How to use HorizontalListLayout with Feathers UI containers

The HorizontalListLayout class may be used to position the children of a data container from left to right, in a single row that fills the entire height. Examples of data containers include ListView, TreeView, and GridView. This layout supports a number of useful options for adjusting the spacing around the container's children.

The Basics

Create a ListView container, set its data provider, and add it to the display list.

var container = new ListView();
container.dataProvider = new ArrayCollection([
    {text: "A"},
    {text: "B"},
    {text: "C"}

Set the container's layout property to a new HorizontalListLayout instance.

container.layout = new HorizontalListLayout();

By default, the first child will be positioned in the top-left corner and fill the entire height of the container. Each additional child will be positioned to the right of the previous child — creating a single, horizontal row.

The following sections will introduce a number of properties that may be used to adjust the positioning and sizing of children in the layout.


The padding is the space around the edges of the container that will contain no children. Padding may be added on each side, including top, right, bottom, and left.

layout.paddingTop = 10.0;
layout.paddingRight = 15.0;
layout.paddingBottom = 10.0;
layout.paddingLeft = 15.0;

If all four padding properties should be set to the same value, call the setPadding() method instead.

// sets top, right, bottom and left to the same value

The gap refers to the space, measured in pixels, between each child in the container. = 5.0;

Number of columns

If the parent container does not have an explicit width value, the layout will calculate its ideal width automatically. To display a specific number of columns, regardless of the width of each row, set the requestedColumnCount property.

layout.requestedColumnCount = 4.0;

An integer value is not required, so a partial row may be made visible at the end of the list, if desired.

layout.requestedColumnCount = 4.5;

If the container contains more children than the number of visible columns, the container will enable scrolling, if supported.