Getting started with Feathers (legacy AS3/Starling version)
This page is an overview of the Feathers (AS3/Starling version) documentation and related resources.
What's Feathers? It is an ActionScript 3 GUI component library for the Adobe AIR cross-platform run-time and Starling Framework, a popular AS3 library. The AS3/Starling version of Feathers is no longer under active development, and you should not expect any new features to be added in the future. However, we'll try our best to keep everything working whenever Harman releases new updates to Adobe AIR in the future.
Be sure to check out Feathers UI for OpenFL and Haxe. OpenFL is an implementation of many of the same APIs as Adobe AIR, and it can compile not just native desktop and mobile apps, but it can also be deployed to the web!
Learn how to download Feathers and how to create your first project.
- Install Feathers, along with all of its required dependencies.
- Create a new project in the following environments:
Then, check out the following tutorial for creating a "hello world" style project.
API Reference
This documentation section is useful when you want to learn more details about a particular Feathers class, property, or method. For example, feathers.controls.Button
API reference can provide you with details about all properties, styles, and events that are available on a Button
Sample projects
A variety of examples are available to show you how to integrate the various pieces of the Feathers components into your application.
Need extra, in-depth help?
Gain full access to the core Feathers developers β including priority email access and VIP forum/chat sections β by purchasing a Premium Support contract. As a bonus, you may be able to add your logo as an official sponsor on the Feathers UI website.