Setting up Feathers in FlashDevelop (legacy AS3/Starling version)
Let's create a Feathers and Starling project in FlashDevelop.
These instructions apply to FlashDevelop 4.2. Minor variations may exist between different versions of FlashDevelop.
Download the latest stable versions of Feathers and Starling Framework.
In FlashDevelop, select the Project menu → New Project. Select to ActionScript 3 - AIR Mobile AS3 App project type. Enter your project Name, and project Location in your system. Then click Ok.
Next, select the Project menu → Properties…. Go to the SDK tab and select the appropriate combined Flex or AIR SDK to use.
to point to your SDK folder.set FLEX_SDK=C:\flex-sdk
Make sure in Project menu → Properties…, in Output tab to select the appropriate version of Adobe AIR. Check the Feathers README file to see the minimum required versions of Adobe AIR and Flash Player for the build of Feathers that you are using.
Edit the application.xml file to update the Adobe AIR namespace. This version should be the same as the Adobe AIR version in the previous step. For example, to target Adobe AIR 15, the namespace should read:
<application xmlns="">
Now that the project is created, you will need to add Feathers and Starling Framework to the project. Move starling.swc and feathers.swc into the
folder.Right-click starling.swc file in the Project pane, and select Add to library. The color of the file should change to blue. Repeat this step with feathers.swc .
Your project is ready. If you're unsure how to proceed, start by using the code in the Create your Game section of the Starling First Steps Tutorial. Then take a look at the Feathers Hello World Tutorial.