Feathers media player controls (AS3/Starling version)
Media players can have many different types of sub-components for customizing the playback behavior. Buttons might pause or play the media, switch to full screen mode, or mute the volume. Sliders might seek to a different time or change the volume. The SoundPlayer
and VideoPlayer
components may be customized with a number of these controls. Let's look at which ones are available in Feathers.
The FullScreenToggleButton
class is a special toggle button component that controls whether a video player is displayed in full screen mode or not.
var button:FullScreenToggleButton = new FullScreenToggleButton();
videoPlayer.addChild( button );
The MuteToggleButton
class is a special toggle button component that controls whether the media player's audio is muted or not.
var button:MuteToggleButton = new MuteToggleButton();
mediaPlayer.addChild( button );
The PlayPauseToggleButton
class is a special toggle button component that controls whether the media player's media is playing or paused.
var button:PlayPauseToggleButton = new PlayPauseToggleButton();
mediaPlayer.addChild( button );
The SeekSlider
class is a special slider component that displays and changes the current time of the playing media.
var slider:SeekSlider = new SeekSlider();
mediaPlayer.addChild( slider );
The TimeLabel
class is a special label component that displays the current time, the remaining time, or the total time of the playing media. It can also display the current time and the total time together.
var label:TimeLabel = new TimeLabel();
label.displayMode = TimeLabel.DISPLAY_MODE_CURRENT_TIME;
mediaPlayer.addChild( label );
The VolumeSlider
class is a special slider component that changes the current volume of the playing media.
var slider:VolumeSlider = new VolumeSlider();
mediaPlayer.addChild( slider );