollBar();

The container will automatically handle setting properties like direction, minimum, maximum, and step, and it will automatically listen for Event.CHANGE to know when the value property changes.

If, for some reason, you want to use a SimpleScrollBar outside of a container, the values like minimum, maximum, step and value that are normally handled by the container work similarly to the same properties on a Slider component.

Skinning a SimpleScrollBar

The SimpleScrollBar has one part that may be skinned, its thumb. A SimpleScrollBar's track is invisible. That's where the "simple" part comes from. For full details about what skin and style properties are available, see the SimpleScrollBar API reference.

Skinning the Thumb

This section only explains how to access the thumb sub-component. Please read How to use the Button component for full details about the skinning properties that are available on Button components.

With a Theme

If you're creating a theme, you can target the SimpleScrollBar.DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_THUMB style name.

getStyleProviderForClass( Button )
    .setFunctionForStyleName( SimpleScrollBar.DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_THUMB, setScrollBarThumbStyles );

The styling function might look like this:

private function setScrollBarThumbStyles( thumb:Button ):void
    var skin:ImageSkin = new ImageSkin( texture );
    skin.scale9Grid = new Rectangle( 2, 3, 1, 6 );
    thumb.defaultSkin = skin;

You can override the default style name to use a different one in your theme, if you prefer:

scrollBar.customThumbStyleName = "custom-thumb";

You can set the function for the customThumbStyleName like this:

getStyleProviderForClass( Button )
    .setFunctionForStyleName( "custom-thumb", setScrollBarCustomThumbStyles );

Without a Theme

If you are not using a theme, you can use thumbFactory to provide skins for the scroll bar's thumb:

scrollBar.thumbFactory = function():Button
    var thumb:Button = new Button();

    //skin the thumb here, if not using a theme
    var skin:ImageSkin = new ImageSkin( texture );
    skin.scale9Grid = new Rectangle( 2, 3, 1, 6 );
    thumb.defaultSkin = skin;

    return thumb;