Feathers UI Roadmap

What big new features are currently planned for the next release of Feathers UI? Find out here!

Please consider all details below subject to change. Things may get bumped to future releases, or dropped entirely. Additionally, this should not be considered a complete list of what will be included, but more of a high level overview. Bug fixes and minor features may be omitted for brevity.

To learn what's new in the current Feathers UI stable release, including changes in all previous releases, see the feathersui-openfl CHANGELOG.md on GitHub.

1.4.0 (2024-2025)

  • VARIANT_QUIET added to Button and ToggleButton (no "up" skin, perfect for tool bars).
  • DrillDownItemRenderer displays a drill down icon on the right side (in addition to the existing icon and accessory).
  • MenuBar and Menu components.
  • Currently in planning stages. Stay tuned for additional updates!


The items below are being considered for future releases. There is no timeline on when they may be started or completed.

  • Declarative XML components, similar to MXML in Adobe Flex or XAML in .NET.
  • A drag-and-drop GUI builder.
  • A web store that sells premium UI components that are a bit more advanced and specialized than what is included in the free, open source framework.
  • A themes gallery.