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IAdvancedNativeFocusOwner — Interface, package feathers.core
If a display object implements INativeFocusOwner and its nativeFocus property does not return a flash.display.InteractiveObject (or null), it must implement this interface so that the focus manager can tell it when to give focus to its native focus object.
IAsyncTheme — Interface, package feathers.themes
A theme that uses an asynchronous loading mechanism (such as the Starling AssetManager), during initialization to load textures and other assets.
IAudioPlayer — Interface, package feathers.media
An interface for media players that play audio content.
IAutoCompleteSource — Interface, package feathers.data
A source of items to display in the pop-up list of an AutoComplete component.
icon — Property, class feathers.controls.TabNavigatorItem
The optional icon to display on the tab.
icon — style, class feathers.controls.Alert
The alert's optional icon content to display next to the text.
iconField — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar
The field in the item that contains a display object to be displayed as an icon or other graphic next to the label in the tab.
iconField — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The field in the item that contains a display object to be displayed as an icon or other graphic next to the label in the renderer.
iconFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar
A function used to generate an icon for a specific tab, based on its associated item in the data provider.
iconFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
A function used to generate an icon for a specific item.
iconLabelDisabledFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The font styles used to display the item renderer's icon label text when the item renderer is disabled.
iconLabelFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
A function that generates ITextRenderer that uses the result of iconLabelField or iconLabelFunction.
iconLabelField — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The field in the item that contains a string to be displayed in a renderer-managed ITextRenderer in the icon position of the renderer.
iconLabelFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The font styles used to display the item renderer's icon label text.
iconLabelFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
A function that returns a string to be displayed in a renderer-managed ITextRenderer in the icon position of the renderer.
iconLabelProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
An object that stores properties for the icon label text renderer sub-component (if using iconLabelField or iconLabelFunction), and the properties will be passed down to the text renderer when this component validates.
iconLabelSelectedFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The font styles used to display the item renderer's icon label text when the item renderer is selected.
iconLabelStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The value added to the styleNameList of the icon label text renderer, if it exists.
iconLoaderFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
A function that generates an ImageLoader that uses the result of iconSourceField or iconSourceFunction.
iconLoaderStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The value added to the styleNameList of the icon loader, if it exists.
iconOffsetX — style, class feathers.controls.Button
Offsets the x position of the icon by a certain number of pixels.
iconOffsetY — style, class feathers.controls.Button
Offsets the y position of the icon by a certain number of pixels.
iconPosition — style, class feathers.controls.Button
The location of the icon, relative to the label.
iconPosition — style, class feathers.controls.TextInput
The location of the icon, relative to the text renderer.
iconSourceField — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
The field in the item that contains a starling.textures.Texture or a URL that points to a bitmap to be used as the item renderer's icon.
iconSourceFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
A function used to generate a starling.textures.Texture or a URL that points to a bitmap to be used as the item renderer's icon.
IDataGridCellRenderer — Interface, package feathers.controls.renderers
Interface to implement a renderer for a data grid cell.
IDataGridHeaderRenderer — Interface, package feathers.controls.renderers
Interface to implement a renderer for a data grid header.
IDirectionalScrollBar — Interface, package feathers.controls
A scroll bar that supports both horizontal or vertical orientations.
IDragAndDropItemRenderer — Interface, package feathers.controls.renderers
IDragDropLayout — Interface, package feathers.layout
Methods for layouts that support drag and drop.
IDragSource — Interface, package feathers.dragDrop
An object that can initiate drag actions with the drag and drop manager.
IDropTarget — Interface, package feathers.dragDrop
A display object that can accept data dropped by the drag and drop manager.
IEffectContext — Interface, package feathers.motion.effectClasses
Gives a component the ability to control an effect.
IFeathersControl — Interface, package feathers.core
Basic interface for Feathers UI controls.
IFeathersDisplayObject — Interface, package feathers.core
Public properties and functions from starling.display.DisplayObject in helpful interface form.
IFeathersEventDispatcher — Interface, package feathers.core
Public properties and functions from starling.events.EventDispatcher in helpful interface form.
IFocusContainer — Interface, package feathers.core
A component that can receive focus with children that can receive focus.
IFocusDisplayObject — Interface, package feathers.core
A component that can receive focus if a focus manager is enabled.
IFocusExtras — Interface, package feathers.core
A container that may have extra children that aren't accessible from the standard display list functions like getChildAt(), but those "extra" children may still need to receive focus.
IFocusManager — Interface, package feathers.core
Interface for focus management.
ignoreNextStyleRestriction() — method, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
The next style that is set will not be restricted.
IGroupedLayout — Interface, package feathers.layout
A layout where items are divided into separate groups, with headers for each group.
IGroupedListFooterRenderer — Interface, package feathers.controls.renderers
Interface to implement a renderer for a grouped list footer.
IGroupedListHeaderRenderer — Interface, package feathers.controls.renderers
Interface to implement a renderer for a grouped list header.
IGroupedListItemRenderer — Interface, package feathers.controls.renderers
Interface to implement a renderer for a grouped list item.
IGroupedToggle — Interface, package feathers.core
A toggle associated with a specific group.
IHierarchicalCollection — Interface, package feathers.data
An interface for hierarchical collections.
IHierarchicalCollectionDataDescriptor — Interface, package feathers.data
An adapter interface to support any kind of data source in hierarchical collections.
ILayout — Interface, package feathers.layout
Interface providing layout capabilities for containers.
ILayoutData — Interface, package feathers.layout
Extra data used by layout algorithms.
ILayoutDisplayObject — Interface, package feathers.layout
A display object that may be associated with extra data for use with advanced layouts.
IListCollection — Interface, package feathers.data
Interface for list collections.
IListCollectionDataDescriptor — Interface, package feathers.data
An adapter interface to support any kind of data source in ListCollection.
IListItemRenderer — Interface, package feathers.controls.renderers
Interface to implement a renderer for a list item.
image — Property, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
The internal starling.display.Image child.
ImageLoader — class, package feathers.controls
Displays an image, either from an existing Texture object or from an image file loaded with its URL.
ImageLoader() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
ImageSkin — class, package feathers.skins
A skin for Feathers components that displays a texture.
ImageSkin(defaultTexture:starling.textures:Texture) — Constructor, class feathers.skins.ImageSkin
IMeasureDisplayObject — Interface, package feathers.core
A display object with extra measurement properties.
IMediaPlayer — Interface, package feathers.media
A base interface for all types of media players.
IMediaPlayerControl — Interface, package feathers.media
An interface for sub-components added to a media player.
IMoveEffectContext — Interface, package feathers.motion.effectClasses
Gives a component the ability to control a move effect.
IMultilineTextEditor — Interface, package feathers.core
Handles the editing of text, and supports multiline editing.
INativeFocusOwner — Interface, package feathers.core
If a Feathers component may receive focus, it may be associated with a display object on the native stage.
includeInLayout — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Determines if the ILayout should use this object or ignore it.
includeInLayout — Property, interface feathers.layout.ILayoutDisplayObject
Determines if the ILayout should use this object or ignore it.
incrementButton — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper
The increment button sub-component.
incrementButton — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar
The scroll bar's increment button sub-component.
incrementButtonFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper
A function used to generate the numeric stepper's increment button sub-component.
incrementButtonFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar
A function used to generate the scroll bar's increment button sub-component.
incrementButtonLabel — style, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper
The text displayed by the increment button.
incrementButtonProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper
An object that stores properties for the numeric stepper's increment button sub-component, and the properties will be passed down to the increment button when the numeric stepper validates.
incrementButtonProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar
An object that stores properties for the scroll bar's increment button, and the properties will be passed down to the increment button when the scroll bar validates.
incrementButtonStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper
The value added to the styleNameList of the increment button.
incrementButtonStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar
The value added to the styleNameList of the increment button.
indentation — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultTreeItemRenderer
The size, in pixels, of the indentation when an item is a child of a branch.
index — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultListItemRenderer
The index (numeric position, starting from zero) of the item within the list's data provider.
index — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IListItemRenderer
The index (numeric position, starting from zero) of the item within the list's data provider.
index — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupListItemRenderer
The index (numeric position, starting from zero) of the item within the list's data provider.
initialize — Event, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Dispatched after initialize() has been called, but before the first time that draw() has been called.
initialize() — method, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Called the first time that the UI control is added to the stage, and you should override this function to customize the initialization process.
initialize — Event, interface feathers.core.IFeathersControl
Dispatched after the control has been initialized, but before it has drawn for the first time.
INITIALIZE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType
The FeathersEventType.INITIALIZE event type is meant to be used when an IFeathersControl has finished running its initialize() function.
initializeNow() — method, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
If the component has not yet initialized, initializes immediately.
initializeNow() — method, interface feathers.core.IFeathersControl
If the component has not yet initialized, initializes immediately.
innerPadding — style, class feathers.controls.TextArea
Quickly sets all inner padding properties to the same value.
innerPaddingBottom — style, class feathers.controls.TextArea
The minimum space, in pixels, between the text area's bottom edge and the text area's content.
innerPaddingLeft — style, class feathers.controls.TextArea
The minimum space, in pixels, between the text area's left edge and the text area's content.
innerPaddingRight — style, class feathers.controls.TextArea
The minimum space, in pixels, between the text area's right edge and the text area's content.
innerPaddingTop — style, class feathers.controls.TextArea
The minimum space, in pixels, between the text area's top edge and the text area's content.
interactionMode — style, class feathers.controls.Scroller
Determines how the user may interact with the scroller.
interactionMode — style, class feathers.controls.PageIndicator
Determines how the selected index changes on touch.
interrupt() — method, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.BaseEffectContext
Interrupts the playing effect, but the effect context will be allowed to determine on its own if it should call stop() or toEnd().
interrupt() — method, interface feathers.motion.effectClasses.IEffectContext
Interrupts the playing effect, but the effect context will be allowed to determine on its own if it should call stop() or toEnd().
interruptBehavior — Property, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.TweenEffectContext
Indicates how the effect behaves when it is interrupted.
invalidate(flag:String) — method, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Call this function to tell the UI control that a redraw is pending.
INVALIDATION_FLAG_ALL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Flag to indicate that everything is invalid and should be redrawn.
INVALIDATION_FLAG_CLIPPING — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.LayoutGroup
Flag to indicate that the clipping has changed.
INVALIDATION_FLAG_CLIPPING — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Scroller
Flag to indicate that the clipping has changed.
INVALIDATION_FLAG_DATA — Constant Static Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Invalidation flag to indicate that the primary data displayed by the UI control has changed.
INVALIDATION_FLAG_FOCUS — Constant Static Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Invalidation flag to indicate that the focus of the UI control has changed.
INVALIDATION_FLAG_LAYOUT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Invalidation flag to indicate that the layout of the UI control has changed.
INVALIDATION_FLAG_SCROLL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Invalidation flag to indicate that the scroll position of the UI control has changed.
INVALIDATION_FLAG_SELECTED — Constant Static Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Invalidation flag to indicate that the selection of the UI control has changed.
INVALIDATION_FLAG_SIZE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Invalidation flag to indicate that the dimensions of the UI control have changed.
INVALIDATION_FLAG_SKIN — Constant Static Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Invalidation flag to indicate that the skin of the UI control has changed.
INVALIDATION_FLAG_STATE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Invalidation flag to indicate that the state has changed.
INVALIDATION_FLAG_STYLES — Constant Static Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Invalidation flag to indicate that the styles or visual appearance of the UI control has changed.
ioError — Event, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
Dispatched if an IO error occurs while loading the source content.
ioError — Event, class feathers.media.SoundPlayer
Dispatched when the flash.media.Sound object dispatches flash.events.IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR.
ioError — Event, class feathers.media.VideoPlayer
Dispatched when the flash.net.NetStream object dispatches flash.events.IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR.
IPersistentPopUpContentManager — Interface, package feathers.controls.popups
An IPopUpContentManager that wraps its content in a custom UI that should keep the content open until closed by the user.
IPopUpContentManager — Interface, package feathers.controls.popups
Automatically manages pop-up content layout and positioning.
IPopUpContentManagerWithPrompt — Interface, package feathers.controls.popups
A custom IPopUpContentManager that has a prompt that may be customized by the parent component.
IPopUpManager — Interface, package feathers.core
Interface for pop-up management.
IProgressiveMediaPlayer — Interface, package feathers.media
A media player that loads its content progressively.
IRange — Interface, package feathers.controls
A UI component that displays a range of values from a minimum to a maximum.
IResizeEffectContext — Interface, package feathers.motion.effectClasses
Gives a component the ability to control a resize effect.
Iris — class, package feathers.motion
Creates effects for Feathers components and transitions for screen navigators that show or hide a display object masked by a growing or shrinking circle.
isBetterFocusForRelativePosition(object1:feathers.core:IFocusDisplayObject, object2:feathers.core:IFocusDisplayObject, focusedRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, relativePosition:String) — Package Function, feathers.utils.focus
Determines if object1 is a better choice than object2 when changing focus to the specified position relative to the current focus.
isBottomDrawerDocked — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Indicates if the bottom drawer is currently docked.
isBottomDrawerOpen — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Indicates if the bottom drawer is currently open.
isBottomPullViewActive — Property, class feathers.controls.Scroller
Indicates if the bottomPullView has been activated.
isBranch — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.ITreeItemRenderer
Indicates if the data is a branch or a leaf.
isBranch — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupTreeItemRenderer
Indicates if the data is a branch or a leaf.
isBranch(node:Object) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayChildrenHierarchicalCollectionDataDescriptor
Determines if a node from the data source is a branch.
isBranch(node:Object) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection
Determines if a node from the data source is a branch.
isBranch(node:Object) — method, class feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection
Determines if a node from the data source is a branch.
isBranch(node:Object) — method, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollection
Determines if a node from the data source is a branch.
isBranch(node:Object) — method, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollectionDataDescriptor
Determines if a node from the data source is a branch.
isBranch(node:Object) — method, class feathers.data.VectorHierarchicalCollection
Determines if a node from the data source is a branch.
isBranch(node:Object) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListHierarchicalCollection
Determines if a node from the data source is a branch.
isBranchOpen(branch:Object) — method, class feathers.controls.Tree
Indicates if a branch from the data provider is open or closed.
isCharacterAllowed(charCode:int) — method, class feathers.utils.text.TextInputRestrict
Accepts a character code and determines if it is allowed or not.
isChildFocusEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.DataGrid
Determines if this component's children can receive focus.
isChildFocusEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
Determines if this component's children can receive focus.
isChildFocusEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.List
Determines if this component's children can receive focus.
isChildFocusEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollContainer
Determines if this component's children can receive focus.
isChildFocusEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
Determines if this component's children can receive focus.
isChildFocusEnabled — Property, interface feathers.core.IFocusContainer
Determines if this component's children can receive focus.
isClosing — Property, class feathers.controls.Toast
Indicates if the toast is currently closing.
isCompleteForStarling(starling:starling.core:Starling) — method, interface feathers.themes.IAsyncTheme
Indicates if the assets have been loaded and the theme has been initialized for a specific Starling instance.
isCreated — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Determines if the component has been initialized and validated for the first time.
isCreated — Property, interface feathers.core.IFeathersControl
Determines if the component has been initialized and validated for the first time.
IScreen — Interface, package feathers.controls
A screen to display in a screen navigator.
IScrollBar — Interface, package feathers.controls
Minimum requirements for a scroll bar to be usable with a Scroller component.
IScrollContainer — Interface, package feathers.controls
Defines functions for a Scroller subclass that delegates display list manipulations to its IViewPort.
isDragging — Static Property, class feathers.dragDrop.DragDropManager
Determines if the drag and drop manager is currently handling a drag.
isDropped — Property, class feathers.events.DragDropEvent
Determines if there has been a drop.
isEditable — Property, class feathers.controls.TextArea
Determines if the text area is editable.
isEditable — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput
Determines if the text input is editable.
isEditable — Property, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextEditor
isEditable — Property, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor
isEditable — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextEditor
isEditable — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
isEditable — Property, interface feathers.core.ITextEditor
Determines if the text is editable.
isEnabled — Property, class feathers.core.DefaultFocusManager
Determines if this focus manager is enabled.
isEnabled — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Indicates whether the control is interactive or not.
isEnabled — Property, interface feathers.core.IFeathersControl
Indicates whether the control is interactive or not.
isEnabled — Property, interface feathers.core.IFocusManager
Determines if this focus manager is enabled.
isEnabled — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToEvent
May be set to false to disable event dispatching temporarily until set back to true.
isEnabled — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToSelect
May be set to false to disable selection temporarily until set back to true.
isEnabled — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToState
May be set to false to disable state changes temporarily until set back to true.
isEnabled — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.LongPress
May be set to false to disable the triggered event temporarily until set back to true.
isEnabled — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TapToEvent
May be set to false to disable the event dispatching temporarily until set back to true.
isEnabled — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TapToSelect
May be set to false to disable selection temporarily until set back to true.
isEnabled — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TouchToState
May be set to false to disable the state changes temporarily until set back to true.
isEnabledForStage(stage:starling.display:Stage) — Static Method , class feathers.core.FocusManager
Determines if the focus manager is enabled or disabled for the specified Starling stage.
isEnabledForStage(stage:starling.display:Stage) — Static Method , class feathers.core.ToolTipManager
Determines if the tool tip manager is enabled or disabled for the specified Starling stage.
isFocusEnabled — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
isFocusEnabled — Property, interface feathers.core.IFocusDisplayObject
Determines if this component can receive focus.
isFullScreen — Property, class feathers.media.VideoPlayer
Indicates if the video player is currently full screen or not.
isHistoryBackEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.WebView
Indicates if the web view can navigate back in its history.
isHistoryForwardEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.WebView
Indicates if the web view can navigate forward in its history.
isHTML — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollText
Determines if the TextField should display the text as HTML or not.
isHTML — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
Determines if the TextField should display the value of the text property as HTML or not.
isHTML — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer
Determines if the TextField should display the text as HTML or not.
isInitialized — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Determines if the component has been initialized yet.
isInitialized — Property, interface feathers.core.IFeathersControl
Determines if the component has been initialized yet.
isInvalid(flag:String) — method, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Indicates whether the control is pending validation or not.
isKerningEnabled — Property, class feathers.text.BitmapFontTextFormat
Determines if the kerning values defined in the BitmapFont instance will be used for layout.
isLargePhone(stage:flash.display:Stage) — Static Method , class feathers.system.DeviceCapabilities
Determines if this device is probably a large phone (sometimes called a phablet), based on the physical width and height, in inches, calculated using the full-screen dimensions and the screen density.
isLeftDrawerDocked — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Indicates if the left drawer is currently docked.
isLeftDrawerOpen — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Indicates if the left drawer is currently open.
isLeftPullViewActive — Property, class feathers.controls.Scroller
Indicates if the leftPullView has been activated.
isLoaded — Property, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
Indicates if the source has completed loading, if the source is a URL.
isLoaded — Property, class feathers.media.SoundPlayer
Indicates if the flash.media.Sound object has finished loading its content.
isLoading — Property, class feathers.media.SoundPlayer
Indicates if the flash.media.Sound object is currently loading its content.
isLongPressEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.Button
Determines if FeathersEventType.LONG_PRESS will be dispatched.
isModal — Property, class feathers.controls.popups.CalloutPopUpContentManager
Determines if the callout will be modal or not.
isModal — Property, class feathers.controls.popups.DropDownPopUpContentManager
Determines if the pop-up will be modal or not.
isOpen — Property, class feathers.controls.Toast
Indicates if the toast is currently open.
isOpen — Property, class feathers.controls.popups.BottomDrawerPopUpContentManager
Indicates if the pop-up content is open or not.
isOpen — Property, class feathers.controls.popups.CalloutPopUpContentManager
Indicates if the pop-up content is open or not.
isOpen — Property, class feathers.controls.popups.DropDownPopUpContentManager
Indicates if the pop-up content is open or not.
isOpen — Property, interface feathers.controls.popups.IPopUpContentManager
Indicates if the pop-up content is open or not.
isOpen — Property, class feathers.controls.popups.VerticalCenteredPopUpContentManager
Indicates if the pop-up content is open or not.
isOpen — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.ITreeItemRenderer
Indicates if a branch is open or closed.
isOpen — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupTreeItemRenderer
Indicates if a branch is open or closed.
isOpening — Property, class feathers.controls.Toast
Indicates if the toast is currently opening.
isPhone(stage:flash.display:Stage) — Static Method , class feathers.system.DeviceCapabilities
Determines if this device is probably a phone, based on the physical width and height, in inches, calculated using the full-screen dimensions and the screen density.
ISpinnerLayout — Interface, package feathers.layout
A layout for the SpinnerList component.
isPlaying — Property, class feathers.media.BaseTimedMediaPlayer
Determines if the media content is currently playing.
isPlaying — Property, interface feathers.media.ITimedMediaPlayer
Determines if the media content is currently playing.
isPopUp(popUp:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, class feathers.core.DefaultPopUpManager
Determines if a display object is a pop-up.
isPopUp(popUp:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface feathers.core.IPopUpManager
Determines if a display object is a pop-up.
isPopUp(popUp:starling.display:DisplayObject) — Static Method , class feathers.core.PopUpManager
Determines if a display object is a pop-up.
isQuickHitAreaEnabled — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Similar to mouseChildren on the classic display list.
isRightDrawerDocked — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Indicates if the right drawer is currently docked.
isRightDrawerOpen — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Indicates if the right drawer is currently open.
isRightPullViewActive — Property, class feathers.controls.Scroller
Indicates if the rightPullView has been activated.
isScrolling — Property, class feathers.controls.Scroller
Determines if the scroller is currently scrolling with user interaction or with animation.
isSelectable — Property, class feathers.controls.DataGrid
Determines if items in the data grid may be selected.
isSelectable — Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
Determines if an item in the list may be selected.
isSelectable — Property, class feathers.controls.List
Determines if items in the list may be selected.
isSelectable — Property, class feathers.controls.SpinnerList
SpinnerList requires that the isSelectable property is set to true.
isSelectable — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput
If the isEditable property is set to false, the isSelectable property determines if the text is selectable.
isSelectable — Property, class feathers.controls.Tree
Determines if an item in the tree may be selected.
isSelectable — Property, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextEditor
isSelectable — Property, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor
isSelectable — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextEditor
isSelectable — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
isSelectable — Property, interface feathers.core.ITextEditor
If the isEditable property is set to false, the isSelectable property determines if the text is selectable.
isSelectableOnAccessoryTouch — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
If enabled, the item renderer may be selected by touching the accessory.
isSelectableWithoutToggle — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
Determines if the item renderer can be selected even if isToggle is set to false.
isSelected — Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleButton
Indicates if the button is selected or not.
isSelected — Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch
Indicates if the toggle switch is selected (ON) or not (OFF).
isSelected — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupDataGridCellRenderer
Indicates if the IToggle is selected or not.
isSelected — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer
isSelected — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupGroupedListItemRenderer
Indicates if the IToggle is selected or not.
isSelected — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupListItemRenderer
Indicates if the IToggle is selected or not.
isSelected — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupTreeItemRenderer
Indicates if the IToggle is selected or not.
isSelected — Property, interface feathers.core.IToggle
Indicates if the IToggle is selected or not.
isSelectionRequired — Property, class feathers.core.ToggleGroup
Determines if the user can deselect the currently selected item or not.
isShowingFocus — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
isShowingFocus — Property, interface feathers.core.IFocusDisplayObject
Indicates if the showFocus() method has been called on the object when it has focus.
isSupported — Static Property, class feathers.controls.WebView
Indicates if this component is supported on the current platform.
isSwipeEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator
Determines if the swipe gesture to switch between tabs is enabled.
isSwipeToPopEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.StackScreenNavigator
Determines if the swipe gesture to pop the current screen is enabled.
isTablet(stage:flash.display:Stage) — Static Method , class feathers.system.DeviceCapabilities
Determines if this device is probably a tablet, based on the physical width and height, in inches, calculated using the full-screen dimensions and the screen density.
IStateContext — Interface, package feathers.core
An object with multiple states.
IStateObserver — Interface, package feathers.core
Watches an IStateContext for state changes.
isToggle — Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleButton
Determines if the button may be selected or deselected as a result of user interaction.
isTopDrawerDocked — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Indicates if the top drawer is currently docked.
isTopDrawerOpen — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Indicates if the top drawer is currently open.
isTopLevelPopUp(popUp:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, class feathers.core.DefaultPopUpManager
Determines if a display object is above the highest modal overlay.
isTopLevelPopUp(popUp:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface feathers.core.IPopUpManager
Determines if a display object is above the highest modal overlay.
isTopLevelPopUp(popUp:starling.display:DisplayObject) — Static Method , class feathers.core.PopUpManager
Determines if a display object is above the highest modal overlay.
isTopPullViewActive — Property, class feathers.controls.Scroller
Indicates if the topPullView has been activated.
isTransitionActive — Property, class feathers.controls.supportClasses.BaseScreenNavigator
Indicates whether the screen navigator is currently transitioning between screens.
isTruncated — Property, class feathers.controls.text.MeasureTextResult
Indicates if the text needed to be truncated.
IStyleProvider — Interface, package feathers.skins
Sets skin and style properties on a Feathers UI component.
item(index:int) — method, class feathers.core.TokenList
Returns the token at the specified index, or null, if there is no token at that index.
itemHasAccessory — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
If true, the accessory will come from the renderer's item using the appropriate field or function for the accessory.
itemHasEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
If true, the renderer's enabled state will come from the renderer's item using the appropriate field or function for enabled.
itemHasIcon — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
If true, the icon will come from the renderer's item using the appropriate field or function for the icon.
itemHasLabel — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
If true, the label will come from the renderer's item using the appropriate field or function for the label.
itemHasSelectable — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
If true, the ability to select the renderer will come from the renderer's item using the appropriate field or function for selectable.
itemHasSkin — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
If true, the skin will come from the renderer's item using the appropriate field or function for the skin.
itemIndex — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListItemRenderer
The index of the item within its parent group.
itemIndex — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IGroupedListItemRenderer
The index of the item within its parent group.
itemIndex — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupGroupedListItemRenderer
The index of the item within its parent group.
itemRendererFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.DateTimeSpinner
A function used to instantiate the date time spinner's item renderer sub-components.
itemRendererFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
A function called that is expected to return a new item renderer.
itemRendererFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.List
A function called that is expected to return a new item renderer.
itemRendererFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.PickerList
A function called that is expected to return a new item renderer.
itemRendererFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.Tree
A function called that is expected to return a new item renderer.
ItemRendererLayoutOrder — class, package feathers.controls
Layout options for the default item renderers.
itemRendererProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
An object that stores properties for all of the list's item renderers, and the properties will be passed down to every item renderer when the list validates.
itemRendererProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.List
An object that stores properties for all of the list's item renderers, and the properties will be passed down to every item renderer when the list validates.
itemRendererType — Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
The class used to instantiate item renderers.
itemRendererType — Property, class feathers.controls.List
The class used to instantiate item renderers.
itemRendererType — Property, class feathers.controls.Tree
The class used to instantiate item renderers.
items — Property, class feathers.controls.LayoutGroup
The items added to the group.
itemStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.Header
The value added to the styleNameList of each of the header's items.
itemToAccessory(item:Object) — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
Uses the accessory fields and functions to generate an accessory for a specific item.
itemToContent(item:Object) — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer
Uses the content fields and functions to generate content for a specific group header or footer.
itemToEnabled(item:Object) — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
Uses the enabled fields and functions to generate a enabled value for a specific item.
itemToIcon(item:Object) — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
Uses the icon fields and functions to generate an icon for a specific item.
itemToItemRenderer(item:Object) — method, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
Returns the current item renderer used to render a specific item.
itemToItemRenderer(item:Object) — method, class feathers.controls.List
Returns the current item renderer used to render a specific item.
itemToItemRenderer(item:Object) — method, class feathers.controls.Tree
Returns the current item renderer used to render a specific item.
itemToLabel(item:Object) — method, class feathers.controls.PickerList
Using labelField and labelFunction, generates a label from the selected item to be displayed by the picker list's button control.
itemToLabel(item:Object) — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
Using labelField and labelFunction, generates a label from the item.
itemToSelectable(item:Object) — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
Uses the selectable fields and functions to generate a selectable value for a specific item.
itemToSkin(item:Object) — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
Uses the skin fields and functions to generate a skin for a specific item.
itemToText(item:feathers.controls:DataGridColumn) — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer
Determines which text to display in the header.
ITextBaselineControl — Interface, package feathers.core
A UI control with text that has a baseline.
ITextEditor — Interface, package feathers.core
Handles the editing of text.
ITextEditorViewPort — Interface, package feathers.controls.text
Handles the editing of multiline text.
ITextRenderer — Interface, package feathers.core
Interface that handles common capabilities of rendering text.
ITimedMediaPlayer — Interface, package feathers.media
An interface for media players that play timed content.
IToggle — Interface, package feathers.core
An interface for something that may be selected.
IToolTip — Interface, package feathers.core
An interface for tool tips created by the tool tip manager.
IToolTipManager — Interface, package feathers.core
Interface for tool tip management.
ITreeItemRenderer — Interface, package feathers.controls.renderers
Interface to implement a renderer for a tree item.
ITrimmedVirtualLayout — Interface, package feathers.layout
Optimizes a virtual layout by skipping a specific number of items before and after the set that is passed to layout().
IValidating — Interface, package feathers.core
A display object that supports validation.
IVariableVirtualLayout — Interface, package feathers.layout
A virtual layout that supports variable item dimensions.
IVideoPlayer — Interface, package feathers.media
An interface media players that play video content.
IViewPort — Interface, package feathers.controls.supportClasses
Interface used for the view port of scrolling containers.
IVirtualLayout — Interface, package feathers.layout
A layout algorithm that supports virtualization of items so that only the visible items need to be created.
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