Cross-platform GUI development with Feathers UI
With Feathers UI, developers can target a variety of platforms — including mobile phones and tablets, desktop computers, and web browsers on all types of devices.
Build native apps for iOS and Android. Compiled to C++ native code and GPU accelerated — for smooth performance. Fully supports multitouch and any screen resolution and form-factor, including both phones and tablets.
Build native programs for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Compiled to C++ native code and GPU accelerated — for smooth performance. Fully supports mouse and keyboard interaction (plus desktop monitors capable of multitouch).
Build single-page web applications (SPAs) that run in both mobile and desktop browsers. Compiled to JavaScript with smooth performance from hardware-accelerated WebGL. Includes fallback to HTML Canvas on devices where WebGL is unsupported.
The Haxe programming language
Developers can target many operating systems and devices thanks to Haxe, a flexible, powerful, and modern programming language. Haxe is strictly-typed, easy to learn, and runs basically everywhere.

The OpenFL library provides APIs for vector and bitmap graphics rendering, text layout, filter and blend mode effects, networking, user input with mouse, touch, and keyboard, an event system, and asset management. At the core of OpenFL is the display list, its scene graph that groups objects together in an intuitive parent-child hierarchy.

Build cross-platform GUIs with Feathers UI
Create stunning, GPU-accelerated user interfaces on a variety of platforms — including mobile, desktop, and web browsers.