 IDirectionalScrollBar A scroll bar that supports both horizontal or vertical orientations.
 IRange A UI component that displays a range of values from a minimum to a maximum.
 IScreen A screen to display in a screen navigator.
 IScrollBar Minimum requirements for a scroll bar to be usable with a Scroller component.
 IScrollContainer Defines functions for a Scroller subclass that delegates display list manipulations to its IViewPort.
 Alert Displays a message in a modal pop-up with a title and a set of buttons.
 AutoComplete A text input that provides a pop-up list with suggestions as you type.
 AutoSizeMode Constants that determine how a component should automatically calculate its own dimensions when no explicit dimensions are provided.
 BasicButton A simple button control with states, but no content, that is useful for purposes like skinning.
 Button A push button control that may be triggered when pressed and released.
 ButtonGroup A set of related buttons with layout, customized using a data provider.
 ButtonState States for button components.
 Callout A pop-up container that points at (or calls out) a specific region of the application (typically a specific control that triggered it).
 Check A toggle control that contains a label and a box that may be checked or not to indicate selection.
 DataGrid Displays a collection of items as a table.
 DataGridColumn Configures a column in a DataGrid component.
 DateTimeMode Formats for date and time components.
 DateTimeSpinner A set of SpinnerList components that allow you to select the date, the time, or the date and time.
 DecelerationRate Deceleration rate, per millisecond.
 DragGesture Gestures used to drag content.
 Drawers A container that displays primary content in the center surrounded by optional "drawers" that can open and close on the edges.
 GroupedList Displays a list of items divided into groups or sections.
 Header A header that displays an optional title along with a horizontal regions on the sides for additional UI controls.
 ImageLoader Displays an image, either from an existing Texture object or from an image file loaded with its URL.
 ItemRendererLayoutOrder Layout options for the default item renderers.
 Label Displays text using a text renderer.
 LayoutGroup A generic container that supports layout.
 List Displays a one-dimensional list of items.
 NumericStepper Select a value between a minimum and a maximum by using increment and decrement buttons or typing in a value in a text input.
 PageIndicator Displays a selected index, usually corresponding to a page index in another UI control, using a highlighted symbol.
 PageIndicatorInteractionMode Interaction modes for page indicators.
 Panel A container with layout, optional scrolling, a header, and an optional footer.
 PanelScreen A screen for use with ScreenNavigator, based on Panel in order to provide a header and layout.
 PickerList Displays a button that may be triggered to display a pop-up list.
 ProgressBar Displays the progress of a task over time.
 PullViewDisplayMode Constants that define how pull views are displayed in a container.
 Radio A toggleable control that exists in a set that requires a single, exclusive toggled item.
 Screen A basic screen to be displayed by ScreenNavigator.
 ScreenNavigator A "view stack"-like container that supports navigation between screens (any display object) through events.
 ScreenNavigatorItem Data for an individual screen that will be displayed by a ScreenNavigator component.
 ScrollBar Select a value between a minimum and a maximum by dragging a thumb over a physical range or by using step buttons.
 ScrollBarDisplayMode Constants that define how scroll bars are displayed in a container.
 ScrollContainer A generic container that supports layout, scrolling, and a background skin.
 Scroller Allows horizontal and vertical scrolling of a view port.
 ScrollInteractionMode Different ways that the user can interact with a scrolling container to control its scroll position.
 ScrollPolicy Constants that define whether a container allows scrolling or not.
 ScrollScreen A screen for use with ScreenNavigator, based on ScrollContainer in order to provide scrolling and layout.
 ScrollText Displays long passages of text in a scrollable container using the runtime's software-based flash.text.TextField as an overlay above Starling content on the classic display list.
 SimpleScrollBar Select a value between a minimum and a maximum by dragging a thumb over a physical range.
 Slider Select a value between a minimum and a maximum by dragging a thumb over the bounds of a track.
 SpinnerList A customized List component where scrolling updates the the selected item.
 StackScreenNavigator A "view stack"-like container that supports navigation between screens (any display object) through events.
 StackScreenNavigatorItem Data for an individual screen that will be displayed by a StackScreenNavigator component.
 StepperButtonLayoutMode Layout options for stepper controls.
 TabBar A line of tabs (vertical or horizontal), where one may be selected at a time.
 TabNavigator A tabbed container.
 TabNavigatorItem Data for an individual tab that will be displayed by a TabNavigator component.
 TextArea A text entry control that allows users to enter and edit multiple lines of uniformly-formatted text with the ability to scroll.
 TextCallout A special Callout designed to display text.
 TextInput A text entry control that allows users to enter and edit a single line of uniformly-formatted text.
 TextInputState States for text input components.
 Toast Displays a notification-like message in a popup over the rest of your app's content.
 ToastQueueMode Constants to control how the toast queue will behave when the maximum number of allowed toasts are visible.
 ToggleButton A button that may be selected and deselected when triggered.
 ToggleState States for simple toggle components.
 ToggleSwitch Similar to a light switch with on and off states.
 TrackInteractionMode Interaction modes for components with a track.
 TrackLayoutMode Layout modes for components with a thumb that is dragged along a track.
 TrackScaleMode How the track is sized perpendicular to the direction it is dragged.
 Tree Displays a hierarchical tree of items.
 WebView A Feathers component that displays a web browser in Adobe AIR, using the class.