Feathers SDK Features (legacy AS3/Starling version)
The Feathers SDK offers everything you need to build Feathers applications using MXML and ActionScript 3, including compilers and user interface components, in one open source package.
Use MXML to declaratively create user interfaces and layouts faster than using ActionScript.
Compatible with popular IDEs, including Adobe Flash Builder, IntelliJ IDEA, and Visual Studio Code.
Built on top of Feathers, Starling Framework, and a fork of the Apache Flex SDK. Targets Adobe AIR and Flash Player.
Open source under the terms of the Apache license, version 2.0.
Funded by the community. Special thanks to YETi CGI.
The following examples demonstrate a few key features in MXML:
Add children and describe layouts with intuitive XML nesting.
<f:LayoutGroup> <f:layout> <f:HorizontalLayout/> </f:layout> <f:Slider/> <f:Label/> </f:LayoutGroup>
Set properties and listen to events as XML attributes.
<f:Slider minimum="0" maximum="100" change="slider_changeHandler(event)"/>
Reference MXML components in embedded ActionScript by giving them an ID.
<f:Slider id="slider" change="slider_changeHandler(event)"/> <fx:Script><![CDATA[ private function slider_changeHandler(event:Event):void { trace("slider value changed! " + this.slider.value); } ]]></fx:Script>
Bind components to properties with simple curly brace syntax.
<f:Slider id="slider"/> <f:Label text="{slider.value}"/>
For more MXML features, see The complete guide to MXML in the Feathers SDK: