Classpublic class FeathersControl
InheritanceFeathersControl Inheritance starling.display.Sprite
Implements IFeathersControl, ILayoutDisplayObject
Subclasses BaseScreenNavigator, BaseTextEditor, BaseTextRenderer, BasicButton, ButtonGroup, Callout, DateTimeSpinner, DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer, DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer, Drawers, Header, ImageLoader, Label, LayoutGroup, NumericStepper, PageIndicator, PickerList, ProgressBar, ScrollBar, Scroller, SimpleScrollBar, Slider, SoundChannelPeakVisualizer, SpectrumBarGraphVisualizer, TabBar, TextInput, Toast, ToggleSwitch, WebView

Product Version : Feathers 1.0.0

Base class for all UI controls. Implements invalidation and sets up some basic template functions like initialize() and draw().

This is a base class for Feathers components that isn't meant to be instantiated directly. It should only be subclassed. For a simple component that will automatically size itself based on its children, and with optional support for layouts, see LayoutGroup.

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  addedEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component is added to the stage.
  defaultTextEditorFactory : Function
[static] A function used by all UI controls that support text editor to create an ITextEditor instance.
  defaultTextRendererFactory : Function
[static] A function used by all UI controls that support text renderers to create an ITextRenderer instance.
  depth : int
[read-only] The component's depth in the display list, relative to the stage.
  effectsSuspended : Boolean
[read-only] Indicates if effects have been suspended.
  explicitHeight : Number
[read-only] The height value explicitly set by passing a value to the height setter or by calling the setSize() function.
  explicitMaxHeight : Number
[read-only] The maximum height value explicitly set by passing a value to the maxHeight setter.
  explicitMaxWidth : Number
[read-only] The maximum width value explicitly set by passing a value to the maxWidth setter.
  explicitMinHeight : Number
[read-only] The minimum height value explicitly set by passing a value to the minHeight setter.
  explicitMinWidth : Number
[read-only] The minimum width value explicitly set by passing a value to the minWidth setter.
  explicitWidth : Number
[read-only] The width value explicitly set by passing a value to the width setter or to the setSize() method.
  focusInEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component receives focus.
  focusManager : IFocusManager
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The current focus manager for this component.
  focusOutEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component loses focus.
  focusOwner : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. Used for associating focusable display objects that are not direct children with an "owner" focusable display object, such as pop-ups.
  height : Number
[override] The height of the component, in pixels.
  hideEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component is hidden.
  includeInLayout : Boolean
Determines if the ILayout should use this object or ignore it.
  isCreated : Boolean
[read-only] Determines if the component has been initialized and validated for the first time.
  isEnabled : Boolean
Indicates whether the control is interactive or not.
  isFocusEnabled : Boolean
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. Determines if this component can receive focus.
  isInitialized : Boolean
[read-only] Determines if the component has been initialized yet.
  isQuickHitAreaEnabled : Boolean
Similar to mouseChildren on the classic display list.
  isShowingFocus : Boolean
[read-only] The implementation of this method is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. Indicates if the showFocus() method has been called on the object when it has focus.
  layoutData : ILayoutData
Extra parameters associated with this display object that will be used by the layout algorithm.
  maintainTouchFocus : Boolean
[read-only] The implementation of this method is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. If true, the display object should remain in focus, even if something else is touched.
  maxHeight : Number
The maximum recommended height to be used for self-measurement and, optionally, by any code that is resizing this component.
  maxWidth : Number
The maximum recommended width to be used for self-measurement and, optionally, by any code that is resizing this component.
  minHeight : Number
The minimum recommended height to be used for self-measurement and, optionally, by any code that is resizing this component.
  minTouchHeight : Number
If using isQuickHitAreaEnabled, and the hit area's height is smaller than this value, it will be expanded.
  minTouchWidth : Number
If using isQuickHitAreaEnabled, and the hit area's width is smaller than this value, it will be expanded.
  minWidth : Number
The minimum recommended width to be used for self-measurement and, optionally, by any code that is resizing this component.
  moveEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component is moved to a new position.
  nextDownFocus : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The next object that will receive focus when Keyboard.DOWN is pressed at KeyLocation.D_PAD and a focus manager is enabled.
  nextLeftFocus : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The next object that will receive focus when Keyboard.LEFT is pressed at KeyLocation.D_PAD and a focus manager is enabled.
  nextRightFocus : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The next object that will receive focus when Keyboard.RIGHT is pressed at KeyLocation.D_PAD and a focus manager is enabled.
  nextTabFocus : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The next object that will receive focus when the tab key is pressed when a focus manager is enabled.
  nextUpFocus : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The next object that will receive focus when Keyboard.UP is pressed at KeyLocation.D_PAD and a focus manager is enabled.
  previousTabFocus : IFocusDisplayObject
The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface. The previous object that will receive focus when the tab key is pressed while holding shift when a focus manager is enabled.
  resizeEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component is resized with new dimensions.
  showEffect : Function
An optional effect that is activated when the component is shown.
  styleName : String
The concatenated styleNameList, with values separated by spaces.
  styleNameList : TokenList
[read-only] Contains a list of all "styles" assigned to this control.
  styleProvider : IStyleProvider
When a component initializes, a style provider may be used to set properties that affect the component's visual appearance.
  toolTip : String
Text to display in a tool tip to when hovering over this component, if the ToolTipManager is enabled.
  width : Number
[override] The width of the component, in pixels.
Protected Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  actualHeight : Number = 0
The final height value that should be used for layout.
  actualMinHeight : Number = 0
The final minimum height value that should be used for layout.
  actualMinWidth : Number = 0
The final minimum width value that should be used for layout.
  actualWidth : Number = 0
The final width value that should be used for layout.
  defaultStyleProvider : IStyleProvider
[read-only] When the FeathersControl constructor is called, the styleProvider property is set to this value.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
getBounds(targetSpace:DisplayObject, resultRect:Rectangle = null):Rectangle
[override] Feathers components use an optimized getBounds() implementation that may sometimes behave differently than regular Starling display objects.
The implementation of this method is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.
If the component has not yet initialized, initializes immediately.
Call this function to tell the UI control that a redraw is pending.
isInvalid(flag:String = null):Boolean
Indicates whether the control is pending validation or not.
move(x:Number, y:Number):void
Sets both the x and the y positions of the control in a single function call.
removeFromParentWithEffect(effect:Function, dispose:Boolean = false):void
Plays an effect before removing the component from its parent.
Resets the styleProvider property to its default value, which is usually the global style provider for the component.
Indicates that effects should be re-activated after being suspended.
setSize(width:Number, height:Number):void
Sets both the width and the height of the control in a single function call.
The implementation of this method is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.
Indicates that effects should not be activated temporarily.
Immediately validates the display object, if it is invalid.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
Clears an invalidation flag.
Override to customize layout and to adjust properties of children.
Default event handler for FeathersEventType.FOCUS_IN that may be overridden in subclasses to perform additional actions when the component receives focus.
Default event handler for FeathersEventType.FOCUS_OUT that may be overridden in subclasses to perform additional actions when the component loses focus.
The next style that is set will not be restricted.
Called the first time that the UI control is added to the stage, and you should override this function to customize the initialization process.
Used by setters for properties that are considered "styles" to determine if the setter has been called directly on the component or from a style provider.
Updates the focus indicator skin by showing or hiding it and adjusting its position and dimensions.
saveMeasurements(width:Number, height:Number, minWidth:Number = 0, minHeight:Number = 0):Boolean
Saves the dimensions and minimum dimensions calculated for the component.
Sets an invalidation flag.
setSizeInternal(width:Number, height:Number, canInvalidate:Boolean):Boolean
Sets the width and height of the control, with the option of invalidating or not.
 Event Summary Defined By
  Dispatched after the component has validated for the first time.FeathersControl
  Dispatched after initialize() has been called, but before the first time that draw() has been called.FeathersControl
  Dispatched when the width or height of the control changes.FeathersControl
 StyleDefined By
focusIndicatorSkin : DisplayObject
If this component supports focus, this optional skin will be displayed above the component when showFocus() is called.
focusPadding : Number
Quickly sets all focus padding properties to the same value.
The minimum space, in pixels, between the object's bottom edge and the bottom edge of the focus indicator skin.
The minimum space, in pixels, between the object's left edge and the left edge of the focus indicator skin.
The minimum space, in pixels, between the object's right edge and the right edge of the focus indicator skin.
The minimum space, in pixels, between the object's top edge and the top edge of the focus indicator skin.
Public Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  INVALIDATION_FLAG_ALL : String = "all"
[static] Flag to indicate that everything is invalid and should be redrawn.
  INVALIDATION_FLAG_DATA : String = "data"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the primary data displayed by the UI control has changed.
  INVALIDATION_FLAG_FOCUS : String = "focus"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the focus of the UI control has changed.
  INVALIDATION_FLAG_LAYOUT : String = "layout"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the layout of the UI control has changed.
  INVALIDATION_FLAG_SCROLL : String = "scroll"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the scroll position of the UI control has changed.
  INVALIDATION_FLAG_SELECTED : String = "selected"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the selection of the UI control has changed.
  INVALIDATION_FLAG_SIZE : String = "size"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the dimensions of the UI control have changed.
  INVALIDATION_FLAG_SKIN : String = "skin"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the skin of the UI control has changed.
  INVALIDATION_FLAG_STATE : String = "state"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the state has changed.
  INVALIDATION_FLAG_STYLES : String = "styles"
[static] Invalidation flag to indicate that the styles or visual appearance of the UI control has changed.
Property Detail
protected var actualHeight:Number = 0

The final height value that should be used for layout. If the height has been explicitly set, then that value is used. If not, the actual height will be calculated automatically. Each component has different automatic sizing behavior, but it's usually based on the component's skin or content, including text or subcomponents.

protected var actualMinHeight:Number = 0

The final minimum height value that should be used for layout. If the minimum height has been explicitly set, then that value is used. If not, the actual minimum height will be calculated automatically. Each component has different automatic sizing behavior, but it's usually based on the component's skin or content, including text or subcomponents.

protected var actualMinWidth:Number = 0

The final minimum width value that should be used for layout. If the minimum width has been explicitly set, then that value is used. If not, the actual minimum width will be calculated automatically. Each component has different automatic sizing behavior, but it's usually based on the component's skin or content, including text or subcomponents.

protected var actualWidth:Number = 0

The final width value that should be used for layout. If the width has been explicitly set, then that value is used. If not, the actual width will be calculated automatically. Each component has different automatic sizing behavior, but it's usually based on the component's skin or content, including text or subcomponents.


An optional effect that is activated when the component is added to the stage. Typically used to animate the component's appearance when it is first displayed.

In the following example, an added effect fades the component's alpha property from 0 to 1:

control.addedEffect = Fade.createFadeBetweenEffect(0, 1);

A number of animated effects may be found in the feathers.motion package. However, you are not limited to only these effects. It's possible to create custom effects too.

A custom effect function should have the following signature:


The IEffectContext is used by the component to control the effect, performing actions like playing the effect, pausing it, or cancelling it.

Custom animated effects that use starling.display.Tween typically return a TweenEffectContext. In the following example, we recreate the Fade.createFadeBetweenEffect() used in the previous example.

control.addedEffect = function(target:DisplayObject):IEffectContext
    target.alpha = 0;
    var tween:Tween = new Tween(target, 0.5, Transitions.EASE_OUT);
    return new TweenEffectContext(target, tween);

The default value is null.

    public function get addedEffect():Function
    public function set addedEffect(value:Function):void

See also

defaultStyleProvider:IStyleProvider  [read-only]

When the FeathersControl constructor is called, the styleProvider property is set to this value. May be null.

Typically, a subclass of FeathersControl will override this function to return its static globalStyleProvider value. For instance, feathers.controls.Button overrides this function, and its implementation looks like this:

override protected function get defaultStyleProvider():IStyleProvider
    return Button.globalStyleProvider;

    protected function get defaultStyleProvider():IStyleProvider

See also

public static var defaultTextEditorFactory:Function

A function used by all UI controls that support text editor to create an ITextEditor instance. You may replace the default function with your own, if you prefer not to use the StageTextTextEditor.

The function is expected to have the following signature:


See also

public static var defaultTextRendererFactory:Function

A function used by all UI controls that support text renderers to create an ITextRenderer instance. You may replace the default function with your own, if you prefer not to use the BitmapFontTextRenderer.

The function is expected to have the following signature:


See also

depth:int  [read-only]

The component's depth in the display list, relative to the stage. If the component isn't on the stage, its depth will be -1.

Used by the validation system to validate components from the top down.

    public function get depth():int
effectsSuspended:Boolean  [read-only]

Indicates if effects have been suspended.

    public function get effectsSuspended():Boolean

See also

explicitHeight:Number  [read-only]

The height value explicitly set by passing a value to the height setter or by calling the setSize() function.

    public function get explicitHeight():Number
explicitMaxHeight:Number  [read-only]

The maximum height value explicitly set by passing a value to the maxHeight setter.

If no value has been passed to the maxHeight setter, this property returns NaN.

    public function get explicitMaxHeight():Number
explicitMaxWidth:Number  [read-only]

The maximum width value explicitly set by passing a value to the maxWidth setter.

If no value has been passed to the maxWidth setter, this property returns NaN.

    public function get explicitMaxWidth():Number
explicitMinHeight:Number  [read-only]

The minimum height value explicitly set by passing a value to the minHeight setter.

If no value has been passed to the minHeight setter, this property returns NaN.

    public function get explicitMinHeight():Number
explicitMinWidth:Number  [read-only]

The minimum width value explicitly set by passing a value to the minWidth setter.

If no value has been passed to the minWidth setter, this property returns NaN.

    public function get explicitMinWidth():Number
explicitWidth:Number  [read-only]

The width value explicitly set by passing a value to the width setter or to the setSize() method.

    public function get explicitWidth():Number

An optional effect that is activated when the component receives focus.

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

A number of animated effects may be found in the feathers.motion package. However, you are not limited to only these effects. It's possible to create custom effects too.

A custom effect function should have the following signature:


The IEffectContext is used by the component to control the effect, performing actions like playing the effect, pausing it, or cancelling it.

Custom animated effects that use starling.display.Tween typically return a TweenEffectContext.

The default value is null.

    public function get focusInEffect():Function
    public function set focusInEffect(value:Function):void

See also


The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The current focus manager for this component. May be null if no focus manager is enabled.

The default value is null.

    public function get focusManager():IFocusManager
    public function set focusManager(value:IFocusManager):void

See also


An optional effect that is activated when the component loses focus.

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

A number of animated effects may be found in the feathers.motion package. However, you are not limited to only these effects. It's possible to create custom effects too.

A custom effect function should have the following signature:


The IEffectContext is used by the component to control the effect, performing actions like playing the effect, pausing it, or cancelling it.

Custom animated effects that use starling.display.Tween typically return a TweenEffectContext.

The default value is null.

    public function get focusOutEffect():Function
    public function set focusOutEffect(value:Function):void

See also


The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

Used for associating focusable display objects that are not direct children with an "owner" focusable display object, such as pop-ups. A focus manager may use this property to influence the tab order.

In the following example, the focus owner is changed:

object.focusOwner = otherObject;

The default value is null.

    public function get focusOwner():IFocusDisplayObject
    public function set focusOwner(value:IFocusDisplayObject):void

See also


The height of the component, in pixels. This could be a value that was set explicitly, or the component will automatically resize if no explicit height value is provided. Each component has a different automatic sizing behavior, but it's usually based on the component's skin or content, including text or subcomponents.

Note: Values of the width and height properties may not be accurate until after validation. If you are seeing width or height values of 0, but you can see something on the screen and know that the value should be larger, it may be because you asked for the dimensions before the component had validated. Call validate() to tell the component to immediately redraw and calculate an accurate values for the dimensions.

In the following example, the height is set to 120 pixels:

control.height = 120;

In the following example, the height is cleared so that the component can automatically measure its own height:

control.height = NaN;

    public function get height():Number
    public function set height(value:Number):void

See also


An optional effect that is activated when the component is hidden. More specifically, this effect plays when the visible property is set to false.

In the following example, a hide effect fades the component's alpha property to 0:

control.hideEffect = Fade.createFadeOutEffect();

A number of animated effects may be found in the feathers.motion package. However, you are not limited to only these effects. It's possible to create custom effects too.

A custom effect function should have the following signature:


The IEffectContext is used by the component to control the effect, performing actions like playing the effect, pausing it, or cancelling it.

Custom animated effects that use starling.display.Tween typically return a TweenEffectContext. In the following example, we recreate the Fade.createFadeOutEffect() used in the previous example.

control.hideEffect = function(target:DisplayObject):IEffectContext
    var tween:Tween = new Tween(target, 0.5, Transitions.EASE_OUT);
    return new TweenEffectContext(target, tween);

The default value is null.

    public function get hideEffect():Function
    public function set hideEffect(value:Function):void

See also


Determines if the ILayout should use this object or ignore it.

In the following example, the display object is excluded from the layout:

object.includeInLayout = false;

The default value is true.

    public function get includeInLayout():Boolean
    public function set includeInLayout(value:Boolean):void
isCreated:Boolean  [read-only]

Determines if the component has been initialized and validated for the first time.

In the following example, we check if the component is created or not, and we listen for an event if it isn't:

if( !control.isCreated )
    control.addEventListener( FeathersEventType.CREATION_COMPLETE, creationCompleteHandler );

    public function get isCreated():Boolean

See also


Indicates whether the control is interactive or not.

In the following example, the control is disabled:

control.isEnabled = false;

The default value is true.

    public function get isEnabled():Boolean
    public function set isEnabled(value:Boolean):void

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

Determines if this component can receive focus.

In the following example, the focus is disabled:

object.isFocusEnabled = false;

The default value is true.

    public function get isFocusEnabled():Boolean
    public function set isFocusEnabled(value:Boolean):void

See also

isInitialized:Boolean  [read-only]

Determines if the component has been initialized yet. The initialize() function is called one time only, when the Feathers UI control is added to the display list for the first time.

In the following example, we check if the component is initialized or not, and we listen for an event if it isn't:

if( !control.isInitialized )
    control.addEventListener( FeathersEventType.INITIALIZE, initializeHandler );

    public function get isInitialized():Boolean

See also


Similar to mouseChildren on the classic display list. If true, children cannot dispatch touch events, but hit tests will be much faster. Easier than overriding hitTest().

In the following example, the quick hit area is enabled:

control.isQuickHitAreaEnabled = true;

The default value is false.

    public function get isQuickHitAreaEnabled():Boolean
    public function set isQuickHitAreaEnabled(value:Boolean):void
isShowingFocus:Boolean  [read-only]

The implementation of this method is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

Indicates if the showFocus() method has been called on the object when it has focus.


    public function get isShowingFocus():Boolean

See also


Extra parameters associated with this display object that will be used by the layout algorithm.

The default value is null.

    public function get layoutData():ILayoutData
    public function set layoutData(value:ILayoutData):void
maintainTouchFocus:Boolean  [read-only]

The implementation of this method is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

If true, the display object should remain in focus, even if something else is touched. If false, touching another object will pass focus normally.

    public function get maintainTouchFocus():Boolean

See also


The maximum recommended height to be used for self-measurement and, optionally, by any code that is resizing this component. This value is not strictly enforced in all cases. An explicit height value that is larger than maxHeight may be set and will not be affected by the maximum.

In the following example, the maximum width of the control is set to 120 pixels:

control.maxWidth = 120;

The default value is Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.

    public function get maxHeight():Number
    public function set maxHeight(value:Number):void

The maximum recommended width to be used for self-measurement and, optionally, by any code that is resizing this component. This value is not strictly enforced in all cases. An explicit width value that is larger than maxWidth may be set and will not be affected by the maximum.

In the following example, the maximum width of the control is set to 120 pixels:

control.maxWidth = 120;

The default value is Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.

    public function get maxWidth():Number
    public function set maxWidth(value:Number):void

The minimum recommended height to be used for self-measurement and, optionally, by any code that is resizing this component. This value is not strictly enforced in all cases. An explicit height value that is smaller than minHeight may be set and will not be affected by the minimum.

In the following example, the minimum height of the control is set to 120 pixels:

control.minHeight = 120;

The default value is 0.

    public function get minHeight():Number
    public function set minHeight(value:Number):void

If using isQuickHitAreaEnabled, and the hit area's height is smaller than this value, it will be expanded.

In the following example, the minimum height of the hit area is set to 120 pixels:

control.minTouchHeight = 120;

The default value is 0.

    public function get minTouchHeight():Number
    public function set minTouchHeight(value:Number):void

If using isQuickHitAreaEnabled, and the hit area's width is smaller than this value, it will be expanded.

In the following example, the minimum width of the hit area is set to 120 pixels:

control.minTouchWidth = 120;

The default value is 0.

    public function get minTouchWidth():Number
    public function set minTouchWidth(value:Number):void

The minimum recommended width to be used for self-measurement and, optionally, by any code that is resizing this component. This value is not strictly enforced in all cases. An explicit width value that is smaller than minWidth may be set and will not be affected by the minimum.

In the following example, the minimum width of the control is set to 120 pixels:

control.minWidth = 120;

The default value is 0.

    public function get minWidth():Number
    public function set minWidth(value:Number):void

An optional effect that is activated when the component is moved to a new position. More specifically, this effect plays when the x or y property changes.

In the following example, a move effect will animate the new position of the component when it moves:

control.moveEffect = Move.createMoveEffect();

A custom effect function should have the following signature:


The IMoveEffectContext is used by the component to control the effect, performing actions like playing the effect, pausing it, or cancelling it. Custom animated move effects that use starling.display.Tween typically return a TweenMoveEffectContext.

The default value is null.

    public function get moveEffect():Function
    public function set moveEffect(value:Function):void

See also


Product Version : Feathers 3.4.0

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The next object that will receive focus when Keyboard.DOWN is pressed at KeyLocation.D_PAD and a focus manager is enabled. If null, defaults to the best available child, as determined by the focus manager.

In the following example, the next down focus is changed:

object.nextDownFocus = otherObject;

To simulate KeyLocation.D_PAD in the AIR Debug Launcher on desktop for debugging purposes, set DeviceCapabilities.simulateDPad to true.

The default value is null.

    public function get nextDownFocus():IFocusDisplayObject
    public function set nextDownFocus(value:IFocusDisplayObject):void

See also


Product Version : Feathers 3.4.0

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The next object that will receive focus when Keyboard.LEFT is pressed at KeyLocation.D_PAD and a focus manager is enabled. If null, defaults to the best available child, as determined by the focus manager.

In the following example, the next left focus is changed:

object.nextLeftFocus = otherObject;

To simulate KeyLocation.D_PAD in the AIR Debug Launcher on desktop for debugging purposes, set DeviceCapabilities.simulateDPad to true.

The default value is null.

    public function get nextLeftFocus():IFocusDisplayObject
    public function set nextLeftFocus(value:IFocusDisplayObject):void

See also


Product Version : Feathers 3.4.0

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The next object that will receive focus when Keyboard.RIGHT is pressed at KeyLocation.D_PAD and a focus manager is enabled. If null, defaults to the best available child, as determined by the focus manager.

In the following example, the next right focus is changed:

object.nextRightFocus = otherObject;

To simulate KeyLocation.D_PAD in the AIR Debug Launcher on desktop for debugging purposes, set DeviceCapabilities.simulateDPad to true.

The default value is null.

    public function get nextRightFocus():IFocusDisplayObject
    public function set nextRightFocus(value:IFocusDisplayObject):void

See also


The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The next object that will receive focus when the tab key is pressed when a focus manager is enabled. If null, defaults to the next child on the display list.

In the following example, the next tab focus is changed:

object.nextTabFocus = otherObject;

The default value is null.

    public function get nextTabFocus():IFocusDisplayObject
    public function set nextTabFocus(value:IFocusDisplayObject):void

See also


Product Version : Feathers 3.4.0

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The next object that will receive focus when Keyboard.UP is pressed at KeyLocation.D_PAD and a focus manager is enabled. If null, defaults to the best available child, as determined by the focus manager.

In the following example, the next up focus is changed:

object.nextUpFocus = otherObject;

To simulate KeyLocation.D_PAD in the AIR Debug Launcher on desktop for debugging purposes, set DeviceCapabilities.simulateDPad to true.

The default value is null.

    public function get nextUpFocus():IFocusDisplayObject
    public function set nextUpFocus(value:IFocusDisplayObject):void

See also


The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The previous object that will receive focus when the tab key is pressed while holding shift when a focus manager is enabled. If null, defaults to the previous child on the display list.

In the following example, the previous tab focus is changed:

object.previousTabFocus = otherObject;

The default value is null.

    public function get previousTabFocus():IFocusDisplayObject
    public function set previousTabFocus(value:IFocusDisplayObject):void

See also


An optional effect that is activated when the component is resized with new dimensions. More specifically, this effect plays when the width or height property changes.

In the following example, a resize effect will animate the new dimensions of the component when it resizes:

control.resizeEffect = Resize.createResizeEffect();

A custom effect function should have the following signature:


The IResizeEffectContext is used by the component to control the effect, performing actions like playing the effect, pausing it, or cancelling it. Custom animated resize effects that use starling.display.Tween typically return a TweenResizeEffectContext.

    public function get resizeEffect():Function
    public function set resizeEffect(value:Function):void

See also


An optional effect that is activated when the component is shown. More specifically, this effect plays when the visible property is set to true.

In the following example, a show effect fades the component's alpha property from 0 to 1:

control.showEffect = Fade.createFadeBetweenEffect(0, 1);

A number of animated effects may be found in the feathers.motion package. However, you are not limited to only these effects. It's possible to create custom effects too.

A custom effect function should have the following signature:


The IEffectContext is used by the component to control the effect, performing actions like playing the effect, pausing it, or cancelling it.

Custom animated effects that use starling.display.Tween typically return a TweenEffectContext. In the following example, we recreate the Fade.createFadeBetweenEffect() used in the previous example.

control.showEffect = function(target:DisplayObject):IEffectContext
    target.alpha = 0;
    var tween:Tween = new Tween(target, 0.5, Transitions.EASE_OUT);
    return new TweenEffectContext(target, tween);

The default value is null.

    public function get showEffect():Function
    public function set showEffect(value:Function):void

See also


The concatenated styleNameList, with values separated by spaces. Style names are somewhat similar to classes in CSS selectors. In Feathers, they are a non-unique identifier that can differentiate multiple styles of the same type of UI control. A single control may have many style names, and many controls can share a single style name. A theme or another skinning mechanism may use style names to provide a variety of visual appearances for a single component class.

In general, the styleName property should not be set directly on a Feathers component. You should add and remove style names from the styleNameList property instead.

The default value is "".

    public function get styleName():String
    public function set styleName(value:String):void

See also

styleNameList:TokenList  [read-only]

Contains a list of all "styles" assigned to this control. Names are like classes in CSS selectors. They are a non-unique identifier that can differentiate multiple styles of the same type of UI control. A single control may have many names, and many controls can share a single name. A theme or another skinning mechanism may use style names to provide a variety of visual appearances for a single component class.

Names may be added, removed, or toggled on the styleNameList. Names cannot contain spaces.

In the following example, a name is added to the name list:

control.styleNameList.add( "custom-component-name" );

    public function get styleNameList():TokenList

See also


When a component initializes, a style provider may be used to set properties that affect the component's visual appearance.

You can set or replace an existing style provider at any time before a component initializes without immediately affecting the component's visual appearance. After the component initializes, the style provider may still be changed, but any properties that were set by the previous style provider will not be reset to their default values.

    public function get styleProvider():IStyleProvider
    public function set styleProvider(value:IStyleProvider):void

See also


Text to display in a tool tip to when hovering over this component, if the ToolTipManager is enabled.

The default value is null.

    public function get toolTip():String
    public function set toolTip(value:String):void

See also


The width of the component, in pixels. This could be a value that was set explicitly, or the component will automatically resize if no explicit width value is provided. Each component has a different automatic sizing behavior, but it's usually based on the component's skin or content, including text or subcomponents.

Note: Values of the width and height properties may not be accurate until after validation. If you are seeing width or height values of 0, but you can see something on the screen and know that the value should be larger, it may be because you asked for the dimensions before the component had validated. Call validate() to tell the component to immediately redraw and calculate an accurate values for the dimensions.

In the following example, the width is set to 120 pixels:

control.width = 120;

In the following example, the width is cleared so that the component can automatically measure its own width:

control.width = NaN;

    public function get width():Number
    public function set width(value:Number):void

See also

Constructor Detail
public function FeathersControl()


Method Detail
protected function clearInvalidationFlag(flag:String):void

Clears an invalidation flag. This will not remove the component from the validation queue. It only clears the flag. A subclass might use this function during draw() to manipulate the flags that its superclass sees.



protected function draw():void

Override to customize layout and to adjust properties of children. Called when the component validates, if any flags have been marked to indicate that validation is pending.

protected function focusInHandler(event:Event):void

Default event handler for FeathersEventType.FOCUS_IN that may be overridden in subclasses to perform additional actions when the component receives focus.



protected function focusOutHandler(event:Event):void

Default event handler for FeathersEventType.FOCUS_OUT that may be overridden in subclasses to perform additional actions when the component loses focus.



override public function getBounds(targetSpace:DisplayObject, resultRect:Rectangle = null):Rectangle

Feathers components use an optimized getBounds() implementation that may sometimes behave differently than regular Starling display objects. For instance, filters may need some special customization. If a component's children appear outside of its bounds (such as at negative dimensions), padding should be added to the filter to account for these regions.


resultRect:Rectangle (default = null)

public function hideFocus():void

The implementation of this method is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

If the visual indicator of focus has been displayed by showFocus(), call this function to hide it.

Important: This function will not clear focus from the display object if it has focus. To clear focus from the display object, you should set the focus property on the focus manager to null or another display object.

See also

protected function ignoreNextStyleRestriction():void

The next style that is set will not be restricted. This allows components to set defaults by calling the setter while still allowing the style property to be replaced by a theme in the future.

See also

protected function initialize():void

Called the first time that the UI control is added to the stage, and you should override this function to customize the initialization process. Do things like create children and set up event listeners. After this function is called, FeathersEventType.INITIALIZE is dispatched.

See also

public function initializeNow():void

If the component has not yet initialized, initializes immediately. The initialize() function will be called, and the FeathersEventType.INITIALIZE event will be dispatched. Then, if the component has a style provider, it will be applied. The component will not validate, though. To initialize and validate immediately, call validate() instead.

See also

public function invalidate(flag:String):void

Call this function to tell the UI control that a redraw is pending. The redraw will happen immediately before Starling renders the UI control to the screen. The validation system exists to ensure that multiple properties can be set together without redrawing multiple times in between each property change.

If you cannot wait until later for the validation to happen, you can call validate() to redraw immediately. As an example, you might want to validate immediately if you need to access the correct width or height values of the UI control, since these values are calculated during validation.


flag:String (default = NaN)

See also

public function isInvalid(flag:String = null):Boolean

Indicates whether the control is pending validation or not. By default, returns true if any invalidation flag has been set. If you pass in a specific flag, returns true only if that flag has been set (others may be set too, but it checks the specific flag only. If all flags have been marked as invalid, always returns true.


flag:String (default = null)

public function move(x:Number, y:Number):void

Sets both the x and the y positions of the control in a single function call.



See also

protected function processStyleRestriction(key:Object):Boolean

Used by setters for properties that are considered "styles" to determine if the setter has been called directly on the component or from a style provider. A style provider is typically associated with a theme. When a style is set directly on the component (outside of a style provider), then any attempts by the style provider to set the style later will be ignored. This allows developers to customize a component's styles directly without worrying about conflicts from the style provider or theme.

If a style provider is currently applying styles to the component, returns true if the style is restricted or false if it may be set.

If the style setter is called outside of a style provider, marks the style as restricted and returns false.

The key parameter should be a unique value for each separate style. In most cases, processStyleRestriction() will be called in the style property setter, so arguments.callee is recommended. Alternatively, a unique string value may be used instead.

The following example shows how to use processStyleRestriction() in a style property setter:

private var _customStyle:Object;
public function get customStyle():Object
    return this._customStyle;
public function set customStyle( value:Object ):void
    if( this.processStyleRestriction( arguments.callee ) )
        // if a style is restricted, don't set it

    this._customStyle = value;




See also

protected function refreshFocusIndicator():void

Updates the focus indicator skin by showing or hiding it and adjusting its position and dimensions. This function is not called automatically. Components that support focus should call this function at an appropriate point within the draw() function. This function may be overridden if the default behavior is not desired.

public function removeFromParentWithEffect(effect:Function, dispose:Boolean = false):void

Plays an effect before removing the component from its parent.

In the following example, an effect fades the component's alpha property to 0 before removing the component from its parent:

control.removeFromParentWithEffect(Fade.createFadeOutEffect(), true);

A number of animated effects may be found in the feathers.motion package. However, you are not limited to only these effects. It's possible to create custom effects too.

A custom effect function should have the following signature:


The IEffectContext is used by the component to control the effect, performing actions like playing the effect, pausing it, or cancelling it.

Custom animated effects that use starling.display.Tween typically return a TweenEffectContext. In the following example, we recreate the Fade.createFadeOutEffect() used in the previous example.

function customEffect(target:DisplayObject):IEffectContext
    var tween:Tween = new Tween(target, 0.5, Transitions.EASE_OUT);
    return new TweenEffectContext(target, tween);
control.removeFromParentWithEffect(customEffect, true);


dispose:Boolean (default = false)

See also

public function resetStyleProvider():void

Resets the styleProvider property to its default value, which is usually the global style provider for the component.

See also

public function resumeEffects():void

Indicates that effects should be re-activated after being suspended.

See also

protected function saveMeasurements(width:Number, height:Number, minWidth:Number = 0, minHeight:Number = 0):Boolean

Saves the dimensions and minimum dimensions calculated for the component. Returns true if the reported values have changed and Event.RESIZE was dispatched.


minWidth:Number (default = 0)
minHeight:Number (default = 0)

protected function setInvalidationFlag(flag:String):void

Sets an invalidation flag. This will not add the component to the validation queue. It only sets the flag. A subclass might use this function during draw() to manipulate the flags that its superclass sees.



public function setSize(width:Number, height:Number):void

Sets both the width and the height of the control in a single function call.



See also

protected function setSizeInternal(width:Number, height:Number, canInvalidate:Boolean):Boolean

Sets the width and height of the control, with the option of invalidating or not. Intended to be used when the width and height values have not been set explicitly, and the UI control needs to measure itself and choose an "ideal" size.



public function showFocus():void

The implementation of this method is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

If the object has focus, an additional visual indicator may optionally be displayed to highlight the object. Calling this function may have no effect. It's merely a suggestion to the object.

Important: This function will not give focus to the display object if it doesn't have focus. To give focus to the display object, you should set the focus property on the focus manager.

object.focusManager.focus = object;

See also

public function suspendEffects():void

Indicates that effects should not be activated temporarily. Call resumeEffects() when effects should be allowed again.

See also

public function validate():void

Immediately validates the display object, if it is invalid. The validation system exists to postpone updating a display object after properties are changed until until the last possible moment the display object is rendered. This allows multiple properties to be changed at a time without requiring a full update every time.

See also

Event Detail
creationComplete Event
Event Object Type:
Event.type property =

Dispatched after the component has validated for the first time. Both initialize() and draw() will have been called, and all children will have been created.

The properties of the event object have the following values:

currentTargetThe Object that defines the event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener, myButton is the value of the currentTarget.
targetThe Object that dispatched the event; it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the currentTarget property to always access the Object listening for the event.

The FeathersEventType.CREATION_COMPLETE event type is meant to be used when an IFeathersControl has finished validating for the first time. A well-designed component will have created all of its children and it will be fully ready for user interaction.
initialize Event  
Event Object Type:
Event.type property =

Dispatched after initialize() has been called, but before the first time that draw() has been called.

The properties of the event object have the following values:

currentTargetThe Object that defines the event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener, myButton is the value of the currentTarget.
targetThe Object that dispatched the event; it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the currentTarget property to always access the Object listening for the event.

The FeathersEventType.INITIALIZE event type is meant to be used when an IFeathersControl has finished running its initialize() function.
resize Event  
Event Object Type:
Event.type property =

Dispatched when the width or height of the control changes.

The properties of the event object have the following values:

currentTargetThe Object that defines the event listener that handles the event. For example, if you use myButton.addEventListener() to register an event listener, myButton is the value of the currentTarget.
targetThe Object that dispatched the event; it is not always the Object listening for the event. Use the currentTarget property to always access the Object listening for the event.

Style Detail

The minimum space, in pixels, between the object's left edge and the left edge of the focus indicator skin. A negative value may be used to expand the focus indicator skin outside the bounds of the object.

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The following example gives the focus indicator skin -2 pixels of padding on the right edge only:

control.focusPaddingLeft = -2;

The default value is 0.

See also


The minimum space, in pixels, between the object's bottom edge and the bottom edge of the focus indicator skin. A negative value may be used to expand the focus indicator skin outside the bounds of the object.

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The following example gives the focus indicator skin -2 pixels of padding on the bottom edge only:

control.focusPaddingBottom = -2;

The default value is 0.

See also


The minimum space, in pixels, between the object's right edge and the right edge of the focus indicator skin. A negative value may be used to expand the focus indicator skin outside the bounds of the object.

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The following example gives the focus indicator skin -2 pixels of padding on the right edge only:

control.focusPaddingRight = -2;

The default value is 0.

See also


The minimum space, in pixels, between the object's top edge and the top edge of the focus indicator skin. A negative value may be used to expand the focus indicator skin outside the bounds of the object.

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The following example gives the focus indicator skin -2 pixels of padding on the top edge only:

control.focusPaddingTop = -2;

The default value is 0.

See also


Quickly sets all focus padding properties to the same value. The focusPadding getter always returns the value of focusPaddingTop, but the other focus padding values may be different.

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

The following example gives the button 2 pixels of focus padding on all sides:

control.focusPadding = 2;

The default value is 0.

See also


If this component supports focus, this optional skin will be displayed above the component when showFocus() is called. The focus indicator skin is not always displayed when the component has focus. Typically, if the component receives focus from a touch, the focus indicator is not displayed.

The touchable of this skin will always be set to false so that it does not "steal" touches from the component or its sub-components. This skin will not affect the dimensions of the component or its hit area. It is simply a visual indicator of focus.

The implementation of this property is provided for convenience, but it cannot be used unless a subclass implements the IFocusDisplayObject interface.

In the following example, the focus indicator skin is set:

control.focusIndicatorSkin = new Image( texture );

The default value is null.

See also

Constant Detail
public static const INVALIDATION_FLAG_ALL:String = "all"

Flag to indicate that everything is invalid and should be redrawn.

public static const INVALIDATION_FLAG_DATA:String = "data"

Invalidation flag to indicate that the primary data displayed by the UI control has changed.

public static const INVALIDATION_FLAG_FOCUS:String = "focus"

Invalidation flag to indicate that the focus of the UI control has changed.

public static const INVALIDATION_FLAG_LAYOUT:String = "layout"

Invalidation flag to indicate that the layout of the UI control has changed.

public static const INVALIDATION_FLAG_SCROLL:String = "scroll"

Invalidation flag to indicate that the scroll position of the UI control has changed.

public static const INVALIDATION_FLAG_SELECTED:String = "selected"

Invalidation flag to indicate that the selection of the UI control has changed.

public static const INVALIDATION_FLAG_SIZE:String = "size"

Invalidation flag to indicate that the dimensions of the UI control have changed.

public static const INVALIDATION_FLAG_SKIN:String = "skin"

Invalidation flag to indicate that the skin of the UI control has changed.

public static const INVALIDATION_FLAG_STATE:String = "state"

Invalidation flag to indicate that the state has changed. Used by isEnabled, but may be used for other control states too.

See also

public static const INVALIDATION_FLAG_STYLES:String = "styles"

Invalidation flag to indicate that the styles or visual appearance of the UI control has changed.