Feathers Features (legacy AS3/Starling version)

Feathers is an open source library of user interface components for Starling and Adobe AIR. Let's take a look at some of what Feathers has to offer.


  • Dozens of user interface components for apps and games.

  • Hardware-accelerated graphics.

  • Target iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and Android TV.

  • Built on top of Starling Framework and Adobe AIR.

  • Backed by Adobe and the community.

Cross Platform

  • Create user interfaces for desktop, mobile, and smart TV apps.

  • Easy to scale your app for different screen dimensions and densities with ScreenDensityScaleFactorManager.

  • Support for fluid layouts (using anchors and percentages) that fit to a wide variety of screen sizes.

  • Choose between scrolling with touch physics including elastic, springy edges or traditional desktop scroll bars and the mouse scroll wheel.

  • Support for keyboard focus navigation using the tab key, with the ability to disable focus on individual components or children of specific container. Includes full control over focus order.


  • All components may be skinned using regular Starling display objects, like Image or Quad.

  • Resizable skins using scale9Grid and tileGrid.

  • Strictly-typed properties for all skins and properties that affect visual styling. No vague getStyle() or setStyle() look-ups with string keys.

  • ImageSkin can change color and texture when a component's state changes.

  • Supports themes that separate all skinning code from the application logic.

Robust Architecture

  • Invalidation. Queues property changes until Starling render phase to maximize performance.

  • Easy to understand for anyone familiar with Apache Flex or the AS3 components from Adobe Animate CC.

  • If no width or height is provided, components will resize themselves automatically based on their skins or their sub-components.

  • Factories and interfaces allow you to customize sub-components. For instance, select the type of sub-component best suited for phone, tablet, or desktop.

  • Choice of text rendering between bitmap fonts or vector fonts drawn to textures. Vector fonts may be rendered with either flash.text.TextField or Flash Text Engine.


  • Several built-in layouts, and support for custom layouts.

  • LayoutGroup is a lightweight Feathers container with support for layouts.

  • ScrollContainer supports scrolling and layouts.

  • Panel supports a header and an optional footer, in addition to scrolling and layouts.

  • Drawers provides slide-out drawers to display menus and other actions.


  • The List component supports displaying a data provider using item renderers inside a scrollable container.

  • Support for hierarchical data using Tree and GroupedList.

  • Display a table of data using the DataGrid component.

  • PickerList supports displaying a list as a pop-up triggered by a Button.

  • Several built-in layouts, including VerticalLayout, HorizontalLayout, and TiledRowsLayout.

  • Support for custom layouts.

  • Layout virtualization for improved performance (creates and reuses renderers only for visible data).

  • Support for selecting an item, including optional multiple selection.

  • A robust default item renderer with up to three sub-views with full control over how they are positioned relative to each other.

  • Support for custom item renderers.

  • Variable item renderer dimensions.

  • Collection classes for various types of data, such as ArrayCollection, VectorCollection, or XMLListCollection.

  • Optionally split items into multiple pages, and snap to each page when scrolling.

  • Create menus and navigate between screens using StackScreenNavigator or TabNavigator.

  • Push and pop screens using a history stack that easily supports a back button.

  • Animate the transition between screens. Push and pop actions may use separate transitions, and individual screens may optionally be given their own unique transitions.

  • Support for custom transitions.

  • Dispatch events to trigger navigation between screens.

  • Inject properties into screens to quickly configure them.


  • Buttons, sliders, radio buttons, check boxes, toggle switches, steppers, text inputs, tabs, and tons of other common UI controls.

  • A manager for drag and drop.

  • Add pop-ups above all other content in the app. Includes support for modal pop-ups that display an overlay between the pop-up and everything under it.

  • Create media players for video and audio.

Sound useful?

Download Feathers, and get started building cross-platform, hardware-accelerated user interfaces for apps and games with Starling Framework and Feathers.