Introduction to layouts and containers

A number of layouts are available to position and size children in Feathers UI containers, and it's also possible to create custom layouts.

There are two types of containers in Feathers UI, and certain layouts may be better suited for one type over the other.

Every layout may be used with both container types, but data containers support special layouts that are better optimized for displaying a large number of children.

Simple containers

Use the standard display list APIs to add and remove children from simple containers like the ones below.

The following layouts are best suited for simple containers.

Data containers

Components that render data collections may take advantage of special layouts that are better optimized for displaying many more children than a typical container.

The following layouts are optimized for data containers by providing virtualization and item renderer recycling.

Other containers

Some containers work similarly to simple containers, where one can use the standard display list APIs to add and remove children, but these containers have their own built-in layout and don't support custom layouts.