Classpublic class ButtonGroup
InheritanceButtonGroup Inheritance FeathersControl Inheritance starling.display.Sprite
Implements ITextBaselineControl

Product Version : Feathers 1.0.0

A set of related buttons with layout, customized using a data provider.

The following example creates a button group with a few buttons:

var group:ButtonGroup = new ButtonGroup();
group.dataProvider = new ArrayCollection(
    { label: "Yes", triggered: yesButton_triggeredHandler },
    { label: "No", triggered: noButton_triggeredHandler },
    { label: "Cancel", triggered: cancelButton_triggeredHandler },
this.addChild( group );

See also

How to use the Feathers ButtonGroup component

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 InheritedaddedEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component is added to the stage.
  baseline : Number
[read-only] Returns the text baseline measurement, in pixels.
  buttonFactory : Function
Creates each button in the group.
  buttonInitializer : Function
Modifies a button, perhaps by changing its label and icons, based on the item from the data provider that the button is meant to represent.
  buttonProperties : Object
An object that stores properties for all of the button group's buttons, and the properties will be passed down to every button when the button group validates.
  buttonReleaser : Function
Resets the properties of an individual button, using the item from the data provider that was associated with the button.
  dataProvider : IListCollection
The collection of data to be displayed with buttons.
 InheriteddefaultTextEditorFactory : Function
[static] A function used by all UI controls that support text editor to create an ITextEditor instance.
 InheriteddefaultTextRendererFactory : Function
[static] A function used by all UI controls that support text renderers to create an ITextRenderer instance.
 Inheriteddepth : int
[read-only] The component's depth in the display list, relative to the stage.
 InheritedeffectsSuspended : Boolean
[read-only] Indicates if effects have been suspended.
 InheritedexplicitHeight : Number
[read-only] The height value explicitly set by passing a value to the height setter or by calling the setSize() function.
 InheritedexplicitMaxHeight : Number
[read-only] The maximum height value explicitly set by passing a value to the maxHeight setter.
 InheritedexplicitMaxWidth : Number
[read-only] The maximum width value explicitly set by passing a value to the maxWidth setter.
 InheritedexplicitMinHeight : Number
[read-only] The minimum height value explicitly set by passing a value to the minHeight setter.
 InheritedexplicitMinWidth : Number
[read-only] The minimum width value explicitly set by passing a value to the minWidth setter.
 InheritedexplicitWidth : Number
[read-only] The width value explicitly set by passing a value to the width setter or to the setSize() method.
  firstButtonFactory : Function
If not null, creates the first button.
 InheritedfocusInEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component receives focus.
 InheritedfocusManager : IFocusManager
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The current focus manager for this component.
 InheritedfocusOutEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component loses focus.
 InheritedfocusOwner : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. Used for associating focusable display objects that are not direct children with an "owner" focusable display object, such as pop-ups.
  globalStyleProvider : IStyleProvider
[static] The default IStyleProvider for all ButtonGroup components.
 Inheritedheight : Number
[override] The height of the component, in pixels.
 InheritedhideEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component is hidden.
 InheritedincludeInLayout : Boolean
Determines if the ILayout should use this object or ignore it.
 InheritedisCreated : Boolean
[read-only] Determines if the component has been initialized and validated for the first time.
 InheritedisEnabled : Boolean
Indicates whether the control is interactive or not.
 InheritedisFocusEnabled : Boolean
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. Determines if this component can receive focus.
 InheritedisInitialized : Boolean
[read-only] Determines if the component has been initialized yet.
 InheritedisQuickHitAreaEnabled : Boolean
Similar to mouseChildren on the classic display list.
 InheritedisShowingFocus : Boolean
[read-only] The implementation of this method is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. Indicates if the showFocus() method has been called on the object when it has focus.
  lastButtonFactory : Function
If not null, creates the last button.
 InheritedlayoutData : ILayoutData
Extra parameters associated with this display object that will be used by the layout algorithm.
 InheritedmaintainTouchFocus : Boolean
[read-only] The implementation of this method is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. If true, the display object should remain in focus, even if something else is touched.
 InheritedmaxHeight : Number
The maximum recommended height to be used for self-measurement and, optionally, by any code that is resizing this component.
 InheritedmaxWidth : Number
The maximum recommended width to be used for self-measurement and, optionally, by any code that is resizing this component.
 InheritedminHeight : Number
The minimum recommended height to be used for self-measurement and, optionally, by any code that is resizing this component.
 InheritedminTouchHeight : Number
If using isQuickHitAreaEnabled, and the hit area's height is smaller than this value, it will be expanded.
 InheritedminTouchWidth : Number
If using isQuickHitAreaEnabled, and the hit area's width is smaller than this value, it will be expanded.
 InheritedminWidth : Number
The minimum recommended width to be used for self-measurement and, optionally, by any code that is resizing this component.
 InheritedmoveEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component is moved to a new position.
 InheritednextDownFocus : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The next object that will receive focus when Keyboard.DOWN is pressed at KeyLocation.D_PAD and a focus manager is enabled.
 InheritednextLeftFocus : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The next object that will receive focus when Keyboard.LEFT is pressed at KeyLocation.D_PAD and a focus manager is enabled.
 InheritednextRightFocus : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The next object that will receive focus when Keyboard.RIGHT is pressed at KeyLocation.D_PAD and a focus manager is enabled.
 InheritednextTabFocus : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The next object that will receive focus when the tab key is pressed when a focus manager is enabled.
 InheritednextUpFocus : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The next object that will receive focus when Keyboard.UP is pressed at KeyLocation.D_PAD and a focus manager is enabled.
 InheritedpreviousTabFocus : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The previous object that will receive focus when the tab key is pressed while holding shift when a focus manager is enabled.
 InheritedresizeEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component is resized with new dimensions.
 InheritedshowEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component is shown.
 InheritedstyleName : String
The concatenated styleNameList, with values separated by spaces.
 InheritedstyleNameList : TokenList
[read-only] Contains a list of all "styles" assigned to this control.
 InheritedstyleProvider : IStyleProvider
When a component initializes, a style provider may be used to set properties that affect the component's visual appearance.
 InheritedtoolTip : String
Text to display in a tool tip to when hovering over this component, if the ToolTipManager is enabled.
 Inheritedwidth : Number
[override] The width of the component, in pixels.
Protected Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 InheritedactualHeight : Number = 0
The final height value that should be used for layout.
 InheritedactualMinHeight : Number = 0
The final minimum height value that should be used for layout.
 InheritedactualMinWidth : Number = 0
The final minimum width value that should be used for layout.
 InheritedactualWidth : Number = 0
The final width value that should be used for layout.
  buttonStyleName : String = "feathers-button-group-button"
The value added to the styleNameList of the buttons.
 InheriteddefaultStyleProvider : IStyleProvider
[read-only] When the FeathersControl constructor is called, the styleProvider property is set to this value.
  firstButtonStyleName : String = "feathers-button-group-button"
The value added to the styleNameList of the first button.
  lastButtonStyleName : String = "feathers-button-group-button"
The value added to the styleNameList of the last button.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
getBounds(targetSpace:DisplayObject, resultRect:Rectangle = null):Rectangle
[override] Feathers components use an optimized getBounds() implementation that may sometimes behave differently than regular Starling display objects.
The implementation of this method is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.
If the component has not yet initialized, initializes immediately.
Call this function to tell the UI control that a redraw is pending.
isInvalid(flag:String = null):Boolean
Indicates whether the control is pending validation or not.
move(x:Number, y:Number):void
Sets both the x and the y positions of the control in a single function call.
removeFromParentWithEffect(effect:Function, dispose:Boolean = false):void
Plays an effect before removing the component from its parent.
Resets the styleProvider property to its default value, which is usually the global style provider for the component.
Indicates that effects should be re-activated after being suspended.
setSize(width:Number, height:Number):void
Sets both the width and the height of the control in a single function call.
The implementation of this method is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.
Indicates that effects should not be activated temporarily.
Immediately validates the display object, if it is invalid.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
Clears an invalidation flag.
Override to customize layout and to adjust properties of children.
Default event handler for FeathersEventType.FOCUS_IN that may be overridden in subclasses to perform additional actions when the component receives focus.
Default event handler for FeathersEventType.FOCUS_OUT that may be overridden in subclasses to perform additional actions when the component loses focus.
The next style that is set will not be restricted.
Called the first time that the UI control is added to the stage, and you should override this function to customize the initialization process.
Used by setters for properties that are considered "styles" to determine if the setter has been called directly on the component or from a style provider.
Updates the focus indicator skin by showing or hiding it and adjusting its position and dimensions.
saveMeasurements(width:Number, height:Number, minWidth:Number = 0, minHeight:Number = 0):Boolean
Saves the dimensions and minimum dimensions calculated for the component.
Sets an invalidation flag.
setSizeInternal(width:Number, height:Number, canInvalidate:Boolean):Boolean
Sets the width and height of the control, with the option of invalidating or not.
 Event Summary Defined By
 InheritedDispatched after the component has validated for the first time.FeathersControl
 InheritedDispatched after initialize() has been called, but before the first time that draw() has been called.FeathersControl
 InheritedDispatched when the width or height of the control changes.FeathersControl
  Dispatched when one of the buttons is triggered.ButtonGroup
 StyleDefined By
A style name to add to all buttons in this button group.
A style name to add to the first button in this button group.
A style name to add to the last button in this button group.
direction : String
The button group layout is either vertical or horizontal.
If true, the buttons will be equally sized in the direction of the layout.
firstGap : Number
Space, in pixels, between the first two buttons.
focusIndicatorSkin : DisplayObject
If this component supports focus, this optional skin will be displayed above the component when showFocus() is called.
focusPadding : Number
Quickly sets all focus padding properties to the same value.
The minimum space, in pixels, between the object's bottom edge and the bottom edge of the focus indicator skin.
The minimum space, in pixels, between the object's left edge and the left edge of the focus indicator skin.
The minimum space, in pixels, between the object's right edge and the right edge of the focus indicator skin.
The minimum space, in pixels, between the object's top edge and the top edge of the focus indicator skin.
gap : Number
Space, in pixels, between buttons.
Determines how the buttons are horizontally aligned within the bounds of the button group (on the x-axis).
lastGap : Number
Space, in pixels, between the last two buttons.
padding : Number
Quickly sets all padding properties to the same value.
paddingBottom : Number
The minimum space, in pixels, between the group's bottom edge and the group's buttons.
paddingLeft : Number
The minimum space, in pixels, between the group's left edge and the group's buttons.
paddingRight : Number
The minimum space, in pixels, between the group's right edge and the group's buttons.
paddingTop : Number
The minimum space, in pixels, between the group's top edge and the group's buttons.
verticalAlign : String
Determines how the buttons are vertically aligned within the bounds of the button group (on the y-axis).
Public Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_BUTTON : String = "feathers-button-group-button"
[static] The default value added to the styleNameList of the buttons.
 InheritedINVALIDATION_FLAG_ALL : String = "all"
[static] Flag to indicate that everything is invalid and should be redrawn.
 InheritedINVALIDATION_FLAG_DATA : String = "data"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the primary data displayed by the UI control has changed.
 InheritedINVALIDATION_FLAG_FOCUS : String = "focus"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the focus of the UI control has changed.
 InheritedINVALIDATION_FLAG_LAYOUT : String = "layout"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the layout of the UI control has changed.
 InheritedINVALIDATION_FLAG_SCROLL : String = "scroll"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the scroll position of the UI control has changed.
 InheritedINVALIDATION_FLAG_SELECTED : String = "selected"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the selection of the UI control has changed.
 InheritedINVALIDATION_FLAG_SIZE : String = "size"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the dimensions of the UI control have changed.
 InheritedINVALIDATION_FLAG_SKIN : String = "skin"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the skin of the UI control has changed.
 InheritedINVALIDATION_FLAG_STATE : String = "state"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the state has changed.
 InheritedINVALIDATION_FLAG_STYLES : String = "styles"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the styles or visual appearance of the UI control has changed.
Property Detail
baseline:Number  [read-only]

Returns the text baseline measurement, in pixels.

    public function get baseline():Number

Creates each button in the group. A button must be an instance of Button. This factory can be used to change properties on the buttons when they are first created. For instance, if you are skinning Feathers components without a theme, you might use this factory to set skins and other styles on a button.

Optionally, the first button and the last button may be different than the other buttons that are in the middle. Use the firstButtonFactory and/or the lastButtonFactory to customize one or both of these buttons.

This function is expected to have the following signature:


The following example skins the buttons using a custom button factory:

group.buttonFactory = function():Button
    var button:Button = new Button();
    button.defaultSkin = new Image( texture );
    return button;

The default value is null.

    public function get buttonFactory():Function
    public function set buttonFactory(value:Function):void

See also


Modifies a button, perhaps by changing its label and icons, based on the item from the data provider that the button is meant to represent. The default buttonInitializer function can set the button's label and icons if label and/or any of the Button icon fields (defaultIcon, upIcon, etc.) are present in the item. You can listen to Event.TRIGGERED and Event.CHANGE by passing in functions for each.

This function is expected to have the following signature:

function( button:Button, item:Object ):void

The following example provides a custom button initializer:

group.buttonInitializer = function( button:Button, item:Object ):void
    button.label = item.label;

    public function get buttonInitializer():Function
    public function set buttonInitializer(value:Function):void

See also


An object that stores properties for all of the button group's buttons, and the properties will be passed down to every button when the button group validates. For a list of available properties, refer to feathers.controls.Button.

These properties are shared by every button, so anything that cannot be shared (such as display objects, which cannot be added to multiple parents) should be passed to buttons using the buttonFactory or in the theme.

If the subcomponent has its own subcomponents, their properties can be set too, using attribute @ notation. For example, to set the skin on the thumb which is in a SimpleScrollBar, which is in a List, you can use the following syntax:

list.verticalScrollBarProperties.@thumbProperties.defaultSkin = new Image(texture);

The following example sets some properties on all of the buttons:

group.buttonProperties.horizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.LEFT;
group.buttonProperties.verticalAlign = VerticalAlign.TOP;

Setting properties in a buttonFactory function instead of using buttonProperties will result in better performance.

The default value is null.

    public function get buttonProperties():Object
    public function set buttonProperties(value:Object):void

See also


Resets the properties of an individual button, using the item from the data provider that was associated with the button.

This function is expected to have one of the following signatures:

function( tab:Button ):void
function( tab:Button, oldItem:Object ):void

In the following example, a custom button releaser is passed to the button group:

group.buttonReleaser = function( button:Button, oldItem:Object ):void
    button.label = null;

    public function get buttonReleaser():Function
    public function set buttonReleaser(value:Function):void

See also

protected var buttonStyleName:String = "feathers-button-group-button"

The value added to the styleNameList of the buttons. This variable is protected so that sub-classes can customize the button style name in their constructors instead of using the default style name defined by DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_BUTTON.

To customize the button style name without subclassing, see customButtonStyleName.

See also


The collection of data to be displayed with buttons.

The following example sets the button group's data provider:

group.dataProvider = new ArrayCollection(
    { label: "Yes", triggered: yesButton_triggeredHandler },
    { label: "No", triggered: noButton_triggeredHandler },
    { label: "Cancel", triggered: cancelButton_triggeredHandler },

By default, items in the data provider support the following properties from Button

Additionally, you can add the following event listeners:

Event listeners may have one of the following signatures:

function(event:Event, eventData:Object):void
function(event:Event, eventData:Object, dataProviderItem:Object):void

To use properties and events that are only supported by ToggleButton, you must provide a buttonFactory that returns a ToggleButton instead of a Button.

You can pass a function to the buttonInitializer property that can provide custom logic to interpret each item in the data provider differently. For example, you could use it to support additional properties or events.

The default value is null.

    public function get dataProvider():IListCollection
    public function set dataProvider(value:IListCollection):void

See also


If not null, creates the first button. If the firstButtonFactory is null, then the button group will use the buttonFactory. The first button must be an instance of Button. This factory can be used to change properties on the first button when it is initially created. For instance, if you are skinning Feathers components without a theme, you might use this factory to set skins and other styles on the first button.

This function is expected to have the following signature:


The following example skins the first button using a custom factory:

group.firstButtonFactory = function():Button
    var button:Button = new Button();
    button.defaultSkin = new Image( texture );
    return button;

The default value is null.

    public function get firstButtonFactory():Function
    public function set firstButtonFactory(value:Function):void

See also

protected var firstButtonStyleName:String = "feathers-button-group-button"

The value added to the styleNameList of the first button.

To customize the first button name without subclassing, see customFirstButtonStyleName.

See also

public static var globalStyleProvider:IStyleProvider

The default IStyleProvider for all ButtonGroup components.

The default value is null.

See also


If not null, creates the last button. If the lastButtonFactory is null, then the button group will use the buttonFactory. The last button must be an instance of Button. This factory can be used to change properties on the last button when it is initially created. For instance, if you are skinning Feathers components without a theme, you might use this factory to set skins and other styles on the last button.

This function is expected to have the following signature:


The following example skins the last button using a custom factory:

group.lastButtonFactory = function():Button
    var button:Button = new Button();
    button.defaultSkin = new Image( texture );
    return button;

The default value is null.

    public function get lastButtonFactory():Function
    public function set lastButtonFactory(value:Function):void

See also

protected var lastButtonStyleName:String = "feathers-button-group-button"

The value added to the styleNameList of the last button.

To customize the last button style name without subclassing, see customLastButtonStyleName.

See also

Constructor Detail
public function ButtonGroup()


Event Detail
triggered Event
Event Object Type:
Event.type property =

Dispatched when one of the buttons is triggered. The data property of the event contains the item from the data provider that is associated with the button that was triggered.

The following example listens to Event.TRIGGERED on the button group instead of on individual buttons:

group.dataProvider = new ArrayCollection(
    { label: "Yes" },
    { label: "No" },
    { label: "Cancel" },
group.addEventListener( Event.TRIGGERED, function( event:Event, data:Object ):void
   trace( "The button with label \"" + data.label + "\" was triggered." );

The properties of the event object have the following values:

currentTargetThe Object that defines the event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener, myButton is the value of the currentTarget.
dataThe item associated with the button that was triggered.
targetThe Object that dispatched the event; it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the currentTarget property to always access the Object listening for the event.

Style Detail

Determines how the buttons are vertically aligned within the bounds of the button group (on the y-axis).

The following example aligns the group's content to the top:

group.verticalAlign = VerticalAlign.TOP;

The default value is feathers.layout.VerticalAlign.JUSTIFY.

See also


The minimum space, in pixels, between the group's left edge and the group's buttons.

In the following example, the padding on the left edge of the group is set to 20 pixels:

group.paddingLeft = 20;

The default value is 0.

See also


The minimum space, in pixels, between the group's bottom edge and the group's buttons.

In the following example, the padding on the bottom edge of the group is set to 20 pixels:

group.paddingBottom = 20;

The default value is 0.

See also


The minimum space, in pixels, between the group's right edge and the group's buttons.

In the following example, the padding on the right edge of the group is set to 20 pixels:

group.paddingRight = 20;

The default value is 0.

See also


The minimum space, in pixels, between the group's top edge and the group's buttons.

In the following example, the padding on the top edge of the group is set to 20 pixels:

group.paddingTop = 20;

The default value is 0.

See also


Quickly sets all padding properties to the same value. The padding getter always returns the value of paddingTop, but the other padding values may be different.

In the following example, the padding of all sides of the group is set to 20 pixels:

group.padding = 20;

The default value is 0.

See also


Space, in pixels, between the last two buttons. If NaN, the default gap property will be used.

The following example sets the gap between the last and next to last button to a different value than the standard gap:

group.lastGap = 30; = 20;

The default value is NaN.

See also


Determines how the buttons are horizontally aligned within the bounds of the button group (on the x-axis).

The following example aligns the group's content to the left:

group.horizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.LEFT;

The default value is feathers.layout.HorizontalAlign.JUSTIFY.

See also


Space, in pixels, between buttons.

The following example sets the gap used for the button layout to 20 pixels: = 20;

The default value is 0.

See also


Space, in pixels, between the first two buttons. If NaN, the default gap property will be used.

The following example sets the gap between the first and second button to a different value than the standard gap:

group.firstGap = 30; = 20;

The default value is NaN.

See also


If true, the buttons will be equally sized in the direction of the layout. In other words, if the button group is horizontal, each button will have the same width, and if the button group is vertical, each button will have the same height. If false, the buttons will be sized to their ideal dimensions.

The following example doesn't distribute the button sizes:

group.distributeButtonSizes = false;

The default value is true.


The button group layout is either vertical or horizontal.

If the direction is Direction.HORIZONTAL and distributeButtonSizes is false, the buttons may be displayed in multiple rows, if they won't fit in one row horizontally.

The following example sets the layout direction of the buttons to line them up horizontally:

group.direction = Direction.HORIZONTAL;

Note: The Direction.NONE constant is not supported.

The default value is feathers.layout.Direction.VERTICAL.

See also


A style name to add to the last button in this button group. Typically used by a theme to provide different styles to the last button.

The following example provides a custom last button style name:

group.customLastButtonStyleName = "my-custom-last-button";

In your theme, you can target this sub-component style name to provide different styles than the default:

getStyleProviderForClass( Button ).setFunctionForStyleName( "my-custom-last-button", setCustomLastButtonStyles );

The default value is null.

See also


A style name to add to the first button in this button group. Typically used by a theme to provide different styles to the first button.

The following example provides a custom first button style name:

group.customFirstButtonStyleName = "my-custom-first-button";

In your theme, you can target this sub-component style name to provide different styles than the default:

getStyleProviderForClass( Button ).setFunctionForStyleName( "my-custom-first-button", setCustomFirstButtonStyles );

The default value is null.

See also


A style name to add to all buttons in this button group. Typically used by a theme to provide different styles to different button groups.

The following example provides a custom button style name:

group.customButtonStyleName = "my-custom-button";

In your theme, you can target this sub-component style name to provide different styles than the default:

getStyleProviderForClass( Button ).setFunctionForStyleName( "my-custom-button", setCustomButtonStyles );

The default value is null.

See also

Constant Detail
public static const DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_BUTTON:String = "feathers-button-group-button"

The default value added to the styleNameList of the buttons.

See also