How to change font styles in a TabNavigator component (Starling version)

A TabNavigator component displays text in its tabs, which are sub-components of the TabBar. Let's look at how to change the font styles of the tabs outside of the theme.

The tab font styles

Using the tabBarFactory property that creates the TabBar for the TabNavigator, we can access the tab bar's tabFactory to customize the tabs. As long as we aren't setting any advanced font styles on the tab's text renderer (and the theme isn't either), we can pass a starling.text.TextFormat directly the tab's fontStyles property.

var navigator:TabNavigator = new TabNavigator();
navigator.tabBarFactory = function():TabBar
	var tabBar:TabBar = new TabBar();
	tabBar.tabFactory = function():ToggleButton
		var tab:ToggleButton = new ToggleButton();
		tab.fontStyles = new TextFormat( "Arial", 20, 0x3c3c3c );
		return tab;
	return tabBar;

If we wanted to change the tab's font styles inside the theme, we could set the customTabStyleName property on the TabBar and extend the theme.