Samples (legacy AS3/Starling version)

Sample projects built with the legacy Feathers UI for AS3/Starling.

Hello World

The example used to introduce Feathers in the Getting Started tutorial.

Components Explorer

Try out each of the user interface components included with Feathers, presented in a mobile application.

Transitions Explorer

See all of the animated transitions provided by Feathers for the StackScreenNavigator and ScreenNavigator components.

Magic 8 Chat

Demonstrates how to create a mobile chat app using the TextInput and List controls.


Displays tabs in different views using the TabNavigator container.


A simple app to manage a to-do list.

StackScreenNavigator Explorer

Navigate between different screens or menus using the StackScreenNavigator container, including a history stack to go back to the previous screen.

Layout Explorer

Demonstrates each of the layouts available to List, LayoutGroup, and ScrollContainer with configurable properties.

Tile List

An example that configures the List control with a TiledRowsLayout and customizes the appearance of the item renderers.

Drag and Drop

A simple example of using the Feathers DragDropManager.

Drawers Explorer

Demos the Drawers container for mobile-style slide out lists.