How to close a Callout without disposing it (or without disposing its content) (AS3/Starling version)

Normally, a Callout component will dispose itself (and its content) as soon as you close it. However, sometimes we might want to reuse it again, or we might want to reuse its content in another Callout (or elsewhere).

Close without disposing content

The disposeContent property may be set to false to tell the Callout that the content should be preserved when the Callout closes. Let's create a Label that we will show in a Callout every time that a Button is triggered.

We'll start with a simple class that extends LayoutGroup and we'll create the Label, the Button, and add a listener for Event.TRIGGERED to the Button:

public class Example extends LayoutGroup
	public function Example()
		this.autoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.STAGE;

	private var _label:Label;
	private var _button:Button;

	override protected function initialize():void
		this.layout = new AnchorLayout();

		this._label = new Label();
		this._label = "Hello World";

		var buttonLayoutData:AnchorLayoutData = new AnchorLayoutData();
		buttonLayoutData.horizontalCenter = 0;
		buttonLayoutData.verticalCenter = 0;
		this._button = new Button();
		this._button.label = "Click Me";
		this._button.layoutData = buttonLayoutData;
		this._button.addEventListener( Event.TRIGGERED, button_triggeredHandler );
		this.addChild( this._button );

	private function button_triggeredHandler( event:Event ):void


Next, in the event listener, we'll show the Label in a Callout:

var callout:Callout = this._label, this._button );
callout.disposeContent = false;

By setting disposeContent to false, the same Label will be reused every time while a different Callout shows it. Each Callout will still dispose itself when it closes, of course. Only its content will be preserved.

We have one last thing to remember; we need to ensure that the Label is disposed eventually, so let's override dispose() on the LayoutGroup:

override public function dispose():void
	if( this._label )
		this._label = null;

Close without disposing itself

This time around, let's keep showing the same Callout every time that the Button is triggered. We'll be using the the disposeOnSelfClose property.

Again, we'll start with a simple class:

public class Example extends LayoutGroup
	public function Example()
		this.autoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.STAGE;

	private var _callout:Callout;
	private var _button:Button;

	override protected function initialize():void
		this.layout = new AnchorLayout();

		var buttonLayoutData:AnchorLayoutData = new AnchorLayoutData();
		buttonLayoutData.horizontalCenter = 0;
		buttonLayoutData.verticalCenter = 0;
		this._button = new Button();
		this._button.label = "Click Me";
		this._button.layoutData = buttonLayoutData;
		this._button.addEventListener( Event.TRIGGERED, button_triggeredHandler );
		this.addChild( this._button );

	private function button_triggeredHandler( event:Event ):void


Notice that we haven't created the Label or the Callout yet. Let's do that now in the event listener:

if( this._callout )
	PopUpManager.addPopUp( this._callout, true, false );
	var label:Label = new Label();
	label.text = "Hello World";
	this._callout = label, this._button );
	this._callout.disposeOnSelfClose = false;

The disposeOnSelfClose property ensures that the Callout will not dispose itself when closed. Since the Callout isn't getting disposed, its content won't be disposed yet either. When we want to show it again, we simply need to add it back to the PopUpManager.

Similar to the previous example, we should make sure that the Callout gets disposed when our LayoutGroup is disposed.

override public function dispose():void
	if( this._callout )
		this._callout = null;

As long as the disposeContent property is set to the default value of true, the Label will be disposed too, since it is a child of the Callout.