How to select (or deselect) a custom item renderer on tap or click (AS3/Starling version)

Custom item renderers should dispatch Event.CHANGE when their isSelected property changes. The list does not select an item renderer on tap or click because some item renderers might be selected with a different interaction, like a long press or a swipe. The item renderer needs to implement this behavior.

Using the TapToSelect class, it's easy to change the isSelected property on tap or click:

public class CustomItemRenderer extends LayoutGroupListItemRenderer
    public function CustomItemRenderer()
        this._select = new TapToSelect(this);

    private var _select:TapToSelect;

Deselect on Tap or Click

You may notice that the item renderer is selected on tap, but not deselected when you tap again. Generally, that's how you want a list to behave. The item renderer will be deselected when another item renderer is selected. However, sometimes the list supports multiple selection, and you want to deselect the item renderer on tap or click. Simply set the tapToDeselect property of the TapToSelect instance to true:

this._select.tapToDeselect = true;

Set the allowMultipleSelection property on the List to true to allow multiple item renderers to be selected.

Dispatch Event.TRIGGERED when tapped or clicked

All item renderers should also dispatch Event.TRIGGERED when tapped.

Similar to TapToSelect, you can use TapToTrigger to set this up automatically:

public class CustomItemRenderer extends LayoutGroupListItemRenderer
    public function CustomItemRenderer()
        this._trigger = new TapToTrigger(this);
        this._select = new TapToSelect(this);

    private var _trigger:TapToTrigger;
    private var _select:TapToSelect;

Always be sure to create the TapToTrigger instance before the TapToSelect instance so that the Event.TRIGGERED and Event.CHANGE events are dispatched in the correct order.