String Formatters 1.0 for Feathers UI

Today, I'm happy to introduce version 1.0 of the new feathersui-formatters open source project, which is a port of the string formatting classes from Apache Flex (formerly Adobe Flex) to Feathers UI, Haxe and OpenFL.

This is the newest of multiple projects that I'll be releasing as part of the Feathers UI v1.0 release week celebration.

The following formatter classes are included in the library:

  • CurrencyFormatter formats a numeric monetary value, including the currency symbol (such as $ or ) and appropriate precision for things like cents/pence.
  • DateFormatter formats a date string with a specific pattern.
  • NumberFormatter formats a numeric value, including support for thousands separator, decimal separator, precision, and negative values.
  • PhoneFormatter formats a phone number with the appropriate separators/delimiters.
  • ZipCodeFormatter formats a US or Canadian postal code.

Install String Formatters v1.0.0 for Feathers UI

Form Validators v1.0.0 may be installed using the haxelib install command in your terminal.

haxelib install feathersui-formatters 1.0.0


The v1.0.0 API Reference includes descriptions of all APIs available in Form Validators for Feathers UI.

Questions or comments?

If you need some help, or want to give feedback, feel free to create a thread in the Feathers UI Community forum.