| Interface | Description |
| IAdvancedNativeFocusOwner |
If a display object implements INativeFocusOwner and its
nativeFocus property does not return a
flash.display.InteractiveObject (or null), it
must implement this interface so that the focus manager can tell it when
to give focus to its native focus object. |
| IFeathersControl |
Basic interface for Feathers UI controls. |
| IFeathersDisplayObject |
Public properties and functions from starling.display.DisplayObject
in helpful interface form. |
| IFeathersEventDispatcher |
Public properties and functions from starling.events.EventDispatcher
in helpful interface form. |
| IFocusContainer |
A component that can receive focus with children that can receive focus. |
| IFocusDisplayObject |
A component that can receive focus if a focus manager is enabled. |
| IFocusExtras |
A container that may have extra children that aren't accessible from the
standard display list functions like getChildAt(), but those
"extra" children may still need to receive focus. |
| IFocusManager |
Interface for focus management. |
| IGroupedToggle |
A toggle associated with a specific group. |
| IMeasureDisplayObject |
A display object with extra measurement properties. |
| IMultilineTextEditor |
Handles the editing of text, and supports multiline editing. |
| INativeFocusOwner |
If a Feathers component may receive focus, it may be associated with a
display object on the native stage. |
| IPopUpManager |
Interface for pop-up management. |
| IStateContext |
An object with multiple states. |
| IStateObserver |
Watches an IStateContext for state changes. |
| ITextBaselineControl |
A UI control with text that has a baseline. |
| ITextEditor |
Handles the editing of text. |
| ITextRenderer |
Interface that handles common capabilities of rendering text. |
| IToggle |
An interface for something that may be selected. |
| IToolTip |
An interface for tool tips created by the tool tip manager. |
| IToolTipManager |
Interface for tool tip management. |
| IValidating |
A display object that supports validation. |