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EDGE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.DragGesture |
The target may be dragged in the appropriate direction starting from
near the target's edge. |
editable — Property, class feathers.text.StageTextField |
| |
editingMode — Property, class feathers.controls.DateTimeSpinner |
Determines which parts of the Date value may be edited. |
EffectInterruptBehavior — class, package feathers.motion |
Constants for determining how an effect behaves when it is interrupted. |
effectsSuspended — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
Indicates if effects have been suspended. |
effectsSuspended — Property, interface feathers.core.IFeathersControl |
Indicates if effects have been suspended. |
elasticity — style, class feathers.controls.Scroller |
| If the scroll position goes outside the minimum or maximum bounds when the scroller's content is being actively dragged, the scrolling will be constrained using this multiplier. |
| |
elasticSnapDuration — style, class feathers.controls.Scroller |
| The duration, in seconds, of the animation when a the scroller snaps back to the minimum or maximum position after going out of bounds. |
| |
elementFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer |
Advanced font formatting used to draw the text, if
fontStyles and starling.text.TextFormat
cannot be used on the parent component because the full capabilities
of Flash Text Engine are required. |
embedFonts — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollText |
| If advanced flash.text.TextFormat styles are specified, determines if the component should use an embedded font or not. |
| |
embedFonts — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor |
If advanced flash.text.TextFormat styles are specified,
determines if the TextField should use an embedded font or not. |
embedFonts — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer |
If advanced flash.text.TextFormat styles are specified,
determines if the TextField should use an embedded font or not. |
ENABLED — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TextInputState |
The default state, when the input is enabled. |
enabledField — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
The field in the item that determines if the tab is enabled. |
enabledField — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
The field in the item that determines if the item renderer is
enabled, if the list is enabled. |
enabledFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
A function used to determine if a specific tab is enabled. |
enabledFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
A function used to determine if a specific item is enabled. |
enabledIcon — style, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
| The icon used for the input's enabled state. |
| |
END — Constant Static Property, class feathers.motion.EffectInterruptBehavior |
When the effect is interrupted, it immediately advances to the end. |
endInteraction — Event, class feathers.controls.Drawers |
Dispatched when the user stops dragging the content to open or close a
drawer. |
endInteraction — Event, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
Dispatched when the user stops interacting with the scroll bar's thumb,
track, or buttons. |
endInteraction — Event, class feathers.controls.Scroller |
Dispatched when the user stops dragging the scroller when
ScrollInteractionMode.TOUCH is enabled or when the user
stops interacting with the scroll bar. |
endInteraction — Event, class feathers.controls.SimpleScrollBar |
Dispatched when the user stops dragging the scroll bar's thumb. |
endInteraction — Event, class feathers.controls.Slider |
Dispatched when the user stops dragging the slider's thumb or track. |
endInteraction — Event, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator |
Dispatched when the user stops a swipe gesture. |
END_INTERACTION — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType |
The FeathersEventType.END_INTERACTION event type is
used by many UI controls where a drag or other interaction happens
over time. |
enter — Event, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
Dispatched when the user presses the Enter key while the text input
has focus. |
enter — Event, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextEditor |
Dispatched when the user presses the Enter key while the editor has
focus. |
enter — Event, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor |
Dispatched when the user presses the Enter key while the editor has
focus. |
enter — Event, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextEditor |
Dispatched when the user presses the Enter key while the editor has
focus. |
enter — Event, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor |
Dispatched when the user presses the Enter key while the editor has focus. |
enter — Event, interface feathers.core.ITextEditor |
Dispatched when the user presses the Enter key while the editor has focus. |
ENTER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType |
The FeathersEventType.ENTER event type is meant to
be used when the enter key has been pressed in an input control. |
error — Event, class feathers.controls.WebView |
Indicates that an error occurred in the StageWebView. |
error — Event, class feathers.media.VideoPlayer |
Dispatched when the flash.net.NetStream object dispatches
flash.events.NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS with certain error
codes. |
ERROR — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TextInputState |
The state when the input has an error string. |
ERROR — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType |
The FeathersEventType.ERROR event type is used by
Feathers controls when an error occurs that can be caught and
safely ignored. |
errorCalloutStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
The value added to the styleNameList of the error
callout. |
errorCalloutStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
The value added to the styleNameList of the error
callout. |
errorIcon — style, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
| The icon used for the input's error state. |
| |
errorString — Property, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
Error text to display in a Callout when the text area
has focus. |
errorString — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
Error text to display in a Callout when the input has
focus. |
errorTexture — style, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader |
| A texture to display when a URL source cannot be loaded for any reason. |
| |
events — Property, class feathers.controls.ScreenNavigatorItem |
A set of key-value pairs representing actions that should be
triggered when events are dispatched by the screen when it is shown. |
eventType — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToEvent |
The event type that will be dispatched when pressed. |
eventType — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TapToEvent |
The event type that will be dispatched when tapped. |
EXACT_FIT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TrackScaleMode |
The track dimensions fill the full width and height of the component. |
ExclusiveTouch — class, package feathers.events |
Allows a component to claim exclusive access to a touch to avoid
dragging, scrolling, or other touch interaction conflicts. |
ExclusiveTouch(stage:starling.display:Stage) — Constructor, class feathers.events.ExclusiveTouch |
Constructor. |
explicitHeight — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
The height value explicitly set by passing a value to the
height setter or by calling the setSize()
function. |
explicitHeight — Property, interface feathers.core.IMeasureDisplayObject |
The height value explicitly set by passing a value to the
height setter or by calling the setSize()
function. |
explicitHeight — Property, class feathers.layout.ViewPortBounds |
The explicit height of the view port, in pixels. |
explicitHeight — Property, class feathers.skins.ImageSkin |
The value passed to the height property setter. |
explicitMaxHeight — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
The maximum height value explicitly set by passing a value to the
maxHeight setter. |
explicitMaxHeight — Property, interface feathers.core.IMeasureDisplayObject |
The maximum height value explicitly set by passing a value to the
maxHeight setter. |
explicitMaxHeight — Property, class feathers.skins.ImageSkin |
The value passed to the maxHeight property setter. |
explicitMaxWidth — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
The maximum width value explicitly set by passing a value to the
maxWidth setter. |
explicitMaxWidth — Property, interface feathers.core.IMeasureDisplayObject |
The maximum width value explicitly set by passing a value to the
maxWidth setter. |
explicitMaxWidth — Property, class feathers.skins.ImageSkin |
The value passed to the maxWidth property setter. |
explicitMinHeight — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
The minimum height value explicitly set by passing a value to the
minHeight setter. |
explicitMinHeight — Property, interface feathers.core.IMeasureDisplayObject |
The minimum height value explicitly set by passing a value to the
minHeight setter. |
explicitMinHeight — Property, class feathers.skins.ImageSkin |
The value passed to the minHeight property setter. |
explicitMinWidth — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
The minimum width value explicitly set by passing a value to the
minWidth setter. |
explicitMinWidth — Property, interface feathers.core.IMeasureDisplayObject |
The minimum width value explicitly set by passing a value to the
minWidth setter. |
explicitMinWidth — Property, class feathers.skins.ImageSkin |
The value passed to the minWidth property setter. |
explicitWidth — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
The width value explicitly set by passing a value to the
width setter or to the setSize() method. |
explicitWidth — Property, interface feathers.core.IMeasureDisplayObject |
The width value explicitly set by passing a value to the
width setter or to the setSize() method. |
explicitWidth — Property, class feathers.layout.ViewPortBounds |
The explicit width of the view port, in pixels. |
explicitWidth — Property, class feathers.skins.ImageSkin |
The value passed to the width property setter. |
extendedColumnDropIndicator — style, class feathers.controls.DataGrid |
| Determines if the height of the column drop indicator is equal to the height of the headers, or if it extends to the full height of the data grid's view port. |
| |
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