A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
cacheAsBitmap — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollText |
| If set to true, an internal bitmap representation of the TextField on the classic display list is cached by the runtime. |
| |
calculateNavigationDestination(items:Vector$starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int, keyCode:uint, bounds:feathers.layout:LayoutBoundsResult) — method, class feathers.layout.AnchorLayout |
Using the current index and a key press, calculates the new index. |
calculateNavigationDestination(items:Vector$starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int, keyCode:uint, bounds:feathers.layout:LayoutBoundsResult) — method, class feathers.layout.FlowLayout |
Using the current index and a key press, calculates the new index. |
calculateNavigationDestination(items:Vector$starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int, keyCode:uint, bounds:feathers.layout:LayoutBoundsResult) — method, class feathers.layout.HorizontalLayout |
Using the current index and a key press, calculates the new index. |
calculateNavigationDestination(items:Vector$starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int, keyCode:uint, bounds:feathers.layout:LayoutBoundsResult) — method, class feathers.layout.HorizontalSpinnerLayout |
Using the current index and a key press, calculates the new index. |
calculateNavigationDestination(items:Vector$starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int, keyCode:uint, bounds:feathers.layout:LayoutBoundsResult) — method, interface feathers.layout.ILayout |
Using the current index and a key press, calculates the new index. |
calculateNavigationDestination(items:Vector$starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int, keyCode:uint, bounds:feathers.layout:LayoutBoundsResult) — method, class feathers.layout.SlideShowLayout |
Using the current index and a key press, calculates the new index. |
calculateNavigationDestination(items:Vector$starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int, keyCode:uint, bounds:feathers.layout:LayoutBoundsResult) — method, class feathers.layout.TiledColumnsLayout |
Using the current index and a key press, calculates the new index. |
calculateNavigationDestination(items:Vector$starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int, keyCode:uint, bounds:feathers.layout:LayoutBoundsResult) — method, class feathers.layout.TiledRowsLayout |
Using the current index and a key press, calculates the new index. |
calculateNavigationDestination(items:Vector$starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int, keyCode:uint, bounds:feathers.layout:LayoutBoundsResult) — method, class feathers.layout.VerticalLayout |
Using the current index and a key press, calculates the new index. |
calculateNavigationDestination(items:Vector$starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int, keyCode:uint, bounds:feathers.layout:LayoutBoundsResult) — method, class feathers.layout.VerticalSpinnerLayout |
Using the current index and a key press, calculates the new index. |
calculateNavigationDestination(items:Vector$starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int, keyCode:uint, bounds:feathers.layout:LayoutBoundsResult) — method, class feathers.layout.WaterfallLayout |
Using the current index and a key press, calculates the new index. |
calculateScaleRatioToFill(originalWidth:Number, originalHeight:Number, targetWidth:Number, targetHeight:Number) — Package Function, feathers.utils.display |
Calculates a scale value to maintain aspect ratio and fill the required
bounds (with the possibility of cutting of the edges a bit). |
calculateScaleRatioToFit(originalWidth:Number, originalHeight:Number, targetWidth:Number, targetHeight:Number) — Package Function, feathers.utils.display |
Calculates a scale value to maintain aspect ratio and fit inside the
required bounds (with the possibility of a bit of empty space on the
edges). |
calculateScrollPositionForIndex(index:int, items:Vector$starling.display:DisplayObject, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, result:flash.geom:Point, nearest:Boolean, scrollX:Number, scrollY:Number) — method, class feathers.layout.TiledRowsLayout |
| |
calculateSnapshotTextureDimensions(width:Number, height:Number, maximum:Number, supportsRectangleTexture:Boolean, result:flash.geom:Point) — Package Function, feathers.utils.textures |
Calculates the dimensions of the texture needed to display an item with
the specified width and height, accepting a maximum where the snapshot
must be split into multiple textures. |
callback — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToState |
The function to call when the state is changed. |
callback — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TouchToState |
The function to call when the state is changed. |
callBeforeOriginalStyleProvider — Property, class feathers.skins.AddOnFunctionStyleProvider |
Determines if the add on function should be called before the
original style provider is applied, or after. |
callout — Property, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
The TextCallout that displays the value of the
errorString property. |
callout — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
The TextCallout that displays the value of the
errorString property. |
Callout — class, package feathers.controls |
A pop-up container that points at (or calls out) a specific region of
the application (typically a specific control that triggered it). |
Callout() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.Callout |
Constructor. |
calloutFactory — Static Property, class feathers.controls.Callout |
Returns a new Callout instance when
Callout.show() is called. |
calloutFactory — Static Property, class feathers.controls.TextCallout |
Returns a new TextCallout instance when
TextCallout.show() is called. |
calloutFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.popups.CalloutPopUpContentManager |
The factory used to create the Callout instance. |
calloutOverlayFactory — Static Property, class feathers.controls.Callout |
Returns an overlay to display with a callout that is modal. |
CalloutPopUpContentManager — class, package feathers.controls.popups |
Displays pop-up content (such as the List in a PickerList) in a Callout. |
CalloutPopUpContentManager() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.popups.CalloutPopUpContentManager |
Constructor. |
cancelButtonIndex — Property, class feathers.controls.Alert |
The index of the button in the buttonsDataProvider to
trigger when Keyboard.ESCAPE or
Keyboard.BACK is pressed. |
cancelDrag() — Static Method , class feathers.dragDrop.DragDropManager |
Immediately cancels the current drag. |
cancelKeyCode — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToEvent |
The key that will cancel the event if the key is down. |
cancelKeyCode — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToSelect |
The key that will cancel the selection if the key is down. |
cancelKeyCode — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToState |
The key that will cancel the state change if the key is down. |
CANCEL_TIMEOUT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ToastQueueMode |
If a new toast is queued up, and any of the active toasts have a
timeout, the timeout is cancelled immediately, and the new toast is
displayed after the active toast has finished closing. |
canDispose — Property, class feathers.controls.ScreenNavigatorItem |
Determines if a display object returned by getScreen()
can be disposed or not when a screen is no longer active. |
canDispose — Property, class feathers.controls.StackScreenNavigatorItem |
Determines if a display object returned by getScreen()
can be disposed or not when a screen is no longer active. |
canDispose — Property, class feathers.controls.TabNavigatorItem |
Determines if a display object returned by getScreen()
can be disposed or not when a screen is no longer active. |
cellRendererFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.DataGrid |
Specifies a default factory for cell renderers that will be used if
the cellRendererFactory from a
DataGridColumn is null. |
cellRendererFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.DataGridColumn |
A function called that is expected to return a new cell renderer. |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class feathers.layout.HorizontalAlign |
The items in the layout will be horizontally aligned to the center of
the bounds. |
centerItems — Property, class feathers.controls.Header |
The UI controls that appear in the center region of the header. |
centerPopUp(popUp:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, class feathers.core.DefaultPopUpManager |
Centers a pop-up on the stage. |
centerPopUp(popUp:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface feathers.core.IPopUpManager |
Centers a pop-up on the stage. |
centerPopUp(popUp:starling.display:DisplayObject) — Static Method , class feathers.core.PopUpManager |
Centers a pop-up on the stage. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.DataGrid |
Dispatched when the selected item changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.DataGridColumn |
Dispatched when a property of the column changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.DateTimeSpinner |
Dispatched when the spinner's value changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.GroupedList |
Dispatched when the selected item changes. |
change — Event, interface feathers.controls.IRange |
Dispatched when the value changes. |
change — Event, interface feathers.controls.IScrollBar |
Dispatched when the scroll bar's value changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.List |
Dispatched when the selected item changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
Dispatched when the stepper's value changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.PageIndicator |
Dispatched when the selected item changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.PickerList |
Dispatched when the selected item changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
Dispatched when the scroll bar's value changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.SimpleScrollBar |
Dispatched when the scroll bar's value changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.Slider |
Dispatched when the slider's value changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
Dispatched when the selected tab changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
Dispatched when the text area's text property changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
Dispatched when the text input's text property changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.ToggleButton |
Dispatched when the button is selected or deselected either
programmatically or as a result of user interaction. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
Dispatched when the selection changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.Tree |
Dispatched when the selected item changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.supportClasses.BaseScreenNavigator |
Dispatched when the active screen changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextEditor |
Dispatched when the text property changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor |
Dispatched when the text property changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextEditor |
Dispatched when the text property changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor |
Dispatched when the text property changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.core.DefaultFocusManager |
Dispatched when the value of the focus property changes. |
change — Event, interface feathers.core.IFocusManager |
Dispatched when the value of the focus property changes. |
change — Event, interface feathers.core.ITextEditor |
Dispatched when the text property changes. |
change — Event, interface feathers.core.IToggle |
Dispatched when the selection changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.core.ToggleGroup |
Dispatched when the selection changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.core.TokenList |
Dispatched when a token is added, removed, or toggled or if all tokens
have been replaced by setting the value property. |
change — Event, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection |
Dispatched when the underlying data source changes and components will
need to redraw the data. |
change — Event, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection |
Dispatched when the underlying data source changes and components will
need to redraw the data. |
change — Event, class feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection |
Dispatched when the underlying data source changes and components will
need to redraw the data. |
change — Event, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollection |
Dispatched when the underlying data source changes and the ui will
need to redraw the data. |
change — Event, interface feathers.data.IListCollection |
Dispatched when the underlying data source changes and components will
need to redraw the data. |
change — Event, class feathers.data.ListCollection |
Dispatched when the underlying data source changes and components will
need to redraw the data. |
change — Event, class feathers.data.VectorCollection |
Dispatched when the underlying data source changes and components will
need to redraw the data. |
change — Event, class feathers.data.VectorHierarchicalCollection |
Dispatched when the underlying data source changes and components will
need to redraw the data. |
change — Event, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection |
Dispatched when the underlying data source changes and components will
need to redraw the data. |
change — Event, class feathers.data.XMLListHierarchicalCollection |
Dispatched when the underlying data source changes and components will
need to redraw the data. |
change — Event, class feathers.events.ExclusiveTouch |
Dispatched when a touch ID is claimed or a claim is removed. |
change — Event, class feathers.layout.AnchorLayout |
Dispatched when a property of the layout changes, indicating that a
redraw is probably needed. |
change — Event, class feathers.layout.AnchorLayoutData |
| |
change — Event, class feathers.layout.BaseTiledLayout |
Dispatched when a property of the layout changes, indicating that a
redraw is probably needed. |
change — Event, class feathers.layout.BaseVariableVirtualLayout |
Dispatched when a property of the layout changes, indicating that a
redraw is probably needed. |
change — Event, class feathers.layout.FlowLayout |
Dispatched when a property of the layout changes, indicating that a
redraw is probably needed. |
change — Event, class feathers.layout.HorizontalLayoutData |
| |
change — Event, class feathers.layout.HorizontalSpinnerLayout |
Dispatched when a property of the layout changes, indicating that a
redraw is probably needed. |
change — Event, interface feathers.layout.ILayout |
Dispatched when a property of the layout changes, indicating that a
redraw is probably needed. |
change — Event, interface feathers.layout.ILayoutData |
Dispatched when a property of the layout data changes. |
change — Event, class feathers.layout.SlideShowLayout |
Dispatched when a property of the layout changes, indicating that a
redraw is probably needed. |
change — Event, class feathers.layout.VerticalLayoutData |
| |
change — Event, class feathers.layout.VerticalSpinnerLayout |
Dispatched when a property of the layout changes, indicating that a
redraw is probably needed. |
change — Event, class feathers.layout.WaterfallLayout |
Dispatched when a property of the layout changes, indicating that a
redraw is probably needed. |
change — Event, class feathers.text.FontStylesSet |
Dispatched when a new starling.text.TextFormat is passed in
or when one of the existing TextFormat objects is modified. |
Check — class, package feathers.controls |
A toggle control that contains a label and a box that may be checked
or not to indicate selection. |
Check() — Constructor, class feathers.controls.Check |
Constructor. |
childrenField — Property, class feathers.data.ArrayChildrenHierarchicalCollectionDataDescriptor |
The field used to access the Array of a branch's children. |
childrenField — Property, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection |
The field of a branch object used to access its children. |
childrenField — Property, class feathers.data.VectorHierarchicalCollection |
The field of a branch object used to access its children. |
claimTouch(touchID:int, target:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, class feathers.events.ExclusiveTouch |
Allows a display object to claim a touch by its ID. |
clamp(value:Number, minimum:Number, maximum:Number) — Package Function, feathers.utils.math |
Forces a numeric value into a specified range. |
clampToRange — Property, class feathers.controls.SimpleScrollBar |
Determines if the value should be clamped to the range between the
minimum and maximum. |
cleanupEffect() — method, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.BaseEffectContext |
Called when the effect completes or is interrupted. |
clear — Event, class feathers.controls.supportClasses.BaseScreenNavigator |
Dispatched when the current screen is removed and there is no active
screen. |
clear — Event, class feathers.media.VideoPlayer |
Dispatched when the video texture is no longer valid. |
CLEAR — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType |
The FeathersEventType.CLEAR event type is a generic
event type for when something is "cleared". |
clearButtonMode — Property, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor |
Determines when the clear button is displayed or hidden by the
StageText object. |
clearDataForFormat(format:String) — method, class feathers.dragDrop.DragData |
Removes all data for the specified format. |
clearEvent(eventType:String) — method, class feathers.controls.ScreenNavigatorItem |
Cancels the action previously registered to be triggered when the
screen dispatches an event. |
clearFocus() — method, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
Manually removes focus from the text area control. |
clearFocus() — method, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
Manually removes focus from the text input control. |
clearFocus() — method, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextEditor |
Removes focus from the text editor. |
clearFocus() — method, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor |
Removes focus from the text editor. |
clearFocus() — method, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextEditor |
Removes focus from the text editor. |
clearFocus() — method, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor |
Removes focus from the text editor. |
clearFocus() — method, interface feathers.core.ITextEditor |
Removes focus from the text editor. |
clearInvalidationFlag(flag:String) — method, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
Clears an invalidation flag. |
clearPushEvent(eventType:String) — method, class feathers.controls.StackScreenNavigatorItem |
Cancels the "push" action previously registered to be triggered when
the screen dispatches an event. |
clearReplaceEvent(eventType:String) — method, class feathers.controls.StackScreenNavigatorItem |
Cancels the "replace" action previously registered to be triggered
when the screen dispatches an event. |
clearScreen(transition:Function) — method, class feathers.controls.ScreenNavigator |
Removes the current screen, leaving the ScreenNavigator
empty. |
clearStyleProvider(forClass:Class) — method, class feathers.skins.StyleProviderRegistry |
Removes the style provider for the specified component class. |
clipContent — style, class feathers.controls.LayoutGroup |
| If true, the group will be clipped to its bounds. |
| |
clipContent — style, class feathers.controls.Scroller |
| If true, the viewport will be clipped to the scroller's bounds. |
| |
clipContent — Property, class feathers.controls.supportClasses.BaseScreenNavigator |
Determines if the navigator's content should be clipped to the width
and height. |
clipDrawers — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers |
Determines if the drawers are clipped while opening or closing. |
close — Event, class feathers.controls.Alert |
Dispatched when the alert is closed. |
close — Event, class feathers.controls.AutoComplete |
Dispatched when the pop-up list is closed. |
close — Event, class feathers.controls.Callout |
Dispatched when the callout is closed. |
close(dispose:Boolean) — method, class feathers.controls.Callout |
Closes the callout. |
close — Event, class feathers.controls.Drawers |
Dispatched when a drawer has completed closing. |
close — Event, class feathers.controls.PickerList |
Dispatched when the pop-up list is closed. |
close — Event, class feathers.controls.TextCallout |
Dispatched when the callout is closed. |
close — Event, class feathers.controls.Toast |
Dispatched when the toast is closed. |
close(dispose:Boolean) — method, class feathers.controls.Toast |
Closes the toast and optionally disposes it. |
close — Event, class feathers.controls.Tree |
Dispatched when a branch is closed. |
close — Event, class feathers.controls.popups.BottomDrawerPopUpContentManager |
Dispatched when the pop-up content closes. |
close() — method, class feathers.controls.popups.BottomDrawerPopUpContentManager |
Closes the pop-up content. |
close — Event, class feathers.controls.popups.CalloutPopUpContentManager |
Dispatched when the pop-up content closes. |
close() — method, class feathers.controls.popups.CalloutPopUpContentManager |
Closes the pop-up content. |
close — Event, class feathers.controls.popups.DropDownPopUpContentManager |
Dispatched when the pop-up content closes. |
close() — method, class feathers.controls.popups.DropDownPopUpContentManager |
Closes the pop-up content. |
close — Event, interface feathers.controls.popups.IPopUpContentManager |
Dispatched when the pop-up content closes. |
close() — method, interface feathers.controls.popups.IPopUpContentManager |
Closes the pop-up content. |
close — Event, class feathers.controls.popups.VerticalCenteredPopUpContentManager |
Dispatched when the pop-up content closes. |
close() — method, class feathers.controls.popups.VerticalCenteredPopUpContentManager |
Closes the pop-up content. |
close — Event, class feathers.media.MuteToggleButton |
Dispatched when the pop-up volume slider is closed. |
closeButtonFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.popups.BottomDrawerPopUpContentManager |
Creates the Button that closes the pop-up. |
closeButtonLabel — Property, class feathers.controls.popups.BottomDrawerPopUpContentManager |
The text to display in the label of the close button. |
closeEffect — Property, class feathers.controls.Toast |
An optional effect that is activated when the toast is closed. |
closeList() — method, class feathers.controls.AutoComplete |
Closes the pop-up list, if it is open. |
closeList() — method, class feathers.controls.PickerList |
Closes the pop-up list, if it is open. |
closeOnKeys — Property, class feathers.controls.Callout |
The callout will be closed if any of these keys are pressed. |
closeOnTouchBeganOutside — Property, class feathers.controls.Callout |
Determines if the callout is automatically closed if a touch in the
TouchPhase.BEGAN phase happens outside of the callout's
or the origin's bounds. |
closeOnTouchEndedOutside — Property, class feathers.controls.Callout |
Determines if the callout is automatically closed if a touch in the
TouchPhase.ENDED phase happens outside of the callout's
or the origin's bounds. |
closePopUp() — method, class feathers.media.MuteToggleButton |
Closes the pop-up volume slider, if it is open. |
CollectionEventType — class, package feathers.events |
Event type constants for collections. |
color — style, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader |
| The tint value to use on the internal starling.display.Image. |
| |
color — style, class feathers.media.SpectrumBarGraphVisualizer |
| The color of the bars in the graph. |
| |
color — Property, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor |
Specifies text color as a number containing three 8-bit RGB
components. |
color — Property, class feathers.text.BitmapFontTextFormat |
The color used to tint the bitmap font's texture when rendered. |
color — Property, class feathers.text.StageTextField |
| |
ColorFade — class, package feathers.motion |
Creates animated transitions for screen navigators that fade a display
object to a solid color. |
column — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridCellRenderer |
The column where the cell is rendered in the data grid. |
column — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IDataGridCellRenderer |
The column where the cell is rendered in the data grid. |
column — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupDataGridCellRenderer |
The column where the cell is rendered in the data grid. |
columnDragAvatarAlpha — style, class feathers.controls.DataGrid |
| The alpha value used for the column's drag avatar. |
| |
columnDragOverlaySkin — style, class feathers.controls.DataGrid |
| A skin to display when dragging one of the data grid's headers to highlight the column where it was orignally located. |
| |
columnDropIndicatorSkin — style, class feathers.controls.DataGrid |
| A skin to display when dragging one of the data grid's headers to indicate where it can be dropped. |
| |
columnIndex — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridCellRenderer |
The index (numeric position, starting from zero) of the item within
the data grid's columns. |
columnIndex — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer |
The index of the header within the layout. |
columnIndex — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IDataGridCellRenderer |
The index (numeric position, starting from zero) of the item within
the data grid's columns. |
columnIndex — Property, interface feathers.controls.renderers.IDataGridHeaderRenderer |
The index of the header within the layout. |
columnIndex — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupDataGridCellRenderer |
The index (numeric position, starting from zero) of the item within
the data grid's columns. |
columnResizeSkin — style, class feathers.controls.DataGrid |
| A skin to display when resizing one of the data grid's headers to indicate how it will be resized. |
| |
columns — Property, class feathers.controls.DataGrid |
Defines the columns to display for each item in the data provider. |
commitData() — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
Updates the renderer to display the item's data. |
commitData() — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupDataGridCellRenderer |
Updates the renderer to display the item's data. |
commitData() — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
Updates the renderer to display the item's data. |
commitData() — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupGroupedListItemRenderer |
Updates the renderer to display the item's data. |
commitData() — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupListItemRenderer |
Updates the renderer to display the item's data. |
commitData() — method, class feathers.controls.renderers.LayoutGroupTreeItemRenderer |
Updates the renderer to display the item's data. |
compareFunction — Property, class feathers.data.LocalAutoCompleteSource |
A function used to compare items from the data provider with the
string passed to the load() function in order to
generate a list of suggestions. |
complete — Event, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader |
Dispatched when the source finishes loading, if the source is a URL. |
complete — Event, class feathers.controls.WebView |
Dispatched when a URL has finished loading with loadURL() or a
string has finished loading with loadString(). |
complete — Event, interface feathers.data.IAutoCompleteSource |
Dispatched when the suggestions finish loading. |
complete — Event, class feathers.data.LocalAutoCompleteSource |
Dispatched when the suggestions finish loading. |
complete — Event, class feathers.data.URLAutoCompleteSource |
Dispatched when the suggestions finish loading. |
complete — Event, class feathers.media.BaseTimedMediaPlayer |
Dispatched when the media completes playback because the current time has
reached the total time. |
complete — Event, interface feathers.media.ITimedMediaPlayer |
Dispatched when the media has played to its end. |
complete — Event, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.BaseEffectContext |
Dispatched when the effect completes or is interrupted. |
complete — Event, interface feathers.motion.effectClasses.IEffectContext |
Dispatched when the effect completes or is interrupted. |
complete — Event, interface feathers.themes.IAsyncTheme |
Dispatched when the theme's assets are loaded, and the theme has
initialized. |
completeScroll() — method, class feathers.controls.Scroller |
Prepares the scroller for normal interaction and dispatches
FeathersEventType.SCROLL_COMPLETE. |
condenseWhite — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollText |
| A boolean value that specifies whether extra white space (spaces, line breaks, and so on) in a text field with HTML text is removed. |
| |
condenseWhite — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer |
A boolean value that specifies whether extra white space (spaces,
line breaks, and so on) in a text field with HTML text is removed. |
conditionalFunction — Property, class feathers.skins.ConditionalStyleProvider |
When applyStyles() is called, the target is passed to
this function to determine which style provider should be called. |
ConditionalStyleProvider — class, package feathers.skins |
A style provider that chooses between two different style providers. |
ConditionalStyleProvider(conditionalFunction:Function, trueStyleProvider:feathers.skins:IStyleProvider, falseStyleProvider:feathers.skins:IStyleProvider) — Constructor, class feathers.skins.ConditionalStyleProvider |
Constructor. |
containerFactory — Static Property, class feathers.controls.Toast |
Create a container for toasts that is added to the pop-up manager. |
contains(name:String) — method, class feathers.core.TokenList |
Determines if the specified token is in the list. |
contains(item:Object) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection |
Determines if the specified item is in the collection. |
contains(item:Object) — method, interface feathers.data.IListCollection |
Determines if the specified item is in the collection. |
contains(item:Object) — method, class feathers.data.ListCollection |
Determines if the specified item is in the collection. |
contains(item:Object) — method, class feathers.data.VectorCollection |
Determines if the specified item is in the collection. |
contains(item:Object) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection |
Determines if the specified item is in the collection. |
content — Property, class feathers.controls.Callout |
The display object that will be presented by the callout. |
content — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers |
The primary content displayed in the center of the container. |
content — Property, class feathers.controls.Toast |
Optional custom content to display in the toast. |
content — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer |
Sets the contents of the TextBlock to a complex value
that may contain graphics and text with multiple formats. |
CONTENT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.AutoSizeMode |
The component will automatically calculate its dimensions to fit its
content's ideal dimensions. |
CONTENT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.DragGesture |
The target may be dragged in the appropriate direction from any
location within its bounds. |
contentEventDispatcher — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers |
The event dispatcher that controls opening and closing drawers with
events. |
contentEventDispatcherChangeEventType — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers |
The event dispatched by the content to indicate that the content
event dispatcher has changed. |
contentEventDispatcherField — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers |
A property of the content that references an event
dispatcher that dispatches events to toggle drawers open and closed. |
contentEventDispatcherFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.Drawers |
A function that returns an event dispatcher that dispatches events to
toggle drawers open and closed. |
contentField — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
The field in the item that contains a display object to be positioned
in the content position of the renderer. |
contentFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
A function that returns a display object to be positioned in the
content position of the renderer. |
contentHeight — Property, class feathers.layout.LayoutBoundsResult |
The height of the content. |
contentLabelFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
A function that generates an ITextRenderer that uses the result
of contentLabelField or contentLabelFunction. |
contentLabelField — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
The field in the item that contains a string to be displayed in a
renderer-managed Label in the content position of the
renderer. |
contentLabelFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
A function that returns a string to be displayed in a
renderer-managed Label in the content position of the
renderer. |
contentLabelProperties — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
An object that stores properties for the content label text renderer
sub-component, and the properties will be passed down to the
text renderer when this component validates. |
contentLabelStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
The value added to the styleNameList of the content
label text renderer. |
contentLoaderFactory — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
A function that generates an ImageLoader that uses the result
of contentSourceField or contentSourceFunction. |
contentSourceField — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
The field in the data that contains a starling.textures.Texture
or a URL that points to a bitmap to be used as the renderer's
content. |
contentSourceFunction — Property, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
A function used to generate a starling.textures.Texture
or a URL that points to a bitmap to be used as the renderer's
content. |
contentToContentEventDispatcher() — method, class feathers.controls.Drawers |
Uses the content event dispatcher fields and functions to generate a
content event dispatcher icon for the content. |
contentWidth — Property, class feathers.layout.LayoutBoundsResult |
The width of the content. |
contentX — Property, interface feathers.controls.supportClasses.IViewPort |
| |
contentX — Property, class feathers.layout.LayoutBoundsResult |
The starting position of the view port's content on the x axis. |
contentY — Property, interface feathers.controls.supportClasses.IViewPort |
| |
contentY — Property, class feathers.layout.LayoutBoundsResult |
The starting position of the view port's content on the y axis. |
Cover — class, package feathers.motion |
Creates animated transitions for screen navigators that slide a new
display object into view by animating the x and
y properties, while covering an existing display object that
remains stationary below. |
createActions() — method, class feathers.controls.Toast |
Creates and adds the actionsGroup sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createBlackFadeTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.ColorFade |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that hides the
old screen as a solid black color fades in over it. |
createButton() — method, class feathers.controls.PickerList |
Creates and adds the button sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createButtonGroup() — method, class feathers.controls.Alert |
Creates and adds the buttonGroupFooter sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createColorFadeTransition(color:uint, duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.ColorFade |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that hides the
old screen as a customizable solid color fades in over it. |
createCoverDownTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Cover |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that slides the
new screen down into view, animating the y property, to
cover up the old screen, which remains stationary. |
createCoverLeftTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Cover |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that slides the
new screen into view to the left, animating the x
property, to cover up the old screen, which remains stationary. |
createCoverRightTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Cover |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that slides the
new screen into view to the right, animating the x
property, to cover up the old screen, which remains stationary. |
createCoverUpTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Cover |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that slides the
new screen up into view, animating the y property, to
cover up the old screen, which remains stationary. |
createCrossfadeTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Fade |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that crossfades
the screens. |
createCubeDownTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Cube |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that positions
the screens in 3D space as if they are on two adjacent sides of a
cube, and the cube rotates down around the y-axis. |
createCubeLeftTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Cube |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that positions
the screens in 3D space as if they are on two adjacent sides of a
cube, and the cube rotates left around the y-axis. |
createCubeRightTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Cube |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that positions
the screens in 3D space as if they are on two adjacent sides of a
cube, and the cube rotates right around the y-axis. |
createCubeUpTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Cube |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that positions
the screens in 3D space as if they are on two adjacent sides of a
cube, and the cube rotates up around the x-axis. |
createDecrementButton() — method, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
Creates and adds the decrementButton sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createDecrementButton() — method, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
Creates and adds the decrementButton sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createFadeBetweenEffect(startAlpha:Number, endAlpha:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Fade |
Creates an effect function that fades the target component by
animating the alpha property between a start value and
an ending value. |
createFadeFromEffect(startAlpha:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Fade |
Creates an effect function that fades the target component by
animating the alpha property from a start value to its
current value. |
createFadeInEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Fade |
Creates an effect function that fades in the target component by
animating the alpha property from 0.0 to
1.0. |
createFadeInTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Fade |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that fades in
the new screen by animating the alpha property from
0.0 to 1.0, while the old screen remains
fully opaque at a lower depth. |
createFadeOutEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Fade |
Creates an effect function that fades out the target component by
animating the alpha property from 1.0 to
0.0. |
createFadeOutTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Fade |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that fades out
the old screen by animating the alpha property from
1.0 to 0.0, while the new screen remains
fully opaque at a lower depth. |
createFadeToEffect(endAlpha:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Fade |
Creates an effect function that fades the target component by
animating the alpha property from its current value to a
new value. |
createFlipDownTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Flip |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that positions
the screens in 3D space is if they are printed on opposite sides of a
postcard, and the card rotates down, around its x-axis, to reveal the
new screen on the back side. |
createFlipLeftTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Flip |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that positions
the screens in 3D space is if they are printed on opposite sides of a
postcard, and the card rotates left, around its y-axis, to reveal the
new screen on the back side. |
createFlipRightTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Flip |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that positions
the screens in 3D space is if they are printed on opposite sides of a
postcard, and the card rotates right, around its y-axis, to reveal
the new screen on the back side. |
createFlipUpTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Flip |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that positions
the screens in 3D space is if they are printed on opposite sides of a
postcard, and the card rotates up, around its x-axis, to reveal the
new screen on the back side. |
createFooter() — method, class feathers.controls.Panel |
Creates and adds the footer sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createHeader() — method, class feathers.controls.Alert |
Creates and adds the header sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createHeader() — method, class feathers.controls.Panel |
Creates and adds the header sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createIncrementButton() — method, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
Creates and adds the incrementButton sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createIncrementButton() — method, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
Creates and adds the incrementButton sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createIrisCloseEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Iris |
Creates an effect function for the target component that hides the
component by masking it with a shrinking circle in the center. |
createIrisCloseEffectAtRatio(ratioX:Number, ratioY:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Iris |
Creates an effect function for the target component that hides the
component by masking it with a shrinking circle at a specific position
in the range 0.0 to 1.0. |
createIrisCloseEffectAtXY(x:Number, y:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Iris |
Creates an effect function for the target component that hides the
component by masking it with a shrinking circle at a specific position. |
createIrisCloseTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Iris |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that hides a
screen by masking it with a shrinking circle in the center. |
createIrisCloseTransitionAt(x:Number, y:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Iris |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that hides a
screen by masking it with a shrinking circle at a specific position. |
createIrisOpenEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Iris |
Creates an effect function for the target component that shows the
component by masking it with a growing circle in the center. |
createIrisOpenEffectAtRatio(ratioX:Number, ratioY:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Iris |
Creates an effect function for the target component that shows the
component by masking it with a growing circle at a specific position
in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. |
createIrisOpenEffectAtXY(x:Number, y:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Iris |
Creates an effect function for the target component that shows the
component by masking it with a growing circle at a specific position. |
createIrisOpenTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Iris |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that shows a
screen by masking it with a growing circle in the center. |
createIrisOpenTransitionAt(x:Number, y:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Iris |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that shows a
screen by masking it with a growing circle at a specific position. |
createLabel() — method, class feathers.controls.Button |
Creates the label text renderer sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createList() — method, class feathers.controls.AutoComplete |
Creates and adds the list sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createList() — method, class feathers.controls.PickerList |
Creates and adds the list sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createMaximumTrack() — method, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
Creates and adds the maximumTrack sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createMaximumTrack() — method, class feathers.controls.Slider |
Creates and adds the maximumTrack sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createMessage() — method, class feathers.controls.Alert |
Creates and adds the messageTextRenderer sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createMessage() — method, class feathers.controls.Toast |
Creates and adds the messageTextRenderer sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createMinimumTrack() — method, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
Creates and adds the minimumTrack sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createMinimumTrack() — method, class feathers.controls.Slider |
Creates and adds the minimumTrack sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createMoveByEffect(xBy:Number, yBy:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Move |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its position from its current location to a new
location calculated by an offset. |
createMoveEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Move |
Creates an effect function for the target component that animates
its x and y position when they are changed. |
createMoveFromEffect(fromX:Number, fromY:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Move |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its position from a specific location to its
current location. |
createMoveToEffect(toX:Number, toY:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Move |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its position from its current location to a new
location. |
createMoveXByEffect(xBy:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Move |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its x position from its current location to
a new location calculated by an offset. |
createMoveXFromEffect(fromX:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Move |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its x position from a specific location to
its current location. |
createMoveXToEffect(toX:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Move |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its x position from its current location to
a new location. |
createMoveYByEffect(yBy:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Move |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its y position from its current location to
a new location calculated by an offset. |
createMoveYFromEffect(fromY:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Move |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its y position from a specific location to
its current location. |
createMoveYToEffect(toY:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Move |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its y position from its current location to
a new location. |
createOffTrack() — method, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
Creates and adds the offTrack sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createOnTrack() — method, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
Creates and adds the onTrack sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createParallelEffect(effect1:Function, effect2:Function, ... rest) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Parallel |
Creates an effect function that combines multiple effect functions
that will play at the same time, in parallel. |
createResizeByEffect(widthBy:Number, heightBy:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Resize |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its dimensions from its current values to new values
calculated by an offset. |
createResizeEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Resize |
Creates an effect function for the target component that animates
its dimensions when they are changed. |
createResizeFromEffect(fromWidth:Number, fromHeight:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Resize |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its dimensions from specific values to its
current values. |
createResizeHeightByEffect(heightBy:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Resize |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its height from its current value to a new
value calculated by an offset. |
createResizeHeightFromEffect(fromHeight:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Resize |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its height from a specific value to its
current value. |
createResizeHeightToEffect(toHeight:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Resize |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its height from its current value to a new
value. |
createResizeToEffect(toWidth:Number, toHeight:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Resize |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its dimensions from their current values to new values. |
createResizeWidthByEffect(widthBy:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Resize |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its width from its current value to a new
value calculated by an offset. |
createResizeWidthFromEffect(fromWidth:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Resize |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its width from a specific value to its
current value. |
createResizeWidthToEffect(toWidth:Number, duration:Number, ease:Object, interruptBehavior:String) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Resize |
Creates an effect function for the target component that
animates its width from its current value to a new
value. |
createRevealDownTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Reveal |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that slides the
old screen down out of view, animating the y property,
to reveal the new screen under it. |
createRevealLeftTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Reveal |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that slides the
old screen out of view to the left, animating the x
property, to reveal the new screen under it. |
createRevealRightTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Reveal |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that slides the
old screen out of view to the right, animating the x
property, to reveal the new screen under it. |
createRevealUpTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Reveal |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that slides the
old screen up out of view, animating the y property, to
reveal the new screen under it. |
createScrollBars() — method, class feathers.controls.Scroller |
Creates and adds the horizontalScrollBar and
verticalScrollBar sub-components and removes the old
instances, if they exist. |
createSequenceEffect(effect1:Function, effect2:Function, ... rest) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Sequence |
Creates an effect function that combines multiple effect functions
that will play one after another, in sequence. |
createSlideDownTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Slide |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that that slides
the new screen down from off-stage, pushing the old screen in the
same direction. |
createSlideLeftTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Slide |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that slides the
new screen to the left from off-stage, pushing the old screen in the
same direction. |
createSlideRightTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Slide |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that that slides
the new screen to the right from off-stage, pushing the old screen in
the same direction. |
createSlideUpTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Slide |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that that slides
the new screen up from off-stage, pushing the old screen in the same
direction. |
createStageText() — method, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor |
Creates and adds the stageText instance. |
createStageWebView() — method, class feathers.controls.WebView |
Creates the StageWebView instance. |
createTabBar() — method, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator |
Creates and adds the tabBar sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createTextEditor() — method, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
Creates and adds the textEditorViewPort sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createTextEditor() — method, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
Creates and adds the textEditor sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createTextInput() — method, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
Creates and adds the textInput sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createTextRenderer() — method, class feathers.controls.Label |
Creates and adds the textRenderer sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createTextRenderer() — method, class feathers.controls.TextCallout |
Creates and adds the textRenderer sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createThumb() — method, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
Creates and adds the thumb sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createThumb() — method, class feathers.controls.SimpleScrollBar |
Creates and adds the thumb sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createThumb() — method, class feathers.controls.Slider |
Creates and adds the thumb sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createThumb() — method, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
Creates and adds the thumb sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createTitle() — method, class feathers.controls.Header |
Creates and adds the titleTextRenderer sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createVolumeSlider() — method, class feathers.media.MuteToggleButton |
Creates and adds the volume slider sub-component and
removes the old instance, if one exists. |
createWhiteFadeTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.ColorFade |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that hides the old screen as a solid
white color fades in over it. |
createWipeDownTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Wipe |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that wipes the
old screen down, animating the y and height
properties of a clipRect, to reveal the new screen under
it. |
createWipeInDownEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Wipe |
Creates an effect function for the target component that wipes the
target component into view from top to bottom, animating the
height property of a temporary mask. |
createWipeInLeftEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Wipe |
Creates an effect function for the target component that wipes the
target component into view from right to left, animating the
width and x properties of a temporary mask. |
createWipeInRightEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Wipe |
Creates an effect function for the target component that wipes the
target component into view from left to right, animating the
width property of a temporary mask. |
createWipeInUpEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Wipe |
Creates an effect function for the target component that wipes the
target component into view from bottom to top, animating the
height and y properties of a temporary mask. |
createWipeLeftTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Wipe |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that wipes the
old screen out of view to the left, animating the width
property of a clipRect, to reveal the new screen under
it. |
createWipeOutDownEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Wipe |
Creates an effect function for the target component that wipes the
target component out of view from top to bottom, animating the
height and y properties of a temporary mask. |
createWipeOutLeftEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Wipe |
Creates an effect function for the target component that wipes the
target component out of view from right to left, animating the
width property of a temporary mask. |
createWipeOutRightEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Wipe |
Creates an effect function for the target component that wipes the
target component out of view from left to right, animating the
width and x properties of a temporary mask. |
createWipeOutUpEffect(duration:Number, ease:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Wipe |
Creates an effect function for the target component that wipes the
target component out of view from bottom to top, animating the
height property of a temporary mask. |
createWipeRightTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Wipe |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that wipes the
old screen out of view to the right, animating the x
and width properties of a clipRect, to
reveal the new screen under it. |
createWipeUpTransition(duration:Number, ease:Object, tweenProperties:Object) — Static Method , class feathers.motion.Wipe |
Creates a transition function for a screen navigator that wipes the
old screen up, animating the height property of a
clipRect, to reveal the new screen under it. |
creationComplete — Event, class feathers.core.FeathersControl |
Dispatched after the component has validated for the first time. |
creationComplete — Event, interface feathers.core.IFeathersControl |
Dispatched after the component has validated for the first time. |
CREATION_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.FeathersEventType |
The FeathersEventType.CREATION_COMPLETE event type is
meant to be used when an IFeathersControl has finished
validating for the first time. |
Cube — class, package feathers.motion |
Creates animated transitions for screen navigators that position a
display object in 3D space as if it is on a side of a cube, and the cube
may rotate up or down around the x-axis, or it may rotate left or right
around the y-axis. |
CUE_POINT — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.MediaPlayerEventType |
Dispatched when the media's cue point is reached. |
CURRENT_AND_TOTAL_TIMES — Constant Static Property, class feathers.media.MediaTimeMode |
The label displays the current time of the media content, followed by
the total time of the media content. |
currentBackground — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
The currently selected background, based on state. |
currentElementFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer |
For debugging purposes, the current
flash.text.engine.ElementFormat used to render the text. |
currentIcon — Property, class feathers.controls.Button |
The currently visible icon. |
currentIcon — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
The currently visible icon. |
currentSkin — Property, class feathers.controls.BasicButton |
The currently visible skin. |
currentState — Property, class feathers.controls.BasicButton |
The current state of the button. |
currentState — Property, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
The current state of the text area. |
currentState — Property, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
The current state of the text input. |
currentState — Property, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
The current state of the toggle switch. |
currentState — Property, interface feathers.core.IStateContext |
The object's current state. |
currentState — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToState |
The current state of the utility. |
currentState — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TouchToState |
The current state of the utility. |
currentTextFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextRenderer |
For debugging purposes, the current
feathers.text.BitmapFontTextFormat used to render the
text. |
currentTextFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor |
For debugging purposes, the current
flash.text.TextFormat used to render the text. |
currentTextFormat — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer |
For debugging purposes, the current
flash.text.TextFormat used to render the text. |
currentTime — Property, class feathers.media.BaseTimedMediaPlayer |
The current position of the playhead, in seconds. |
currentTime — Property, interface feathers.media.ITimedMediaPlayer |
The current position of the playhead, in seconds. |
CURRENT_TIME — Constant Static Property, class feathers.media.MediaTimeMode |
The label displays only the current time of the media content. |
currentTimeChange — Event, class feathers.media.BaseTimedMediaPlayer |
Dispatched when the media player's current playhead time changes. |
currentTimeChange — Event, interface feathers.media.ITimedMediaPlayer |
Dispatched when the media player's current playhead time changes. |
CURRENT_TIME_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.MediaPlayerEventType |
Dispatched when a media player's current playhead time changes. |
cursorSkin — Property, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextEditor |
The skin that indicates the current position where text may be
entered. |
cursorSkin — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextEditor |
The skin that indicates the current position where text may be
entered. |
customAccessoryLabelStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
| A style name to add to the item renderer's accessory label text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customAccessoryLoaderStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
| A style name to add to the item renderer's accessory loader sub-component. |
| |
customActionsStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Toast |
| A style name to add to the toast's actions button group sub-component. |
| |
customButtonGroupStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Alert |
| A style name to add to the alert's button group sub-component. |
| |
customButtonStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.PickerList |
| A style name to add to the picker list's button sub-component. |
| |
customButtonStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ButtonGroup |
| A style name to add to all buttons in this button group. |
| |
customCellRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.DataGrid |
| Specifies a custom style name for cell renderers that will be used if the customCellRendererStyleName property from a DataGridColumn is null. |
| |
customCellRendererStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.DataGridColumn |
A style name to add to all cell renderers in this column. |
customCloseButtonStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.popups.BottomDrawerPopUpContentManager |
Adds a style name to the close button. |
customContentLabelStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer |
| A style name to add to the renderer's label text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customDecrementButtonStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
| A style name to add to the numeric stepper's decrement button sub-component. |
| |
customDecrementButtonStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
| A style name to add to the scroll bar's decrement button sub-component. |
| |
customErrorCalloutStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
| A style name to add to the text area's error callout sub-component. |
| |
customErrorCalloutStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
| A style name to add to the text input's error callout sub-component. |
| |
customFirstButtonStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ButtonGroup |
| A style name to add to the first button in this button group. |
| |
customFirstItemRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.GroupedList |
| A style name to add to all item renderers in this grouped list that are the first item in a group. |
| |
customFirstTabStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
| A style name to add to the first tab in this tab bar. |
| |
customFooterRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.GroupedList |
| A style name to add to all footer renderers in this grouped list. |
| |
customFooterStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Panel |
| A style name to add to the panel's footer sub-component. |
| |
customHeaderRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.GroupedList |
| A style name to add to all header renderers in this grouped list. |
| |
customHeaderRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.DataGrid |
| Specifies a custom style name for header renderers that will be used if the customHeaderRendererStyleName property from a DataGridColumn is null. |
| |
customHeaderRendererStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.DataGridColumn |
A style name to add to all header renderers in this column. |
customHeaderStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Panel |
| A style name to add to the panel's header sub-component. |
| |
customHitTest — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.LongPress |
In addition to a normal call to hitTest(), a custom
function may impose additional rules that determine if the target
should be long pressed. |
customHitTest — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TapToEvent |
In addition to a normal call to hitTest(), a custom
function may impose additional rules that determine if the target
should be dispatch an event. |
customHitTest — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TapToSelect |
In addition to a normal call to hitTest(), a custom
function may impose additional rules that determine if the target
should be selected. |
customHitTest — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TouchToState |
In addition to a normal call to hitTest(), a custom
function may impose additional rules that determine if the target
should change state. |
customHorizontalScrollBarStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Scroller |
| A style name to add to the container's horizontal scroll bar sub-component. |
| |
customIconLabelStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
| A style name to add to the item renderer's icon label text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customIconLoaderStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer |
| A style name to add to the item renderer's icon loader sub-component. |
| |
customIncrementButtonStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
| A style name to add to the numeric stepper's increment button sub-component. |
| |
customIncrementButtonStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
| A style name to add to the scroll bar's increment button sub-component. |
| |
customItemRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.GroupedList |
| A style name to add to all item renderers in this list. |
| |
customItemRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Tree |
| A style name to add to all item renderers in this tree. |
| |
customItemRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.List |
| A style name to add to all item renderers in this list. |
| |
customItemRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.PickerList |
| A style name to add to all item renderers in the pop-up list. |
| |
customItemRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.DateTimeSpinner |
| A style name to add to the date time spinner's item renderer sub-components. |
| |
customLabelStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Button |
| A style name to add to the button's label text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customLabelStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Toast |
| A style name to add to the toast's message text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customLastButtonStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ButtonGroup |
| A style name to add to the last button in this button group. |
| |
customLastItemRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.GroupedList |
| A style name to add to all item renderers in this grouped list that are the last item in a group. |
| |
customLastTabStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
| A style name to add to the last tab in this tab bar. |
| |
customListStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.AutoComplete |
| A style name to add to the list sub-component of the AutoComplete. |
| |
customListStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.PickerList |
| A style name to add to the picker list's list sub-component. |
| |
customListStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.DateTimeSpinner |
| A style name to add to the date time spinner's list sub-components. |
| |
customMaximumTrackStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
| A style name to add to the scroll bar's maximum track sub-component. |
| |
customMaximumTrackStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Slider |
| A style name to add to the slider's maximum track sub-component. |
| |
customMessageStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Alert |
| A style name to add to the alert's message text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customMinimumTrackStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
| A style name to add to the scroll bar's minimum track sub-component. |
| |
customMinimumTrackStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Slider |
| A style name to add to the slider's minimum track sub-component. |
| |
customOffLabelStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
| A style name to add to the toggle switch's off label text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customOffTrackStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
| A style name to add to the toggle switch's off track sub-component. |
| |
customOnLabelStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
| A style name to add to the toggle switch's on label text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customOnTrackStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
| A style name to add to the toggle switch's on track sub-component. |
| |
customPanelStyleName — Property, class feathers.controls.popups.BottomDrawerPopUpContentManager |
Adds a style name to the Panel that wraps the content. |
customPromptStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
| A style name to add to the text area's prompt text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customPromptStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
| A style name to add to the text input's prompt text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customSingleItemRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.GroupedList |
| A style name to add to all item renderers in this grouped list that are a single item in a group with no other items. |
| |
customTabBarStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.TabNavigator |
| A style name to add to the navigator's tab bar sub-component. |
| |
customTabStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.TabBar |
| A style name to add to all tabs in this tab bar. |
| |
customTextEditorStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.TextArea |
| A style name to add to the text area's text editor sub-component. |
| |
customTextEditorStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.TextInput |
| A style name to add to the text input's text editor sub-component. |
| |
customTextInputStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper |
| A style name to add to the numeric stepper's text input sub-component. |
| |
customTextRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultDataGridHeaderRenderer |
| A style name to add to the header renderer's text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customTextRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Label |
| A style name to add to the label's text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customTextRendererStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.TextCallout |
| A style name to add to the callout's text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customThumbStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.SimpleScrollBar |
| A style name to add to the scroll bar's thumb sub-component. |
| |
customThumbStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ScrollBar |
| A style name to add to the scroll bar's thumb sub-component. |
| |
customThumbStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Slider |
| A style name to add to the slider's thumb sub-component. |
| |
customThumbStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch |
| A style name to add to the toggle switch's thumb sub-component. |
| |
customTitleStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Header |
| A style name to add to the header's title text renderer sub-component. |
| |
customVerticalScrollBarStyleName — style, class feathers.controls.Scroller |
| A style name to add to the container's vertical scroll bar sub-component. |
| |
customVolumeSliderStyleName — Property, class feathers.media.MuteToggleButton |
A style name to add to the button's volume slider sub-component. |
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