Displaying pop-ups above other content in Feathers (Starling version)

Feathers includes a PopUpManager that allows you to display content above the rest of your application. It provides options to make the pop-up modal and to center it on screen. You can customize the modal overlay to create any display object to block interaction with the content below the modal pop-up. You can even customize where pop-ups will appear on the display list.

If the focus management is enabled, modal pop-ups will be given their own focus manager so that focus cannot be given to components below the modal overlay.

Adding pop-ps

PopUpManager.addPopUp() is used to add a display object as a pop up. You must create the display object beforehand:

var popUp:Image = new Image( texture );
PopUpManager.addPopUp( popUp, true, true );

The first argument is simply the pop-up to add. It may be any Starling display object.

The second argument, isModal, tells the PopUpManager whether the pop-up is modal or not. Modal pop-ups include an overlay that blocks touches and other interaction below the pop-up. Non-modal pop-ups allow you to continue interacting with anything below the pop-up while it is displayed.

isCentered, the third argument, tells the PopUpManager if it should center the pop-up on the stage or not. If the stage or the pop-up resizes, it will remain centered. The second and third arguments are optional. If omitted, the pop-up will be modal and centered.

A fourth argument, also optional, allows you to pass in a custom factory for the modal overlay. By default, PopUpManager.overlayFactory is used to create the overlay, but you can customize it for individual pop-ups, if needed. We'll look at custom overlay factories further below.

Removing pop-ups

There are two ways to remove pop-ups. The first is by calling PopUpManager.removePopUp():

PopUpManager.removePopUp( popUp, true );

The first argument is the pop-up to remove. If the object passed in is not a pop-up, a runtime error will be thrown. The second argument is whether to dispose the pop-up or not.

If you prefer, you may also use the standard removeFromParent() function available to all Starling display objects:

popUp.removeFromParent( true );

The PopUpManager will automatically detect that the pop-up was removed. If modal, the overlay will be removed too.

Centering pop-ups

There are two ways to center pop-ups, with different behavior.

The first way to center a pop-up is to pass a value of true to the third argument of PopUpManager.addPopUp(), named isCentered. In this case, the pop-up will be centered immediately when it is added to the display list. Then, if the stage resizes or the pop-up itself resizes, the pop-up will be repositioned in order to remain centered. The pop-up manager can only detect when the pop-up resizes if it is a Feathers component. Normal Starling display objects do not dispatch an appropriate event to indicate if they have been resized.

If you choose not to center a pop-up when you call PopUpManager.addPopUp(), you can center it manually by calling PopUpManager.centerPopUp() and passing the pop-up as the only argument. This will center the pop-up only once. If the pop-up resizes or the stage resizes, you will need to call PopUpManager.centerPopUp() again to reposition it so that it remains centered.

Customizing the PopUpManager

By customizing PopUpManager.overlayFactory you can change the appearance of the modal overlay. By default, this overlay is a fully transparent Quad. It will block touches to the content below, but it has no appearance.

If you wanted to use a semi-transparent, colored Quad or another Starling display object for overlays, you can pass in a new overlayFactory:

PopUpManager.overlayFactory = function():DisplayObject
    var quad:Quad = new Quad(100, 100, 0x000000);
    quad.alpha = 0.75;
    return quad;

In the example above, the modal overlay is a black Quad with 75% opacity.

As mentioned above, you can customize the modal overlay for a specific pop-up only by passing in a custom overlay factory to PopUpManager.addPopUp():

PopUpManager.addPopUp( popUp, true, true, function():DisplayObject
    var quad:Quad = new Quad(100, 100, 0x000000);
    quad.alpha = 0.75;
    return quad;

You may customize the root property of PopUpManager. This is the display object where pop-ups are added. By default, PopUpManager adds all pop-ups directly to the Starling stage.

var popUpContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
this.stage.addChild( popUpContainer );
PopUpManager.root = popUpContainer;

In this case, we move pop-ups into a dedicated container on the stage. This might be useful for ensuring that other content always appears on top of all Feathers content, including the PopUpManager.