A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
data — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
The item displayed by this renderer. |
data — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer |
A column from a data grid. |
data — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
Data for a footer renderer from the grouped list's data provider. |
data — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IDataGridCellRenderer |
An item from the data grid's data provider. |
data — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IDataGridHeaderRenderer |
A column from a data grid. |
data — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IGroupedListFooterRenderer |
Data for a footer renderer from the grouped list's data provider. |
data — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IGroupedListHeaderRenderer |
Data for a header renderer from the grouped list's data provider. |
data — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IGroupedListItemRenderer |
An item from the grouped list's data provider. |
data — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IListItemRenderer |
An item from the list's data provider. |
data — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.ITreeItemRenderer |
An item from the tree's data provider. |
data — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupDataGridCellRenderer |
An item from the data grid's data provider. |
data — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
Data for a footer renderer from the grouped list's data provider. |
data — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupGroupedListItemRenderer |
An item from the grouped list's data provider. |
data — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupListItemRenderer |
An item from the list's data provider. |
data — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupTreeItemRenderer |
An item from the tree's data provider. |
data — Property, class feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection |
The data source for this collection. |
data — Property, class feathers.data.ListCollection |
The data source for this collection. |
dataDescriptor — Property, class feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection |
Describes the underlying data source by translating APIs. |
dataDescriptor — Property, class feathers.data.ListCollection |
Describes the underlying data source by translating APIs. |
dataField — Property, class feathers.controls.DataGridColumn |
The field in the item that contains the data to be displayed by
the cell renderers in this column. |
dataField — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridCellRenderer |
The field used to access this column's data from the item within the
data grid's data provider. |
dataField — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IDataGridCellRenderer |
The field used to access this column's data from the item within the
data grid's data provider. |
dataField — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupDataGridCellRenderer |
The field used to access this column's data from the item within the
data grid's data provider. |
DataGrid — class, package feathers.controls |
Displays a collection of items as a table. |
DataGrid() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.DataGrid |
Constructor. |
DataGridColumn — class, package feathers.controls |
Configures a column in a DataGrid component. |
DataGridColumn(dataField:String, headerText:String) — Constructor, class feathers.controls.DataGridColumn |
Constructor. |
dataProvider — Property, class feathers.controls.ButtonGroup |
The collection of data to be displayed with buttons. |
dataProvider — Property, class feathers.controls.DataGrid |
The collection of data displayed by the data grid. |
dataProvider — Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList |
The collection of data displayed by the list. |
dataProvider — Property, class feathers.controls.List |
The collection of data displayed by the list. |
dataProvider — Property, class feathers.controls.PickerList |
The collection of data displayed by the list. |
dataProvider — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
The collection of data to be displayed with tabs. |
dataProvider — Property, class feathers.controls.Tree |
The collection of data displayed by the tree. |
dataProvider — Property, class feathers.data.LocalAutoCompleteSource |
A collection of items to be used as a source for auto-complete
results. |
dataProvider_sortChangeHandler(event:starling.events:Event) — method, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
| |
DATE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.DateTimeMode |
Only the date will be displayed. |
DATE_AND_TIME — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.DateTimeMode |
Both date and time will be displayed. |
DateTimeMode — class, package feathers.controls |
Formats for date and time components. |
DateTimeSpinner — class, package feathers.controls |
A set of SpinnerList components that allow you to select the
date, the time, or the date and time. |
DateTimeSpinner() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.DateTimeSpinner |
Constructor. |
decelerationRate — style, class feathers.controls.Scroller |
| This value is used to decelerate the scroller when "thrown". |
| |
DecelerationRate — class, package feathers.controls |
Deceleration rate, per millisecond. |
decrementButton — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
The decrement button sub-component. |
decrementButton — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
The scroll bar's decrement button sub-component. |
decrementButtonFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
A function used to generate the numeric stepper's decrement button
sub-component. |
decrementButtonFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
A function used to generate the scroll bar's decrement button
sub-component. |
decrementButtonLabel — style, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
| The text displayed by the decrement button. |
| |
decrementButtonProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
An object that stores properties for the numeric stepper's decrement
button sub-component, and the properties will be passed down to the
decrement button when the numeric stepper validates. |
decrementButtonProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
An object that stores properties for the scroll bar's decrement
button, and the properties will be passed down to the decrement
button when the scroll bar validates. |
decrementButtonStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
The value added to the styleNameList of the decrement
button. |
decrementButtonStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
The value added to the styleNameList of the decrement
button. |
defaultAccessory — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
The accessory used when no other accessory is defined for the current
state. |
defaultActionsFactory() — Static Method , class feathers.controls.Toast |
The default factory that creates the action button group. |
defaultAlertFactory() — Static Method , class feathers.controls.Alert |
The default factory that creates alerts when Alert.show()
is called. |
defaultCalloutFactory() — Static Method , class feathers.controls.Callout |
The default factory that creates callouts when Callout.show()
is called. |
defaultCalloutFactory() — Static Method , class feathers.controls.TextCallout |
The default factory that creates callouts when
TextCallout.show() is called. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ACCESSORY_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
accessory label, if it exists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ACCESSORY_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridCellRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
accessory label, if it exists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ACCESSORY_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
accessory label, if it exists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ACCESSORY_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultListItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
accessory label, if it exists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ACCESSORY_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultTreeItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
accessory label, if it exists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ACCESSORY_LOADER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
accessory loader, if it exists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ACTIONS — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Toast |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
actions button group. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_BUTTON — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ButtonGroup |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the buttons. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_BUTTON — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.PickerList |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the button. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_BUTTON_GROUP — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Alert |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the button group. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_CONTENT_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
content label. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_DECREMENT_BUTTON — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the decrement
button. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_DECREMENT_BUTTON — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the decrement
button. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ERROR_CALLOUT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
error callout. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ERROR_CALLOUT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
error callout. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_FOOTER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Panel |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the footer. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_FOOTER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.PanelScreen |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the footer. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_FOOTER_RENDERER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList |
The default name to use with footer renderers. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Alert |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the header. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Panel |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the header. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.PanelScreen |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the header. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_HEADER_RENDERER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList |
The default name to use with header renderers. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Scroller |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
horizontal scroll bar. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ICON_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the icon
label, if it exists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ICON_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridCellRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the icon
label, if it exists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ICON_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the icon
label, if it exists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ICON_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultListItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the icon
label, if it exists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ICON_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultTreeItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the icon
label, if it exists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ICON_LOADER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the icon
loader, if it exists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_INCREMENT_BUTTON — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the increment
button. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_INCREMENT_BUTTON — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the increment
button. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ITEM — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Header |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the header's
items. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Button |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
label text renderer. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Check |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the label. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Radio |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the label. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
primary label. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridCellRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
primary label. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
primary label. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultListItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
primary label. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultTreeItemRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
primary label. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_LIST — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.AutoComplete |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the pop-up
list. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_LIST — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.DateTimeSpinner |
The default name to use with lists. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_LIST — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.PickerList |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the pop-up
list. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_MAXIMUM_TRACK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the maximum
track. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_MAXIMUM_TRACK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Slider |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
maximum track. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_MAXIMUM_TRACK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.media.SeekSlider |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
maximum track. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_MAXIMUM_TRACK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.media.VolumeSlider |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
maximum track. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_MESSAGE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Alert |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
message text renderer. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_MESSAGE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Toast |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
message text renderer. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_MINIMUM_TRACK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the minimum
track. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_MINIMUM_TRACK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Slider |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
minimum track. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_MINIMUM_TRACK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.media.SeekSlider |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
minimum track. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_MINIMUM_TRACK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.media.VolumeSlider |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
minimum track. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_OFF_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the "off
label" text renderer. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_OFF_TRACK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the off track. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ON_LABEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the "on
label" text renderer. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_ON_TRACK — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the on track. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_PROMPT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
prompt text renderer. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_PROMPT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
prompt text renderer. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_TAB — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the tabs. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_TAB_BAR — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the tab
bar. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_TEXT_EDITOR — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the text
editor. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_TEXT_EDITOR — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the text
editor. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_TEXT_INPUT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the text
input. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_TEXT_RENDERER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Label |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the text
renderer. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_TEXT_RENDERER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TextCallout |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the text
renderer sub-component. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_TEXT_RENDERER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
text renderer. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_THUMB — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the thumb. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_THUMB — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.SimpleScrollBar |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the thumb. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_THUMB — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Slider |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the thumb. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_THUMB — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the thumb. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_THUMB — Constant Static Property, class feathers.media.SeekSlider |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the thumb. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_THUMB — Constant Static Property, class feathers.media.VolumeSlider |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the thumb. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_TITLE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Header |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
header's title text renderer. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Scroller |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the vertical
scroll bar. |
DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_VOLUME_SLIDER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.media.MuteToggleButton |
The default value added to the styleNameList of the
pop-up volume slider. |
defaultColor — Property, class feathers.skins.ImageSkin |
The default color to use to tint the skin. |
DefaultDataGridCellRenderer — class, package feathers.controls.renderers |
The default cell renderer for the DataGrid component. |
DefaultDataGridCellRenderer() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridCellRenderer |
Constructor. |
DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer — class, package feathers.controls.renderers |
The default renderer used for headers in a DataGrid component. |
DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer |
Constructor. |
DefaultFocusManager — class, package feathers.core |
The default IFocusManager implementation. |
DefaultFocusManager(root:starling.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — Constructor, class feathers.core.DefaultFocusManager |
Constructor. |
defaultFocusManagerFactory(root:starling.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — Static Method , class feathers.core.FocusManager |
The default factory that creates a focus manager. |
DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer — class, package feathers.controls.renderers |
The default renderer used for headers and footers in a GroupedList
control. |
DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
Constructor. |
DefaultGroupedListItemRenderer — class, package feathers.controls.renderers |
The default item renderer for a GroupedList control. |
DefaultGroupedListItemRenderer() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListItemRenderer |
Constructor. |
defaultIcon — style, class feathers.controls.Button |
| The icon used when no other icon is defined for the current state. |
| |
defaultIcon — style, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
| The icon used when no other icon is defined for the current state. |
| |
defaultLabelProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.Button |
An object that stores properties for the button's label text renderer
when no specific properties are defined for the button's current
state, and the properties will be passed down to the label text
renderer when the button validates. |
defaultLabelProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
An object that stores properties for the toggle switch's label text
renderers when the toggle switch is enabled, and the properties will
be passed down to the text renderers when the toggle switch
validates. |
DefaultListItemRenderer — class, package feathers.controls.renderers |
The default item renderer for List control. |
DefaultListItemRenderer() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultListItemRenderer |
Constructor. |
defaultOverlayFactory() — Static Method , class feathers.core.DefaultPopUpManager |
The default factory that creates overlays for modal pop-ups. |
defaultOverlayFactory() — Static Method , class feathers.core.PopUpManager |
The default factory that creates overlays for modal pop-ups. |
DefaultPopUpManager — class, package feathers.core |
The default IPopUpManager implementation. |
DefaultPopUpManager(root:starling.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — Constructor, class feathers.core.DefaultPopUpManager |
Constructor. |
defaultPopUpManagerFactory() — Static Method , class feathers.core.PopUpManager |
The default factory that creates a pop-up manager. |
DEFAULT_POSITIONS — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Callout |
The default positions used by a callout. |
defaultRadioGroup — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.Radio |
If a Radio has not been added to a ToggleGroup,
it will automatically be added to this group. |
defaultSelectedIcon — style, class feathers.controls.ToggleButton |
| The icon used when no other icon is defined for the current state when the button is selected. |
| |
defaultSelectedSkin — style, class feathers.controls.ToggleButton |
| The skin used when no other skin is defined for the current state when the button is selected. |
| |
defaultSkin — style, class feathers.controls.BasicButton |
| The skin used when no other skin is defined for the current state. |
| |
defaultStyleFunction — Property, class feathers.skins.StyleNameFunctionStyleProvider |
The target Feathers UI component is passed to this function when
applyStyles() is called and the component's
styleNameList doesn't contain any style names that are
set with setFunctionForStyleName(). |
defaultStyleProvider — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
When the FeathersControl constructor is called, the
styleProvider property is set to this value. |
defaultTextEditorFactory — Static Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
A function used by all UI controls that support text editor to
create an ITextEditor instance. |
defaultTextRendererFactory — Static Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
A function used by all UI controls that support text renderers to
create an ITextRenderer instance. |
defaultTexture — Property, class feathers.skins.ImageSkin |
The default texture that the skin will display. |
defaultToolTipFactory() — Static Method , class feathers.core.DefaultToolTipManager |
The default factory that creates a tool tip. |
DefaultToolTipManager — class, package feathers.core |
The default IToolTipManager implementation. |
DefaultToolTipManager(root:starling.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — Constructor, class feathers.core.DefaultToolTipManager |
Constructor. |
defaultToolTipManagerFactory(root:starling.display:DisplayObjectContainer) — Static Method , class feathers.core.ToolTipManager |
The default factory that creates a tool tip manager. |
defaultTransition(oldScreen:starling.display:DisplayObject, newScreen:starling.display:DisplayObject, completeCallback:Function) — Static Method , class feathers.controls.supportClasses.BaseScreenNavigator |
The default transition function. |
DefaultTreeItemRenderer — class, package feathers.controls.renderers |
The default item renderer for Tree control. |
DefaultTreeItemRenderer() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultTreeItemRenderer |
Constructor. |
delay — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.DelayedDownTouchToState |
The time, in seconds, to delay the state. |
DelayedDownTouchToState — class, package feathers.utils.touch |
Similar to TouchToState, but delays the "down" state by a
specified number of seconds. |
DelayedDownTouchToState(target:starling.display:DisplayObject, callback:Function) — Constructor, class feathers.utils.touch.DelayedDownTouchToState |
Constructor. |
delayTextureCreation — Property, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader |
Determines if a loaded bitmap may be converted to a texture
immediately after loading. |
delayTextureCreationOnScroll — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
If enabled, automatically manages the delayTextureCreation
property on accessory and icon ImageLoader instances
when the owner scrolls. |
delimiter — style, class feathers.media.TimeLabel |
| When the value of displayMode is MediaTimeMode. |
| |
depth — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
The component's depth in the display list, relative to the stage. |
depth — Property, interface feathers.core.IValidating |
The component's depth in the display list, relative to the stage. |
DESCENDING — Constant Static Property, class feathers.data.SortOrder |
Indicates that items are sorted in descending order. |
DeviceCapabilities — class, package feathers.system |
Using values from the Stage and Capabilities classes, makes educated
guesses about the physical size of the device this code is running on. |
dimensionsChange — Event, interface feathers.media.IVideoPlayer |
Dispatched when the original, native width or height of the video content
is calculated. |
dimensionsChange — Event, class feathers.media.VideoPlayer |
Dispatched when the original native width or height of the video content
is calculated. |
DIMENSIONS_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.MediaPlayerEventType |
Dispatched when the original, native width or height of a video
player's content is calculated. |
direction — style, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
| The tab bar layout is either vertical or horizontal. |
| |
direction — style, class feathers.controls.SimpleScrollBar |
| Determines if the scroll bar's thumb can be dragged horizontally or vertically. |
| |
direction — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
| Determines if the scroll bar's thumb can be dragged horizontally or vertically. |
| |
direction — style, class feathers.controls.Slider |
| Determines if the slider's thumb can be dragged horizontally or vertically. |
| |
direction — style, class feathers.controls.ProgressBar |
| Determines the direction that the progress bar fills. |
| |
direction — style, class feathers.controls.PageIndicator |
| The symbols may be positioned vertically or horizontally. |
| |
direction — style, class feathers.controls.ButtonGroup |
| The button group layout is either vertical or horizontal. |
| |
direction — Property, interface feathers.controls.IDirectionalScrollBar |
The direction of the scroll bar, either horizontal or vertical. |
direction — Property, class feathers.layout.SlideShowLayout |
Determines if pages are positioned from left-to-right or from top-to-bottom. |
Direction — class, package feathers.layout |
Constants that define a direction. |
DIRECTIONAL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TrackScaleMode |
If the component's direction is horizontal, the width of the track
will fill the full width of the component, and if the component's
direction is vertical, the height of the track will fill the full
height of the component. |
disableAll() — method, class feathers.core.FocusManager |
Disables focus management on all stages where it has previously been
enabled. |
disableAll() — method, class feathers.core.ToolTipManager |
Disables tool tip management on all stages where it has previously
been enabled. |
DISABLED — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ButtonState |
The disabled state, when the component's isEnabled
property is false. |
DISABLED — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TextInputState |
The disabled state, when the input is not enabled. |
DISABLED — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleState |
The state where the component is not selected and disabled. |
DISABLED_AND_SELECTED — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ButtonState |
Same as the disabled state, but the component is also selected. |
disabledColor — Property, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor |
Specifies text color when the component is disabled as a number
containing three 8-bit RGB components. |
disabledColor — Property, class feathers.skins.ImageSkin |
The color to tint the skin when the stateContext is
an IFeathersControl and its isEnabled
property is false. |
disabledElementFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer |
Advanced font formatting used to draw the text when the component
is disabled, if disabledFontStyles and
starling.text.TextFormat cannot be used on the parent
component because the full capabilities of Flash Text Engine are
required. |
disabledFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
| The font styles used to display the content label's text when the component is disabled. |
| |
disabledFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer |
| The font styles used to display the header renderer's text when the component is disabled. |
| |
disabledFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
| The font styles used to display the text area's text when the text area is disabled. |
| |
disabledFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.Label |
| The font styles used to display the label's text when the label is disabled. |
| |
disabledFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.Button |
| The font styles used to display the button's text when the button is disabled. |
| |
disabledFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
| The font styles used to display the input's text when the input is disabled. |
| |
disabledFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.TextCallout |
| The font styles used to display the callout's text when the callout is disabled. |
| |
disabledFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.Header |
| The font styles used to display the title's text when the header is disabled. |
| |
disabledFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.Toast |
| The font styles used to display the toast's message when the button is disabled. |
| |
disabledFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.Alert |
| The font styles used to display the alert's message text when the alert is disabled. |
| |
disabledFontStyles — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollText |
| The font styles used to display the label's text when the label is disabled. |
| |
disabledFormat — Property, class feathers.text.FontStylesSet |
The font styles used to display the text when the component is
disabled. |
disabledIcon — style, class feathers.controls.Button |
| The icon used for the button's disabled state. |
| |
disabledIcon — style, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
| The icon used for the input's disabled state. |
| |
disabledLabelProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
An object that stores properties for the toggle switch's label text
renderers when the toggle switch is disabled, and the properties will
be passed down to the text renderers when the toggle switch
validates. |
disabledSkin — style, class feathers.controls.BasicButton |
| The skin used for the button's disabled state. |
| |
disabledTextFormat — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollText |
| Advanced font formatting used to draw the text when the component is disabled if disabledFontStyles cannot be used. |
| |
disabledTextFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextRenderer |
Advanced font formatting used to draw the text when the component is
disabled, if disabledFontStyles and
starling.text.TextFormat cannot be used on the parent
component because the other features of bitmap fonts are required. |
disabledTextFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor |
Advanced font formatting used to draw the text when the component is
disabled, if disabledFontStyles and
starling.text.TextFormat cannot be used on the parent
component because the full capabilities of
flash.text.TextField are required. |
disabledTextFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer |
Advanced font formatting used to draw the text when the component is
disabled, if disabledFontStyles and
starling.text.TextFormat cannot be used on the parent
component because the full capabilities of
flash.text.TextField are required. |
disabledTexture — Property, class feathers.skins.ImageSkin |
The texture to display when the stateContext is
an IFeathersControl and its isEnabled
property is false. |
disclosureClosedIcon — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultTreeItemRenderer |
| The icon used to indicate if the tree item is closed. |
| |
disclosureGap — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultTreeItemRenderer |
| The space, in pixels, between the disclosure icon and left edge of the other children in the item renderer. |
| |
disclosureIcon — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultTreeItemRenderer |
| The icon used to indicate if the tree item is open or closed. |
| |
disclosureOpenIcon — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultTreeItemRenderer |
| The icon used to indicate if the tree item is open. |
| |
dispatchEvent(event:starling.events:Event) — method, interface feathers.core.IFeathersEventDispatcher |
Dispatches an event to all listeners added for the specified event type. |
dispatchEvent(event:starling.events:Event) — method, interface feathers.dragDrop.IDragSource |
| |
dispatchEvent(event:starling.events:Event) — method, interface feathers.dragDrop.IDropTarget |
| |
dispatchEventWith(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, data:Object) — method, interface feathers.core.IFeathersEventDispatcher |
Dispatches an event from the pool with the specified to all listeners
for the specified event type. |
dispatchEventWith(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, data:Object) — method, interface feathers.dragDrop.IDragSource |
| |
dispatchEventWith(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, data:Object) — method, interface feathers.dragDrop.IDropTarget |
| |
displayAsPassword — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollText |
| Specifies whether the text field is a password text field that hides the input characters using asterisks instead of the actual characters. |
| |
displayAsPassword — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
Determines if the entered text will be masked so that it cannot be
seen, such as for a password input. |
displayAsPassword — Property, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextEditor |
| |
displayAsPassword — Property, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor |
| |
displayAsPassword — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextEditor |
| |
displayAsPassword — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor |
This property is managed by the TextInput.
Specifies whether the text field is a password text field that hides
the input characters using asterisks instead of the actual
characters. |
displayAsPassword — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer |
Specifies whether the text field is a password text field that hides
the input characters using asterisks instead of the actual
characters. |
displayAsPassword — Property, interface feathers.core.ITextEditor |
Determines if the entered text will be masked so that it cannot be
seen, such as for a password input. |
displayAsPassword — Property, class feathers.text.StageTextField |
| |
displayListBypassEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollContainer |
A flag that indicates if the display list functions like addChild()
and removeChild() will be passed to the internal view
port. |
displayMode — style, class feathers.media.TimeLabel |
| Determines how the time is displayed by the label. |
| |
displayStateChange — Event, class feathers.media.VideoPlayer |
Dispatched when the media player changes to the full-screen display mode
or back to the normal display mode. |
DISPLAY_STATE_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.MediaPlayerEventType |
Dispatched when a media player changes to the full-screen display mode
or back to the normal display mode. |
dispose() — method, class feathers.controls.AutoComplete |
Disposes the display object. |
dispose() — method, class feathers.controls.PickerList |
Disposes the display object. |
dispose() — method, class feathers.controls.popups.BottomDrawerPopUpContentManager |
Cleans up the manager. |
dispose() — method, class feathers.controls.popups.CalloutPopUpContentManager |
Cleans up the manager. |
dispose() — method, class feathers.controls.popups.DropDownPopUpContentManager |
Cleans up the manager. |
dispose() — method, interface feathers.controls.popups.IPopUpContentManager |
Cleans up the manager. |
dispose() — method, class feathers.controls.popups.VerticalCenteredPopUpContentManager |
Cleans up the manager. |
dispose() — method, class feathers.core.DefaultToolTipManager |
Cleans up event listeners and display objects used by the tool tip
manager. |
dispose() — method, interface feathers.core.IFeathersDisplayObject |
Disposes the display object. |
dispose() — method, interface feathers.core.IToolTipManager |
Cleans up event listeners and display objects used by the tool tip
manager. |
dispose(disposeItem:Function) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection |
Calls a function for each item in the collection that may be used
to dispose any properties on the item. |
dispose(disposeBranch:Function, disposeItem:Function) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection |
Calls a function for each group in the collection and another
function for each item in a group, where each function handles any
properties that require disposal on these objects. |
dispose(disposeGroup:Function, disposeItem:Function) — method, class feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection |
Calls a function for each group in the collection and another
function for each item in a group, where each function handles any
properties that require disposal on these objects. |
dispose(disposeGroup:Function, disposeItem:Function) — method, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollection |
Calls a function for each group in the collection and another
function for each item in a group, where each function handles any
properties that require disposal on these objects. |
dispose(disposeItem:Function) — method, interface feathers.data.IListCollection |
Calls a function for each item in the collection that may be used
to dispose any properties on the item. |
dispose(disposeItem:Function) — method, class feathers.data.ListCollection |
Calls a function for each item in the collection that may be used
to dispose any properties on the item. |
dispose(disposeItem:Function) — method, class feathers.data.VectorCollection |
Calls a function for each item in the collection that may be used
to dispose any properties on the item. |
dispose(disposeBranch:Function, disposeItem:Function) — method, class feathers.data.VectorHierarchicalCollection |
Calls a function for each group in the collection and another
function for each item in a group, where each function handles any
properties that require disposal on these objects. |
dispose(disposeItem:Function) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection |
Calls a function for each item in the collection that may be used
to dispose any properties on the item. |
dispose(disposeGroup:Function, disposeItem:Function) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListHierarchicalCollection |
Calls a function for each group in the collection and another
function for each item in a group, where each function handles any
properties that require disposal on these objects. |
dispose() — method, class feathers.media.MuteToggleButton |
Disposes the display object. |
dispose() — method, class feathers.skins.StyleProviderRegistry |
Disposes the theme. |
dispose() — method, class feathers.text.FontStylesSet |
Cleans up all TextFormat objects. |
dispose() — method, class feathers.text.StageTextField |
| |
dispose() — method, class feathers.themes.StyleNameFunctionTheme |
Disposes the theme. |
dispose() — method, class feathers.utils.textures.TextureCache |
Disposes the texture cache, including all textures (even if they are
retained). |
disposeContent — Property, class feathers.controls.Callout |
Determines if the callout's content will be disposed when the callout
is disposed. |
disposeContent — Property, class feathers.controls.Toast |
Determines if the toast's content will be disposed when the toast
is disposed. |
disposeForStage(stage:starling.display:Stage) — Static Method , class feathers.events.ExclusiveTouch |
Disposes the exclusive touch manager for the specified stage. |
disposeItems — Property, class feathers.controls.Header |
Determines if the leftItems, centerItems,
and rightItems are disposed or not when the header is
disposed. |
disposeOnSelfClose — Property, class feathers.controls.Callout |
Determines if the callout will be disposed when close()
is called internally. |
disposeOnSelfClose — Property, class feathers.controls.Toast |
Determines if the toast will be disposed when close()
is called internally. |
distributeButtonSizes — style, class feathers.controls.ButtonGroup |
| If true, the buttons will be equally sized in the direction of the layout. |
| |
distributeHeights — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseTiledLayout |
If the total height of the tiles in a column (minus padding and gap)
does not fill the entire column, the remaining space will be
distributed to each tile equally. |
distributeHeights — Property, class feathers.layout.TiledColumnsLayout |
If the total height of the tiles in a column (minus padding and gap)
does not fill the entire column, the remaining space will be
distributed to each tile equally. |
distributeHeights — Property, class feathers.layout.TiledRowsLayout |
If the total height of the tiles in a column (minus padding and gap)
does not fill the entire column, the remaining space will be
distributed to each tile equally. |
distributeHeights — Property, class feathers.layout.VerticalLayout |
Distributes the height of the view port equally to each item. |
distributeTabSizes — style, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
| If true, the tabs will be equally sized in the direction of the layout. |
| |
distributeWidths — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseTiledLayout |
If the total width of the tiles in a row (minus padding and gap)
does not fill the entire row, the remaining space will be distributed
to each tile equally. |
distributeWidths — Property, class feathers.layout.HorizontalLayout |
Distributes the width of the view port equally to each item. |
distributeWidths — Property, class feathers.layout.TiledColumnsLayout |
If the total width of the tiles in a row (minus padding and gap)
does not fill the entire row, the remaining space will be distributed
to each tile equally. |
distributeWidths — Property, class feathers.layout.TiledRowsLayout |
If the total width of the tiles in a row (minus padding and gap)
does not fill the entire row, the remaining space will be distributed
to each tile equally. |
DOWN — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ButtonState |
The down state, when a touch begins on the component. |
DOWN_AND_SELECTED — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ButtonState |
Same as the down state, but the component is also selected. |
downIcon — style, class feathers.controls.Button |
| The icon used for the button's down state. |
| |
downSkin — style, class feathers.controls.BasicButton |
| The skin used for the button's down state. |
| |
downState — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToState |
The value for the "down" state. |
downState — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TouchToState |
The value for the "down" state. |
dpi — Static Property, class feathers.system.DeviceCapabilities |
The screen density to be used by Feathers. |
DRAG — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.PullViewDisplayMode |
The pull view may be dragged with the scroller's content. |
dragComplete — Event, interface feathers.dragDrop.IDragSource |
Dispatched when the drop has been completed or when the drag has been
cancelled. |
DRAG_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.DragDropEvent |
Dispatched by the IDragSource when a drag completes. |
dragData — Static Property, class feathers.dragDrop.DragDropManager |
The data associated with the current drag. |
dragData — Property, class feathers.events.DragDropEvent |
The DragData associated with the current drag. |
DragData — class, package feathers.dragDrop |
Stores data associated with a drag and drop operation. |
DragData() — Constructor, class feathers.dragDrop.DragData |
Constructor. |
dragDrop — Event, interface feathers.dragDrop.IDropTarget |
Dispatched when an accepted drag is dropped on the target. |
DRAG_DROP — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.DragDropEvent |
Dispatched by a IDropTarget when a drop occurs. |
DragDropEvent — class, package feathers.events |
Events used by the DragDropManager. |
DragDropEvent(type:String, dragData:feathers.dragDrop:DragData, isDropped:Boolean, localX:Number, localY:Number, dragSource:feathers.dragDrop:IDragSource) — Constructor, class feathers.events.DragDropEvent |
Constructor. |
DragDropManager — class, package feathers.dragDrop |
Handles drag and drop operations based on Starling touch events. |
dragEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.List |
Indicates if this list can initiate drag and drop operations by
touching an item and dragging it. |
dragEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
Indicates if this tab bar can initiate drag and drop operations by
touching an item and dragging it. |
dragEnabled — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IDragAndDropItemRenderer |
Indicates if the owner has enabled drag actions. |
dragEnter — Event, interface feathers.dragDrop.IDropTarget |
Dispatched when the touch enters the drop target's bounds. |
DRAG_ENTER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.DragDropEvent |
Dispatched by a IDropTarget when a drag enters its
bounds. |
dragExit — Event, interface feathers.dragDrop.IDropTarget |
Dispatched when the touch exits the drop target's bounds or when
the drag is cancelled while the touch is within the drop target's
bounds. |
DRAG_EXIT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.DragDropEvent |
Dispatched by a IDropTarget when a drag exits its
bounds. |
dragFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.List |
Drag and drop is restricted to components that have the same
dragFormat. |
dragFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
Drag and drop is restricted to components that have the same
dragFormat. |
DragGesture — class, package feathers.controls |
Gestures used to drag content. |
dragIcon — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultListItemRenderer |
| An optional icon used to drag and drop the list item. |
| |
dragMove — Event, interface feathers.dragDrop.IDropTarget |
Dispatched when the touch moves within the drop target's bounds. |
DRAG_MOVE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.DragDropEvent |
Dispatched by a IDropTarget when a drag moves to a new
location within its bounds. |
dragProxy — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IDragAndDropItemRenderer |
An optional display object to use to trigger drag and drop in the
list component. |
dragSource — Static Property, class feathers.dragDrop.DragDropManager |
The IDragSource that started the current drag. |
dragSource — Property, class feathers.events.DragDropEvent |
The source where the drag started. |
dragStart — Event, interface feathers.dragDrop.IDragSource |
Dispatched when the drag and drop manager begins the drag. |
DRAG_START — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.DragDropEvent |
Dispatched by the IDragSource when a drag starts. |
draw() — method, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
Override to customize layout and to adjust properties of children. |
Drawers — class, package feathers.controls |
A container that displays primary content in the center surrounded by
optional "drawers" that can open and close on the edges. |
Drawers(content:feathers.core:IFeathersControl) — Constructor, class feathers.controls.Drawers |
Constructor. |
drawViewPortToBitmapData(bitmap:flash.display:BitmapData) — method, class feathers.text.StageTextField |
| |
DropDownPopUpContentManager — class, package feathers.controls.popups |
Displays pop-up content as a desktop-style drop-down. |
DropDownPopUpContentManager() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.popups.DropDownPopUpContentManager |
Constructor. |
dropEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.List |
Indicates if this list can accept items that are dragged and
dropped over the list's hit area. |
dropEnabled — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
Indicates if this tab bar can accept items that are dragged and
dropped over the tab bar's hit area. |
dropIndicatorSkin — style, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
| A skin to display when dragging one an item to indicate where it can be dropped. |
| |
dropIndicatorSkin — style, class feathers.controls.List |
| A skin to display when dragging one an item to indicate where it can be dropped. |
| |
duration — Property, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.BaseEffectContext |
The duration of the effect, in seconds. |
duration — Property, interface feathers.motion.effectClasses.IEffectContext |
The duration of the effect, in seconds. |
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