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TabBar — class, package feathers.controls
A line of tabs (vertical or horizontal), where one may be selected at a time.
TabBar() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.TabBar
tabBarFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator
A function used to generate the navigator's tab bar sub-component.
tabBarPosition — style, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator
The location of the tab bar.
tabBarStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator
The value added to the styleNameList of the tab bar.
tabFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar
Creates each tab.
tabInitializer — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar
Modifies the properties of an individual tab, using an item from the data provider.
tabletScreenLandscapeWidthMinimumInches — Static Property, class feathers.system.DeviceCapabilities
The minimum physical size, in inches, of the device's larger side to be considered a tablet.
tabletScreenPortraitWidthMinimumInches — Static Property, class feathers.system.DeviceCapabilities
The minimum physical width, in inches, of the device when in portrait orientation to be considered a tablet.
TabNavigator — class, package feathers.controls
A tabbed container.
TabNavigator() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator
TabNavigatorItem — class, package feathers.controls
Data for an individual tab that will be displayed by a TabNavigator component.
TabNavigatorItem(classOrFunctionOrDisplayObject:Object, label:String, icon:starling.display:DisplayObject) — Constructor, class feathers.controls.TabNavigatorItem
tabProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar
An object that stores properties for all of the tab bar's tabs, and the properties will be passed down to every tab when the tab bar validates.
tabReleaser — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar
Resets the properties of an individual tab, using the item from the data provider that was associated with the tab.
tabStops — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
Specifies the tab stops for the text in the text block, in the form of a Vector of TabStop objects.
tabStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar
The value added to the styleNameList of the tabs.
tapCount — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TapToEvent
The number of times a component must be tapped before the event will be dispatched.
tapToDeselect — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TapToSelect
May be set to true to allow the target to be deselected when tapped.
TapToEvent — class, package feathers.utils.touch
Dispatches an event from the target when the target is tapped/clicked.
TapToEvent(target:starling.display:DisplayObject, eventType:String) — Constructor, class feathers.utils.touch.TapToEvent
tapToSelect — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.LongPress
If the target can be selected by tapping, the TapToSelect instance should be passed in so that it can be temporarily disabled when a long press is detected.
TapToSelect — class, package feathers.utils.touch
Changes the isSelected property of the target when the target is tapped (which will dispatch Event.CHANGE).
TapToSelect(target:feathers.core:IToggle) — Constructor, class feathers.utils.touch.TapToSelect
tapToTrigger — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.LongPress
If the target can be triggered by tapping, the TapToTrigger instance should be passed in so that it can be temporarily disabled when a long press is detected.
TapToTrigger — class, package feathers.utils.touch
Dispatches Event.TRIGGERED from the target when the target is tapped.
TapToTrigger(target:starling.display:DisplayObject) — Constructor, class feathers.utils.touch.TapToTrigger
target — Property, class feathers.display.RenderDelegate
The displaying object being rendered.
target — Property, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.BaseEffectContext
The target of the effect.
target — Property, interface feathers.motion.effectClasses.IEffectContext
The target of the effect.
target — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToEvent
The target component that should be selected when a key is pressed.
target — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToSelect
The target component that should be selected when a key is pressed.
target — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToState
The target component that should change state when a key is pressed or released.
target — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.LongPress
The target component that should dispatch FeathersEventType.LONG_PRESS when tapped.
target — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TapToEvent
The target component that should dispatch the eventType when tapped.
target — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TapToSelect
The target component that should be selected when tapped.
target — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TouchToState
The target component that should change state based on touch phases.
text — Property, class feathers.controls.Label
The text displayed by the label.
text — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollText
The text to display.
text — Property, class feathers.controls.TextArea
The text displayed by the text area.
text — Property, class feathers.controls.TextCallout
The text to display in the callout.
text — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput
The text displayed by the text input.
text — Property, class feathers.controls.text.BaseTextRenderer
The text to render.
text — Property, class feathers.core.BaseTextEditor
The text displayed by the editor.
text — Property, interface feathers.core.ITextEditor
The text displayed by the editor.
text — Property, interface feathers.core.ITextRenderer
The text to render.
text — Property, interface feathers.core.IToolTip
The text to display in the tool tip.
text — Property, class feathers.text.StageTextField
textAlign — Property, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor
Indicates the paragraph alignment.
textAlign — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
The alignment of the text.
textAlign — Property, class feathers.text.StageTextField
TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextEditor
The text will be centered horizontally.
TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextEditor
The text will be positioned to the left edge.
TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextEditor
The text will be positioned to the right edge.
TextArea — class, package feathers.controls
A text entry control that allows users to enter and edit multiple lines of uniformly-formatted text with the ability to scroll.
TextArea() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.TextArea
textBlock — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
The TextBlock instance used to render the text before taking a texture snapshot.
TextBlockTextEditor — class, package feathers.controls.text
Text that may be edited at runtime by the user with the TextInput component, rendered with a native flash.text.engine.TextBlock from Flash Text Engine (sometimes abbreviated as FTE).
TextBlockTextEditor() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextEditor
TextBlockTextRenderer — class, package feathers.controls.text
Renders text with a native flash.text.engine.TextBlock from Flash Text Engine (sometimes abbreviated as FTE), and draws it to BitmapData before uploading it to a texture on the GPU.
TextBlockTextRenderer() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
TextCallout — class, package feathers.controls
A special Callout designed to display text.
TextCallout() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.TextCallout
textEditor — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput
The text editor sub-component.
textEditorFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.TextArea
A function used to instantiate the text editor view port.
textEditorFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput
A function used to instantiate the text editor.
textEditorProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.TextArea
An object that stores properties for the text area's text editor sub-component, and the properties will be passed down to the text editor when the text area validates.
textEditorProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput
An object that stores properties for the input's text editor sub-component, and the properties will be passed down to the text editor when the input validates.
textEditorStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.TextArea
The value added to the styleNameList of the text editor.
textEditorStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput
The value added to the styleNameList of the text editor.
textField — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
The text field sub-component.
textField — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer
The TextField instance used to render the text before taking a texture snapshot.
TextFieldTextEditor — class, package feathers.controls.text
Text that may be edited at runtime by the user with the TextInput component, using the native flash.text.TextField class with its type property set to flash.text.TextInputType.INPUT.
TextFieldTextEditor() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
TextFieldTextEditorViewPort — class, package feathers.controls.text
A text editor view port for the TextArea component that uses flash.text.TextField.
TextFieldTextEditorViewPort() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditorViewPort
TextFieldTextRenderer — class, package feathers.controls.text
Renders text with a native flash.text.TextField and draws it to BitmapData before uploading it to a texture on the GPU.
TextFieldTextRenderer() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer
textFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextRenderer
Advanced font formatting used to draw the text, if fontStyles and starling.text.TextFormat cannot be used on the parent component because the other features of bitmap fonts are required.
textFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
Advanced font formatting used to draw the text, if fontStyles and starling.text.TextFormat cannot be used on the parent component because the full capabilities of flash.text.TextField are required.
textFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer
Advanced font formatting used to draw the text, if fontStyles and starling.text.TextFormat cannot be used on the parent component because the full capabilities of flash.text.TextField are required.
textFormat — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollText
Advanced font formatting used to draw the text if fontStyles cannot be used.
textInput — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper
The text input sub-component.
TextInput — class, package feathers.controls
A text entry control that allows users to enter and edit a single line of uniformly-formatted text.
TextInput() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.TextInput
textInputFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper
A function used to generate the numeric stepper's text input sub-component.
textInputGap — style, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper
The gap, in pixels, between the numeric stepper's text input and its buttons.
TextInputNavigation — class, package feathers.utils.text
Functions for navigating text inputs with the keyboard.
textInputProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper
An object that stores properties for the numeric stepper's text input sub-component, and the properties will be passed down to the text input when the numeric stepper validates.
TextInputRestrict — class, package feathers.utils.text
Duplicates the functionality of the restrict property on flash.text.TextField.
TextInputRestrict(restrict:String) — Constructor, class feathers.utils.text.TextInputRestrict
TextInputState — class, package feathers.controls
States for text input components.
textInputStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper
The value added to the styleNameList of the text input.
textJustifier — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
Specifies the TextJustifier to use during line creation.
textRenderer — Property, class feathers.controls.Label
The text renderer.
textRenderer — Property, class feathers.controls.TextCallout
The text renderer.
textRendererFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.Label
A function used to instantiate the label's text renderer sub-component.
textRendererFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.TextCallout
A function used to instantiate the callout's text renderer sub-component.
textRendererFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer
A function that generates an ITextRenderer that displays the header's text.
textRendererProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.Label
An object that stores properties for the label's text renderer sub-component, and the properties will be passed down to the text renderer when the label validates.
textRendererStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.Label
The value added to the styleNameList of the text renderer.
textRendererStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.TextCallout
The value added to the styleNameList of the text renderer sub-component.
textRendererStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer
The value added to the styleNameList of the text renderer.
textSnapshot — Property, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor
An image that displays a snapshot of the native StageText in the Starling display list when the editor doesn't have focus.
textSnapshot — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
An image that displays a snapshot of the native TextBlock in the Starling display list when the editor doesn't have focus.
textSnapshot — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
An image that displays a snapshot of the native TextField in the Starling display list when the editor doesn't have focus.
textSnapshot — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer
An image that displays a snapshot of the native TextField in the Starling display list when the editor doesn't have focus.
textSnapshots — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
If multiple snapshots are needed due to texture size limits, the snapshots appearing after the first are stored here.
textSnapshots — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer
If multiple snapshots are needed due to texture size limits, the snapshots appearing after the first are stored here.
texture — Property, class feathers.media.VideoPlayer
The texture used to display the video.
textureCache — Property, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
An optional cache for textures.
TextureCache — class, package feathers.utils.textures
Caches textures in memory.
TextureCache(maxUnretainedTextures:int) — Constructor, class feathers.utils.textures.TextureCache
textureFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
The texture format to use when creating a texture loaded from a URL.
textureQueueDuration — Property, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
If delayTextureCreation is true and the duration is not Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, the loader will be added to a queue where the textures are uploaded to the GPU in sequence to avoid significantly affecting performance.
textureScale — Property, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
Scales the texture dimensions during measurement, but does not set the texture's scale factor.
textureSmoothing — Property, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextRenderer
A texture smoothing value passed to each character image.
textureSmoothing — style, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
The texture smoothing value to use on the internal starling.display.Image.
thickness — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
The thickness of the glyph edges in this text field.
thickness — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer
The thickness of the glyph edges in this text field.
thickness — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollText
The thickness of the glyph edges in this text field.
throwEase — style, class feathers.controls.Scroller
The easing function used for "throw" animations.
throwElasticity — style, class feathers.controls.Scroller
If the scroll position goes outside the minimum or maximum bounds when the scroller's content is "thrown", the scrolling will be constrained using this multiplier.
throwTo(targetHorizontalScrollPosition:Number, targetVerticalScrollPosition:Number, duration:Number) — method, class feathers.controls.Scroller
Immediately throws the scroller to the specified position, with optional animation.
throwToPage(targetHorizontalPageIndex:int, targetVerticalPageIndex:int, duration:Number) — method, class feathers.controls.Scroller
Immediately throws the scroller to the specified page index, with optional animation.
thumb — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar
The scroll bar's thumb sub-component.
thumb — Property, class feathers.controls.SimpleScrollBar
The thumb sub-component.
thumb — Property, class feathers.controls.Slider
The thumb sub-component.
thumb — Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch
The thumb sub-component.
thumbFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar
A function used to generate the scroll bar's thumb sub-component.
thumbFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.SimpleScrollBar
A function used to generate the scroll bar's thumb sub-component.
thumbFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.Slider
A function used to generate the slider's thumb sub-component.
thumbFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch
A function used to generate the toggle switch's thumb sub-component.
thumbOffset — style, class feathers.controls.Slider
Offsets the position of the thumb by a certain number of pixels in a direction perpendicular to the track.
thumbProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar
An object that stores properties for the scroll bar's thumb, and the properties will be passed down to the thumb when the scroll bar validates.
thumbProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.SimpleScrollBar
An object that stores properties for the scroll bar's thumb, and the properties will be passed down to the thumb when the scroll bar validates.
thumbProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.Slider
An object that stores properties for the slider's thumb, and the properties will be passed down to the thumb when the slider validates.
thumbProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch
An object that stores properties for the toggle switch's thumb sub-component, and the properties will be passed down to the thumb when the toggle switch validates.
thumbStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar
The value added to the styleNameList of the thumb.
thumbStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.SimpleScrollBar
The value added to the styleNameList of the thumb.
thumbStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.Slider
The value added to the styleNameList of the thumb.
thumbStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch
The value added to the styleNameList of the thumb.
TiledColumnsLayout — class, package feathers.layout
Positions items as tiles (equal width and height) from top to bottom in multiple columns.
TiledColumnsLayout() — Constructor, class feathers.layout.TiledColumnsLayout
TiledRowsLayout — class, package feathers.layout
Positions items as tiles (equal width and height) from left to right in multiple rows.
TiledRowsLayout() — Constructor, class feathers.layout.TiledRowsLayout
tileGrid — style, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
The tileGrid value to use on the internal starling.display.Image.
tileHorizontalAlign — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseTiledLayout
If the item's width is less than the tile bounds, the position of the item can be aligned horizontally.
tileVerticalAlign — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseTiledLayout
If an item's height is less than the tile bounds, the position of the item can be aligned vertically.
TIME — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.DateTimeMode
Only the time will be displayed.
TimeLabel — class, package feathers.media
A specialized label that can display the current playhead time, total time, remaining time, or a combined current and total time for a media player.
TimeLabel() — Constructor, class feathers.media.TimeLabel
timeout — Property, class feathers.controls.Toast
The time, in seconds, when the toast will automatically close.
title — Property, class feathers.controls.Header
The text displayed for the header's title.
title — Property, class feathers.controls.Panel
The panel's title to display in the header.
title — Property, class feathers.controls.WebView
The title of the currently loaded page.
titleAlign — style, class feathers.controls.Header
The preferred horizontal position of the title.
titleFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.Header
A function used to instantiate the header's title text renderer sub-component.
titleGap — style, class feathers.controls.Header
Space, in pixels, between the title and the left or right groups of items.
titleProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.Header
An object that stores properties for the header's title text renderer sub-component, and the properties will be passed down to the text renderer when the header validates.
titleStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.Header
The value added to the styleNameList of the header's title text renderer.
titleTextRenderer — Property, class feathers.controls.Header
The text renderer for the header's title.
Toast — class, package feathers.controls
Displays a notification-like message in a popup over the rest of your app's content.
Toast() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.Toast
toastFactory — Static Property, class feathers.controls.Toast
Used to create a new Toast instance in the showMessage(), showMessageWithActions(), or showContent() functions.
ToastQueueMode — class, package feathers.controls
Constants to control how the toast queue will behave when the maximum number of allowed toasts are visible.
todayLabel — Property, class feathers.controls.DateTimeSpinner
If not null, and the editingMode property is set to DateTimeMode.DATE_AND_TIME the date matching today's current date will display this label instead of the date.
toEnd() — method, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.BaseEffectContext
Advances the effect to the end and forces Event.COMPLETE to dispatch.
toEnd() — method, interface feathers.motion.effectClasses.IEffectContext
Advances the effect to the end and forces Event.COMPLETE to dispatch.
toggle(name:String) — method, class feathers.core.TokenList
The token is added to the list if it doesn't appear in the list, or it is removed from the list if it is already in the list.
toggleBottomDrawer(duration:Number) — method, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Opens or closes the bottom drawer.
toggleBranch(branch:Object, open:Boolean) — method, class feathers.controls.Tree
Opens or closes a branch.
ToggleButton — class, package feathers.controls
A button that may be selected and deselected when triggered.
ToggleButton() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.ToggleButton
toggleButtonOnOpenAndClose — style, class feathers.controls.PickerList
Determines if the isSelected property of the picker list's button sub-component is toggled when the list is opened and closed, if the class used to create the thumb implements the IToggle interface.
toggleDisplayMode — style, class feathers.media.TimeLabel
If the displayMode property is set to MediaTimeMode.CURRENT_TIME or MediaTimeMode.REMAINING_TIME, and this property is set to true, the label will switch to displaying the current time and the remaining time, if tapped or clicked.
toggleDuration — style, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch
The duration, in seconds, of the animation when the toggle switch is toggled and animates the position of the thumb.
toggleEase — style, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch
The easing function used for toggle animations.
toggleFullScreen() — method, class feathers.media.VideoPlayer
Goes to full screen or returns to normal display.
toggleGroup — Property, class feathers.controls.TabBar
The toggle group.
toggleGroup — Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleButton
When the toggle is added to a ToggleGroup, the group will manage the entire group's selection when one of the toggles in the group changes.
toggleGroup — Property, interface feathers.core.IGroupedToggle
When the toggle is added to a ToggleGroup, the group will manage the entire group's selection when one of the toggles in the group changes.
ToggleGroup — class, package feathers.core
Controls the selection of two or more IToggle instances where only one may be selected at a time.
ToggleGroup() — Constructor, class feathers.core.ToggleGroup
toggleLeftDrawer(duration:Number) — method, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Opens or closes the left drawer.
togglePlayPause() — method, class feathers.media.BaseTimedMediaPlayer
Toggles the media content between playing and paused states.
togglePlayPause() — method, interface feathers.media.ITimedMediaPlayer
Toggles the media content between playing and paused states.
toggleRightDrawer(duration:Number) — method, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Opens or closes the right drawer.
ToggleState — class, package feathers.controls
States for simple toggle components.
ToggleSwitch — class, package feathers.controls
Similar to a light switch with on and off states.
ToggleSwitch() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch
toggleThumbSelection — style, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch
Determines if the isSelected property of the thumb is updated to match the isSelected property of the toggle switch, if the class used to create the thumb implements the IToggle interface.
toggleTopDrawer(duration:Number) — method, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Opens or closes the top drawer.
TokenList — class, package feathers.core
A list of space-delimited tokens.
TokenList() — Constructor, class feathers.core.TokenList
toolTip — Property, class feathers.core.FeathersControl
Text to display in a tool tip to when hovering over this component, if the ToolTipManager is enabled.
toolTip — Property, interface feathers.core.IFeathersControl
Text to display in a tool tip to when hovering over this component, if the ToolTipManager is enabled.
toolTipFactory — Property, class feathers.core.DefaultToolTipManager
A function that creates a tool tip.
ToolTipManager — class, package feathers.core
Manages tool tips.
toolTipManagerFactory — Static Property, class feathers.core.ToolTipManager
A function that creates a tool tip manager.
top — Property, class feathers.layout.AnchorLayoutData
The position, in pixels, of the top edge relative to the top anchor, or, if there is no top anchor, then the position is relative to the top edge of the parent container.
TOP — Constant Static Property, class feathers.layout.RelativePosition
The item will be positioned above another item.
TOP — Constant Static Property, class feathers.layout.VerticalAlign
The items in the layout will be vertically aligned to the top of the bounds.
topAnchorDisplayObject — Property, class feathers.layout.AnchorLayoutData
The top edge of the layout object will be relative to this anchor.
topArrowGap — style, class feathers.controls.Callout
The space, in pixels, between the top arrow skin and the background skin.
topArrowSkin — style, class feathers.controls.Callout
The arrow skin to display on the top edge of the callout.
topDrawer — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers
The drawer that appears above the primary content.
topDrawerDivider — style, class feathers.controls.Drawers
The divider between the top drawer and the content when the top drawer is docked.
topDrawerDockMode — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers
Determines if the top drawer is docked in all, some, or no stage orientations.
topDrawerToggleEventType — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers
When this event is dispatched by the content event dispatcher, the top drawer will toggle open and closed.
topPullView — Property, class feathers.controls.Scroller
A view that is displayed at the top of the scroller's view port when dragging down.
topPullViewDisplayMode — Property, class feathers.controls.Scroller
Indicates whether the top pull view may be dragged with the content, or if its position is fixed to the edge of the scroller.
totalTime — Property, class feathers.media.BaseTimedMediaPlayer
The maximum position of the playhead, in seconds.
totalTime — Property, interface feathers.media.ITimedMediaPlayer
The maximum position of the playhead, in seconds.
TOTAL_TIME — Constant Static Property, class feathers.media.MediaTimeMode
The label displays only the total time of the media content.
totalTimeChange — Event, class feathers.media.BaseTimedMediaPlayer
Dispatched when the media player's total playhead time changes.
totalTimeChange — Event, interface feathers.media.ITimedMediaPlayer
Dispatched when the media player's total playhead time changes.
TOTAL_TIME_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.MediaPlayerEventType
Dispatched when a media player's total playhead time changes.
TOUCH — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollInteractionMode
The user may touch anywhere on the scroller and drag to scroll.
touchable — Property, interface feathers.core.IFeathersDisplayObject
Determines if the display object may be touched.
touchableWhenPlaying — Property, class feathers.media.PlayPauseToggleButton
Determines if the button may be touched when the media player is playing its content.
TOUCH_AND_SCROLL_BARS — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ScrollInteractionMode
The user may touch anywhere on the scroller and drag to scroll, and the scroll bars may be dragged separately.
touchPointID — Static Property, class feathers.dragDrop.DragDropManager
The ID of the touch that initiated the current drag.
TouchToState — class, package feathers.utils.touch
Changes a target's state based on the TouchPhase when the target is touched.
TouchToState(target:starling.display:DisplayObject, callback:Function) — Constructor, class feathers.utils.touch.TouchToState
TO_VALUE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.TrackInteractionMode
When the track is touched, the slider's thumb jumps directly to the touch position, and the slider's value property is updated to match as if the thumb were dragged to that position, and the thumb may continue to be dragged until the touch ends.
trackInteractionMode — style, class feathers.controls.Slider
Determines how the slider's value changes when the track is touched.
TrackInteractionMode — class, package feathers.controls
Interaction modes for components with a track.
trackLayoutMode — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar
Determines how the minimum and maximum track skins are positioned and sized.
trackLayoutMode — style, class feathers.controls.Slider
Determines how the minimum and maximum track skins are positioned and sized.
trackLayoutMode — style, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch
Determines how the on and off track skins are positioned and sized.
TrackLayoutMode — class, package feathers.controls
Layout modes for components with a thumb that is dragged along a track.
trackScaleMode — style, class feathers.controls.Slider
Determines how the minimum and maximum track skins are positioned and sized.
trackScaleMode — style, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch
Determines how the on and off track skins are positioned and sized.
TrackScaleMode — class, package feathers.controls
How the track is sized perpendicular to the direction it is dragged.
transformationMatrix — Property, interface feathers.core.IFeathersDisplayObject
The transformation matrix of the display object, relative to its parent.
transition — Property, class feathers.controls.TabNavigatorItem
A custom transition for this screen only.
transition — Property, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.BaseEffectContext
The transition, or easing function, used for the effect.
transition — style, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator
Typically used to provide some kind of animation or visual effect, this function is called when a new screen is shown.
transition — style, class feathers.controls.ScreenNavigator
Typically used to provide some kind of animation or visual effect, this function is called when a new screen is shown.
TRANSITION_CANCEL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType
The FeathersEventType.TRANSITION_CANCEL event type is used by the ScreenNavigator to indicate when a transition between screens is cancelled.
transitionComplete — Event, class feathers.controls.supportClasses.BaseScreenNavigator
Dispatched when the transition between screens has completed.
TRANSITION_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType
The FeathersEventType.TRANSITION_COMPLETE event type is used by the ScreenNavigator to indicate when a transition between screens ends.
transitionDelayEvent — Property, class feathers.controls.ScreenNavigatorItem
An optional event that the screen will dispatch when it's ready for the transition to start.
transitionDelayEvent — Property, class feathers.controls.StackScreenNavigatorItem
An optional event that the screen will dispatch when it's ready for the transition to start.
transitionInComplete — Event, class feathers.controls.PanelScreen
Dispatched when the transition animation finishes as the screen is shown by the screen navigator.
transitionInComplete — Event, class feathers.controls.Screen
Dispatched when the transition animation finishes as the screen is shown by the screen navigator.
transitionInComplete — Event, class feathers.controls.ScrollScreen
Dispatched when the transition animation finishes as the screen is shown by the screen navigator.
TRANSITION_IN_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType
The FeathersEventType.TRANSITION_IN_COMPLETE event type is used by the ScreenNavigator to indicate to a new screen when it has completed transitioning in.
transitionInStart — Event, class feathers.controls.PanelScreen
Dispatched when the transition animation begins as the screen is shown by the screen navigator.
transitionInStart — Event, class feathers.controls.Screen
Dispatched when the transition animation begins as the screen is shown by the screen navigator.
transitionInStart — Event, class feathers.controls.ScrollScreen
Dispatched when the transition animation begins as the screen is shown by the screen navigator.
TRANSITION_IN_START — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType
The FeathersEventType.TRANSITION_IN_START event type is used by the ScreenNavigator to indicate to a new screen when it begins to transition in.
transitionOutComplete — Event, class feathers.controls.PanelScreen
Dispatched when the transition animation finishes as a different screen is shown by the screen navigator and this screen is hidden.
transitionOutComplete — Event, class feathers.controls.Screen
Dispatched when the transition animation finishes as a different screen is shown by the screen navigator and this screen is hidden.
transitionOutComplete — Event, class feathers.controls.ScrollScreen
Dispatched when the transition animation finishes as a different screen is shown by the screen navigator and this screen is hidden.
TRANSITION_OUT_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType
The FeathersEventType.TRANSITION_OUT_COMPLETE event type is used by the ScreenNavigator to indicate to an existing screen when it has completed transitioning out.
transitionOutStart — Event, class feathers.controls.PanelScreen
Dispatched when the transition animation begins as a different screen is shown by the screen navigator and this screen is hidden.
transitionOutStart — Event, class feathers.controls.Screen
Dispatched when the transition animation begins as a different screen is shown by the screen navigator and this screen is hidden.
transitionOutStart — Event, class feathers.controls.ScrollScreen
Dispatched when the transition animation begins as a different screen is shown by the screen navigator and this screen is hidden.
TRANSITION_OUT_START — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType
The FeathersEventType.TRANSITION_OUT_START event type is used by the ScreenNavigator to indicate to an existing screen when it begins to transition out.
transitionStart — Event, class feathers.controls.supportClasses.BaseScreenNavigator
Dispatched when the transition between screens begins.
TRANSITION_START — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType
The FeathersEventType.TRANSITION_START event type is used by the ScreenNavigator to indicate when a transition between screens begins.
Tree — class, package feathers.controls
Displays a hierarchical tree of items.
Tree() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.Tree
triggered — Event, class feathers.controls.BasicButton
Dispatched when the the user taps or clicks the button.
triggered — Event, class feathers.controls.ButtonGroup
Dispatched when one of the buttons is triggered.
triggered — Event, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
Dispatched when the the user taps or clicks an item renderer in the list.
triggered — Event, class feathers.controls.List
Dispatched when the the user taps or clicks an item renderer in the list.
triggered — Event, class feathers.controls.ScrollText
Dispatched when an anchor (<a>) element in the HTML text is triggered when the href attribute begins with "event:".
triggered — Event, class feathers.controls.TabBar
Dispatched when one of the tabs is triggered.
triggered — Event, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator
Dispatched when one of the tabs is triggered.
triggered — Event, class feathers.controls.Tree
Dispatched when the the user taps or clicks an item renderer in the tree.
triggered — Event, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer
Dispatched when the the user taps or clicks the header renderer.
triggered — Event, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IDataGridHeaderRenderer
Dispatched when the the user taps or clicks the header renderer.
triggered — Event, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IGroupedListItemRenderer
Dispatched when the the user taps or clicks the item renderer.
triggered — Event, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IListItemRenderer
Dispatched when the the user taps or clicks the item renderer.
triggered — Event, interface feathers.controls.renderers.ITreeItemRenderer
Dispatched when the the user taps or clicks the item renderer.
trueStyleProvider — Property, class feathers.skins.ConditionalStyleProvider
A call to applyStyles() is passed to this style provider when the conditionalFunction returns true.
truncateToFit — Property, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextRenderer
If word wrap is disabled, and the text is longer than the width of the label, the text may be truncated using truncationText.
truncateToFit — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
If word wrap is disabled, and the text is longer than the width of the label, the text may be truncated using truncationText.
truncationText — Property, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextRenderer
The text to display at the end of the label if it is truncated.
truncationText — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
The text to display at the end of the label if it is truncated.
tween — Property, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.TweenEffectContext
The tween that is controlled by the effect.
TweenEffectContext — class, package feathers.motion.effectClasses
An effect context for a starling.animation.Tween.
TweenEffectContext(target:starling.display:DisplayObject, tween:starling.animation:Tween, interruptBehavior:String) — Constructor, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.TweenEffectContext
TweenMoveEffectContext — class, package feathers.motion.effectClasses
A move effect context for a starling.animation.Tween.
TweenMoveEffectContext(target:starling.display:DisplayObject, tween:starling.animation:Tween) — Constructor, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.TweenMoveEffectContext
TweenResizeEffectContext — class, package feathers.motion.effectClasses
A resize effect context for a starling.animation.Tween.
TweenResizeEffectContext(target:starling.display:DisplayObject, tween:starling.animation:Tween) — Constructor, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.TweenResizeEffectContext
typicalItem — Property, class feathers.controls.DataGrid
Used to auto-size the data grid when a virtualized layout is used.
typicalItem — Property, class feathers.controls.GroupedList
Used to auto-size the list when a virtualized layout is used.
typicalItem — Property, class feathers.controls.List
Used to auto-size the list when a virtualized layout is used.
typicalItem — Property, class feathers.controls.PickerList
Used to auto-size the list.
typicalItem — Property, class feathers.controls.Tree
Used to auto-size the tree when a virtualized layout is used.
typicalItem — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseTiledLayout
Used internally by a component that supports layout virtualization, such as List, to provide a display object with dimensions that represent a "typical" item in the layout.
typicalItem — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseVariableVirtualLayout
Used internally by a component that supports layout virtualization, such as List, to provide a display object with dimensions that represent a "typical" item in the layout.
typicalItem — Property, class feathers.layout.HorizontalSpinnerLayout
Used internally by a component that supports layout virtualization, such as List, to provide a display object with dimensions that represent a "typical" item in the layout.
typicalItem — Property, interface feathers.layout.IVirtualLayout
Used internally by a component that supports layout virtualization, such as List, to provide a display object with dimensions that represent a "typical" item in the layout.
typicalItem — Property, class feathers.layout.SlideShowLayout
Used internally by a component that supports layout virtualization, such as List, to provide a display object with dimensions that represent a "typical" item in the layout.
typicalItem — Property, class feathers.layout.VerticalSpinnerLayout
Used internally by a component that supports layout virtualization, such as List, to provide a display object with dimensions that represent a "typical" item in the layout.
typicalItemHeight — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseLinearLayout
Used to reset the height, in pixels, of the typicalItem for measurement.
typicalItemHeight — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseTiledLayout
Used to reset the height, in pixels, of the typicalItem for measurement.
typicalItemHeight — Property, class feathers.layout.HorizontalSpinnerLayout
Used to reset the height, in pixels, of the typicalItem for measurement.
typicalItemHeight — Property, class feathers.layout.VerticalSpinnerLayout
Used to reset the height, in pixels, of the typicalItem for measurement.
typicalItemWidth — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseLinearLayout
Used to reset the width, in pixels, of the typicalItem for measurement.
typicalItemWidth — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseTiledLayout
Used to reset the width, in pixels, of the typicalItem for measurement.
typicalItemWidth — Property, class feathers.layout.HorizontalSpinnerLayout
Used to reset the width, in pixels, of the typicalItem for measurement.
typicalItemWidth — Property, class feathers.layout.VerticalSpinnerLayout
Used to reset the width, in pixels, of the typicalItem for measurement.
typicalText — style, class feathers.controls.TextInput
If not null, the dimensions of the typicalText will be used in the calculation of the text input's full dimensions.
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