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unshift(item:Object) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection
Adds an item to the beginning of the collection.
unshift(item:Object) — method, interface feathers.data.IListCollection
Adds an item to the beginning of the collection.
unshift(item:Object) — method, class feathers.data.ListCollection
Adds an item to the beginning of the collection.
unshift(item:Object) — method, class feathers.data.VectorCollection
Adds an item to the beginning of the collection.
unshift(item:Object) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection
Adds an item to the beginning of the collection.
UP — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ButtonState
The default, up state.
UP_AND_SELECTED — Constant Static Property, class feathers.controls.ButtonState
Same as the up state, but the component is also selected.
update — Event, class feathers.controls.Scroller
Dispatched when a pull view is activated.
updateAll — Event, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection
Dispatched when the updateAll() function is called on the ListCollection.
updateAll() — method, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection
Call updateAll() to manually inform any component rendering the IListCollection that the properties of all, or many, of the collection's items have changed, and that any rendered views should be updated.
updateAll — Event, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when the updateAll() function is called on the hierarchical collection.
updateAll() — method, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection
Call updateAll() to manually inform any component rendering the hierarchical collection that the properties of all, or many, of the collection's items have changed, and that any rendered views should be updated.
updateAll — Event, class feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when the updateAll() function is called on the hierarchical collection.
updateAll() — method, class feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection
Call updateAll() to manually inform any component rendering the hierarchical collection that the properties of all, or many, of the collection's items have changed, and that any rendered views should be updated.
updateAll — Event, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when the updateAll() function is called on the hierarchical collection.
updateAll() — method, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollection
Call updateAll() to manually inform any component rendering the hierarchical collection that the properties of all, or many, of the collection's items have changed, and that any rendered views should be updated.
updateAll — Event, interface feathers.data.IListCollection
Dispatched when the updateAll() function is called on the IListCollection.
updateAll() — method, interface feathers.data.IListCollection
Call updateAll() to manually inform any component rendering the IListCollection that the properties of all, or many, of the collection's items have changed, and that any rendered views should be updated.
updateAll — Event, class feathers.data.ListCollection
Dispatched when the updateAll() function is called on the ListCollection.
updateAll() — method, class feathers.data.ListCollection
Call updateAll() to manually inform any component rendering the IListCollection that the properties of all, or many, of the collection's items have changed, and that any rendered views should be updated.
updateAll — Event, class feathers.data.VectorCollection
Dispatched when the updateAll() function is called on the ListCollection.
updateAll() — method, class feathers.data.VectorCollection
Call updateAll() to manually inform any component rendering the IListCollection that the properties of all, or many, of the collection's items have changed, and that any rendered views should be updated.
updateAll — Event, class feathers.data.VectorHierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when the updateAll() function is called on the hierarchical collection.
updateAll() — method, class feathers.data.VectorHierarchicalCollection
Call updateAll() to manually inform any component rendering the hierarchical collection that the properties of all, or many, of the collection's items have changed, and that any rendered views should be updated.
updateAll — Event, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection
Dispatched when the updateAll() function is called on the ListCollection.
updateAll() — method, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection
Call updateAll() to manually inform any component rendering the IListCollection that the properties of all, or many, of the collection's items have changed, and that any rendered views should be updated.
updateAll — Event, class feathers.data.XMLListHierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when the updateAll() function is called on the hierarchical collection.
updateAll() — method, class feathers.data.XMLListHierarchicalCollection
Call updateAll() to manually inform any component rendering the hierarchical collection that the properties of all, or many, of the collection's items have changed, and that any rendered views should be updated.
UPDATE_ALL — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.CollectionEventType
Dispatched when all existing items in the collection have changed (but they have not been replaced by different items).
updateEffect() — method, class feathers.motion.effectClasses.BaseEffectContext
Called when the effect's position is updated.
updateItem — Event, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection
Dispatched when the updateItemAt() function is called on the ListCollection.
updateItem — Event, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when the updateItemAt() function is called on the hierarchical collection.
updateItem — Event, class feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when the updateItemAt() function is called on the hierarchical collection.
updateItem — Event, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when the updateItemAt() function is called on the hierarchical collection.
updateItem — Event, interface feathers.data.IListCollection
Dispatched when the updateItemAt() function is called on the IListCollection.
updateItem — Event, class feathers.data.ListCollection
Dispatched when the updateItemAt() function is called on the ListCollection.
updateItem — Event, class feathers.data.VectorCollection
Dispatched when the updateItemAt() function is called on the ListCollection.
updateItem — Event, class feathers.data.VectorHierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when the updateItemAt() function is called on the hierarchical collection.
updateItem — Event, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection
Dispatched when the updateItemAt() function is called on the ListCollection.
updateItem — Event, class feathers.data.XMLListHierarchicalCollection
Dispatched when the updateItemAt() function is called on the hierarchical collection.
UPDATE_ITEM — Constant Static Property, class feathers.events.CollectionEventType
Dispatched when an item in the collection has changed.
updateItemAt(index:int) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayCollection
Call updateItemAt() to manually inform any component rendering the IListCollection that the properties of a single item in the collection have changed, and that any views associated with the item should be updated.
updateItemAt(index:int, ... rest) — method, class feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection
Call updateItemAt() to manually inform any component rendering the hierarchical collection that the properties of a single item in the collection have changed, and that any views associated with the item should be updated.
updateItemAt(index:int, ... rest) — method, class feathers.data.HierarchicalCollection
Call updateItemAt() to manually inform any component rendering the hierarchical collection that the properties of a single item in the collection have changed, and that any views associated with the item should be updated.
updateItemAt(index:int, ... rest) — method, interface feathers.data.IHierarchicalCollection
Call updateItemAt() to manually inform any component rendering the hierarchical collection that the properties of a single item in the collection have changed, and that any views associated with the item should be updated.
updateItemAt(index:int) — method, interface feathers.data.IListCollection
Call updateItemAt() to manually inform any component rendering the IListCollection that the properties of a single item in the collection have changed, and that any views associated with the item should be updated.
updateItemAt(index:int) — method, class feathers.data.ListCollection
Call updateItemAt() to manually inform any component rendering the IListCollection that the properties of a single item in the collection have changed, and that any views associated with the item should be updated.
updateItemAt(index:int) — method, class feathers.data.VectorCollection
Call updateItemAt() to manually inform any component rendering the IListCollection that the properties of a single item in the collection have changed, and that any views associated with the item should be updated.
updateItemAt(index:int, ... rest) — method, class feathers.data.VectorHierarchicalCollection
Call updateItemAt() to manually inform any component rendering the hierarchical collection that the properties of a single item in the collection have changed, and that any views associated with the item should be updated.
updateItemAt(index:int) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListCollection
Call updateItemAt() to manually inform any component rendering the IListCollection that the properties of a single item in the collection have changed, and that any views associated with the item should be updated.
updateItemAt(index:int, ... rest) — method, class feathers.data.XMLListHierarchicalCollection
Call updateItemAt() to manually inform any component rendering the hierarchical collection that the properties of a single item in the collection have changed, and that any views associated with the item should be updated.
updateSnapshotOnScaleChange — Property, class feathers.controls.text.StageTextTextEditor
Refreshes the texture snapshot every time that the text editor is scaled.
updateSnapshotOnScaleChange — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
Refreshes the texture snapshot every time that the text renderer is scaled.
updateSnapshotOnScaleChange — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
Refreshes the texture snapshot every time that the text editor is scaled.
updateSnapshotOnScaleChange — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer
Refreshes the texture snapshot every time that the text renderer is scaled.
upIcon — style, class feathers.controls.Button
The icon used for the button's up state.
upSkin — style, class feathers.controls.BasicButton
The skin used for the button's up state.
upState — Property, class feathers.utils.keyboard.KeyToState
The value for the "up" state.
upState — Property, class feathers.utils.touch.TouchToState
The value for the "up" state.
URLAutoCompleteSource — class, package feathers.data
Creates a list of suggestions for an AutoComplete component by loading data from a URL.
URLAutoCompleteSource(urlRequestFunction:Function, parseResultFunction:Function) — Constructor, class feathers.data.URLAutoCompleteSource
urlLoader — Property, class feathers.controls.ImageLoader
The internal flash.net.URLLoader used to load raw data from URLs.
urlRequestFunction — Property, class feathers.data.URLAutoCompleteSource
A function called by the auto-complete source that builds the flash.net.URLRequest that is to be loaded.
useExtraPaddingForOSStatusBar — style, class feathers.controls.Header
If enabled, the header's top padding will be increased to account for the height of the OS status bar when the app is rendered under the OS status bar.
useFixedThrowDuration — style, class feathers.controls.Scroller
If true, the duration of a "throw" animation will be the same no matter the value of the throw's initial velocity.
useGutter — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
Determines if the 2-pixel gutter around the edges of the flash.text.TextField will be used in measurement and layout.
useGutter — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer
Determines if the 2-pixel gutter around the edges of the flash.text.TextField will be used in measurement and layout.
useHandCursor — Property, interface feathers.core.IFeathersDisplayObject
Determines if the mouse cursor should turn into a hand when the mouse is over the display object.
useLeftAndRightKeys — Property, class feathers.controls.NumericStepper
Indicates if the Keyboard.LEFT and Keyboard.RIGHT keys should be used to change the value of the stepper, instead of the default Keyboard.DOWN and Keyboard.UP keys.
useNative — Property, class feathers.controls.WebView
Determines if the system native web browser control is used or if Adobe AIR's embedded version of the WebKit engine is used.
userData — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextBlockTextRenderer
Provides a way for the application to associate arbitrary data with the text block.
useSeparateBatch — Property, class feathers.controls.text.BitmapFontTextRenderer
Determines if the characters are batched normally by Starling or if they're batched separately.
useSnapshotDelayWorkaround — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextEditor
Fixes an issue where flash.text.TextField renders incorrectly when drawn to BitmapData by waiting one frame.
useSnapshotDelayWorkaround — Property, class feathers.controls.text.TextFieldTextRenderer
Fixes an issue where flash.text.TextField renders incorrectly when drawn to BitmapData by waiting one frame.
useSquareTiles — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseTiledLayout
Determines if the tiles must be square or if their width and height may have different values.
useStateDelayTimer — style, class feathers.controls.renderers.BaseDefaultItemRenderer
If true, the down state (and subsequent state changes) will be delayed to improve the user experience when scrolling on a touch screen.
useVirtualLayout — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseTiledLayout
Determines if virtual layout should be used.
useVirtualLayout — Property, class feathers.layout.BaseVariableVirtualLayout
Determines if virtual layout should be used.
useVirtualLayout — Property, class feathers.layout.HorizontalSpinnerLayout
Determines if virtual layout should be used.
useVirtualLayout — Property, interface feathers.layout.IVirtualLayout
Determines if virtual layout should be used.
useVirtualLayout — Property, class feathers.layout.SlideShowLayout
Determines if virtual layout should be used.
useVirtualLayout — Property, class feathers.layout.VerticalSpinnerLayout
Determines if virtual layout should be used.
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